“Forget the thing that I specifically said!”
I’d say about half the women that I know would go with Mulaney (pre-him-leaving-his-wife, anyway). A sense of humor is one of the top things that women (who are traditionally but certainly not always less attracted to specific visuals than men are) find attractive in actual scientific studies that happened outside your head.
You keep saying majority with nothing to back it up, and then you downplay something like comedy, which is known to be an extremely valuable and attractive characteristic in a partner.
I’m happily married and have gone through college, so yes, I’ve had several relationships and dates.
This seems somewhat related to the current topic, but above that it’s an excuse to post some Red Green(not that I need an excuse to post random stuff in here).
Keep your stick on the ice.
Broxikor is trying and failing to link conventional attractiveness as a masculine trait.
Why yes, asking women to pick between a man with a 6-pack and a man with a beer gut with 0 other known factors, and the 6-pack will win out. Being in shape isn’t a masculine trait though.
I mean on the average yeah, but case by case there are women who’d take the beer gut. We all have different tastes, there’s lots of things in common, but nothing that’s a universal
I have it on good authority that all you need is some chewing tobacco.
Thats your level of discerniment? oh my…
AH!!! That’s the man, right there! Thank you for that!!!
I know he does the stoic thing well in the Witcher but Cavil himself is not an emotionless bore
It’s a huge tell that this is entirely Asmon orbiter nonsense because I’m pretty sure it’s a streamer or something
Indeed, but he is also someone who honours source material to the letter and wwalked away from warhammer 40k TV series once they wanted to introduce female Custodes.
It’s in the letter of the source material.
Or so I’ve heard from seeing the incessant whining about it.
Oh how cute, another silly billy who thinks 40k ever cared about lore consistency…
Uhhhh, no, no it isn’t
So you’re telling me the culture warriors were not literally crying about something GW put in a short story in their rulebooks?
So the Codices aren’t source material?
oooh a WH40k lore fight.