New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

The worst part about fallacies getting popularized in discourse outside of Intro to Phil is that every wannabe debate bro thinks everything everywhere is a debate.

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What I think is hilarious is that a lot of men try and put men’s mental health issues on women, like we’re the ones that created and enforce things like how men are and aren’t allowed to think and act on men through social pressure, but 99.997% of the time that I see guys screeching like they’re in a Bill Burr bit about guys having feelings like it’s a critical, unrecoverable flaw it’s a guy saying it.

im crashing on through.

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Yeah basically just the old storytelling of WC3/early wow, which had strong male and female characters, diverse characters, stories about redemption and loss, heroism, etc. without having forced cringe politics.


Yawn, keep trolling yourself.

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Kinda like the way that women complain they have wear make up or have to adhere to specific beauty standard set by men. Yet when you ask most men a natural look and no plastic surgery is the most common answer yet were still the boogeyman making women toruture themselves for beauty


Ad hominem exists regardless of intent.

How old are you? 12? Do you genuinely think that not being “interested” in the debate is a justification?

“I’m going to attack you and not your argument, but since I’m not interested, this isn’t an ad hominem”

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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People don’t want to watch a “hero” in their game or movie crying into his beer. They want to see him kicking butt. IRL if a guy has problems, sure go see a therapist, no one wants that in their video game.

There’s a surprising amount of FF7 gifs that have Willem Dafoe faceswapped onto the charatcers.

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Or i go play a game that is specifically for that purpose. World of WARCRAFT is not that game

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When I ask my wife she blames women not men. I think most women understand that it is women doing it to themselves.

Why not both?

I’m old enough to not confuse someone being mean to me and someone making an ad hominem, but I guess it’s less age and you learning that on reddit or something.

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Nah I’ll keep criticizing the badly conceived story because criticism works.

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uuuuuhhhh, people whine constantly about stories not conforming to the Hero’s Journey, which does mandate a low point. Anduin is at his.

Ive brought it up before but Jaina and Arthas story.

If you really just breakdown the story to its core message its a romance story with a sad ending. And i love it. I didnt hate that it made me understand the vulnerability that Jaina showed. In fact it made me appreciate how she overcame that and went on to become a badass mage


Sounds like you come from the age that dont realize words have actual definitions that you cant change

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But none of the characters in WoW are the hero no matter how much people want to make that claim. Having characters that you can relate to makes them better than Facepuncher McFacepunch who only kicks butt and never has a single problem. It is why I read books, for the characters story not just to read a book where the good guy always wins.

The opinion is you declaring that you know why they were cancelled.

Was it really decimated? Or is this just standard click bait “Such and such DESTROYS the other thing!” hyperbole?

Almost like there are sad little people with nothing better to do than brigade stuff. Since its so hard to make multiple google accounts.