New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Eevee is my favorite too! And it really only matters for evolving, eggs, and charm.

But I did have a friend who his manly pokemon -had- to be males, and vice versa. If he caught a female Rydon it was tossed and a new one was caught.

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He is too OP and they don’t want us relying on him ha ha

Cancel Culture is a nothingburger.

Some idiots on twitter pretending to boycott and asking their 3 friends to do the same, and they create a bunch of bot accounts to make it LOOK like there are thousands of people up in arms over something.

Corporations need to learn that these people have no power whatsoever, and that the best way of dealing with these idiots, is to ignore them and their tantrums.

The ONLY reason cancel culture has ANY power whatsoever, is because idiot suits and ties with no internet savvy are ignorant of the facts and so they bend the knee when they throw their tantrums because they fear a PR backlash that wouldn’t actually happen.

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This is why we need more developers like Larian.

They can show Astarion romancing a bear as part of their marketing and nobody can stop them.

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Carter. All the way.

Being stuck in a bad situation with Carter, even as a nobody throwaway background character, gives you like a 95% chance of surviving.

Being stuck in a bad situation with Ripley… well, your chances of dying are extremely high during the main plot, and even if you somehow survive the main plot, as a major character, you still end up dying offscreen because an alien got to you while you were in stasis or some nonsense like that. (Absolutely criminal what those writers did to Hicks and Newt). Then Ripley herself dies in Alien 3.

Meanwhile, Carter just gives some nonsense Star-Trek quality spiel about combining the subspace capacitor flux repurposed by a Replicator with the corollary positronic Go’ald nodes using her trusty Asgardian wave emittor… and somehow you’re safe? Works for me!


LOL, ok thats a fair point. Forgot they both died in their pods.

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At the risk of triggering a few people here, Faerin’s only role is to tick as many checkboxes as possible. That’s just the way it is. :dracthyr_shrug: And even though it’s very clear the character is pulled out of a hat and has nothing in common with Lothar, she carries the name for nostalgia’s sake. It’s the same thing Disney has been doing with old movies for a few years now.


It certainly isn’t this:

You like to blame the writers but the minute you start counting how many female vs male characters there are or calling adding a disabled character a ‘cheap move’ you’ve already ruined the story for yourself.

Your brain is so poisoned by internet culture war nonsense that you can’t even try to experience new things with clear eyes and a fresh mind. You see these things and immediately have these preconceived notions of why they are the way they are and immediately pass judgment and dismiss it out of hand.

Are other disabled characters in other stories also ‘cheap moves’? How do you know people won’t find this one endearing? It’s an odd way to look at things.


Im just saying that its a weird position to be in as a psychopath hunter gunning things down because a pop up from god told me to.

At least give me an option like " ive heard this tale before " and let me old yeller them.

A lot of times when characters are killed off like that, is because actors choose not to continue playing the character in sequels. Maybe the actors for Hicks and Newt didn’t want to return?

Also, casting kids in sequels is hard. Unless you do a time skip (which would be weird as they were in pods), filming a movie takes years, and kids age rapidly. Newt’s actress wouldn’t have fit the role anymore unless they did a time skip, which again, wouldn’t make sense.

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Huh …
Only time I specifically wanted a pokemon or monster to capture, was if they had hands…

That’s it, only if they had hands.
Was more so if they can help carry stuff.

If it feels organic than it’s fine. If it feels like a DEI checklist than it’s not. I don’t have early access, I can’t judge.


Agreed. Then again, Larian had its own share of backlash. I wager the type of people who complain with threads like this also weren’t very happy with Lae’zel’s story.

Definitely represents how crazy DND players are…

I’ma be honest. And shameless in replying to myself.

The love that this comment received gives me hope. :slight_smile:

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Dnd is so good man. Still remember my first campaign. Playing a metal concert in hell for devils and eating gumbo… good times.

Illidan blind (when originally it was Uther in concept)? Cool

Zul’jin doesn’t regrow his arm? Based.

Drek’thar wheelchair bound? He served and deserves rest.

Lothar with a prosthetic shield arm? Pandering.


Ah, but there’s a REASON for that. :laughing:

Hicks did listen to her the entire time to be fair.

Homie still died xD.