New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Also its not like we dont have thousands years of data about what makes each gender attracted to the other.

And psa to everyone who doesnt know: we generally all are attracted to the same types of things.


so women wont date you if your just average looking. good to know. okay anyone below a 7/10 pack it in your not getting partners.

Some women wont date you specifically for not being 6’ dont act like its a wild concept


Given how the Horde’s been treated in the past expansions, I suspect this will mean the death of one more Horde leader.

well guess im never getting a date.

Yep, probably.

At least Varian got to go out like a Boss before this all started.

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What with the strawman? No one said never but it absolutely makes it harder.

got it if im not a 7/10 6’ + dont bother.

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Categorically untrue and a massive over-generalization.

This is what we call an anecdote.


Good job you did your virtue signaling for the day. But I am correct. I’m guessing you have little life experience.


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That sounds like a self-enforced restriction to me. If it’s a matter of being “allowed”, it’s generally not women who are saying “Don’t come to me with your feelings”. It’s, again, and even in your own words, men enforcing that standard on themselves and others for reasons outside of seeking the approval or escaping the real, valid and not perceived disapproval of women.

I have the life experience of having been a female person for fifty years. I think I might have a little bit more of an idea of what’s going on inside a woman’s head than you and your buddies based on the handful of women that you’ve taken out for drinks.

That’s not even remotely true. If I had to be with a macho “I don’t have feelings grrrr” pop-culture-version-of-masculine dude that relationship would last all of about ten seconds. I only know a few women personally who would be interested in that at all, mostly because they’ve never tried to put up with it in real life.


Sorry but its true. Do people have some personal preferences that skew from the norm? Absolutely but there are definte attraction points that the overwhelming majority share


I’m married with a 9-5 and have years of dating during/after college.

You can assume anything you want about me if it fits your narrative that you’re the only person here with any sort of life experience. You’d be incorrect.


Considering the stories we hear about a guy confiding his insecruities about being able to provide for his girl and his girl leaving him or treating him terribly it would say differently.

Or are you going to just dismiss another male view in favor of your own bias?

If you discount personal stories for men about sharing vulnerabilities with women are men just as valid discounting SA stories because its just your personal experience?


I remember when BG3 released and some people were trying to call it woke cause Gale was an absolute horndog(I think he still is, but they fixed the bug).

this has given me much to think on.

The thing with BG3 though is it’s just letting you choose whatever path you want to choose. That’s great, even for things people don’t personally like. Most people are fully on board with choice, regardless of the choice. It’s forcing it that’s annoying.


BG3 is one of the best RPGs of all time largely because of player agency, yeah.

Though people still got weird about the fact that male companions can come onto you. Especially with Gale because it’s really easy to trigger that dialogue with him, even after they fixed the horny bug.

I also remember back in the day with Dragon Age 2 people got upset that Anders flirts with a male PC, but we weren’t calling everything woke back then yet.