“I know what people say they like, but they don’t actually know what they like.”
Feels like a pretty dishonest answer to make, especially considering you’re now dabbling into psychology, which is an area where the science is inconclusive and doesn’t immediately support your argument.
I don’t even know how to begin deconstructing this absolutely terrible comparison, so I’m just not going to except to point out that comparing a man that oozes charisma (beyond his masculine appearance, I might add) to a man that has no fundamental, redeemable qualities is a disingenuous comparison and doesn’t make the point you think it does.
You’re free to try again, but at this point, you seem hellbent on making bad faith arguments so I’m not sure I’m willing to even humor the conversation any longer.
I agree with your entire post, and have no interest in DEI or “woke” conspiracy theorists. There is a logic reason why each character is playing the part they play, regardless of gender, and from a J.R.R. Tolkien perspective, it was nice to finally see “Dwarven” women with beards. I wish more people understood the validity in your post and stopped using buzzwords they do not understand for attention.
Yes, it’s a bad faith argument because the other option you gave has no character. He doesn’t have any interesting qualities beyond being a streamer edgelord.
You would have been better positioned to giving a more interesting comparison, but instead chose the most extreme example because it makes your point better.
What did they admit, that it was expensive to produce and didn’t immediately get a big audience? (Acolyte)
And concord just looks like an absolute bungle from Sony chasing live service bucks without having a good idea about getting into that market.
Not seeing anyone “Oh we were too woke and shouldn’t have cast people of a ton of different backgrounds in our sci fi series full of a bajillion different alien species, forgive us!”
The dating sim mode is gonna be out by the end of the year.
You didn’t have a point. That’s why you had to use a poor example to justify your argument.
A more interesting comparison would have been Henry Cavill vs. John Mulaney, for example. Both charismatic men, one looks more masculine, one looks more effeminate, but they both offer qualities that would appeal more to certain people.
Because i gave the example, i made it and it is not about charisma, its about how women are majority attracted to masculine men and not the “funny friend” that make her laugh.
Let me ask some questions, it looks like an ad hominem but i promise it ins’t, are you single? are you experienced with women? you had more than 5 relationships?