New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

What the helya are you even talking about??? Her Armor was skimpy in Wrath. In Legion is when they decided to cover up her midriff.

I am super duper uber smart! :dracthyr_yay_animated:

How about you quote me and refute me? you can’t.

This encapulates the woke movement so well its funny


You know what. You’re right, I can’t refute that. Because there’s nothing there. You’ve got a list of games and a show. That’s it, you haven’t made an argument, you’ve presented no evidence, just stuff and acting like you’re a master debater.

I mean, you have a game that’s not even out that some weirdo westerners are getting offended on behalf of Japan which doesn’t seem to find an issue with it. A game that sat in development hell for a few years, came out with a generic trailer, and has a $40 price point in a genre where the standard is free to play. A smaller single player indie game but no surprise you have to act like anything not marketed at you must be destroyed or something. A Ubisoft open world game that’s not doing as well as they’d like, and a show that got cancelled after one season, like the vast majority of shows in existence.

What’s your actual point?

I feel like this is getting off-topic. That topic being people want more buff shirtless dudes to follow around.


My favorite part is that all the snowflakes crying about women in the game will still play regardless. They will call it whatever and still fork over $15 a month like everyone else. So my hats off to Blizzard for convincing a bunch of internet trolls to troll themselves.


Ah yes imagine if the LGBTQ movement was portrayed as just wanting to be a degenerate still today.

Weird how that side pushes for correct representation yet constantly strawmans and honestly is the most judgmental group


Concord and Acolyte are already canceled. This is objective information not my opinion.
Ubisoft got decimated by Outlaws.
TWW cinematic and Assassins creed shadows has a record of dislikes in their respective franchises.

Every single one of these cases proves my point.

You can’t refute me because you are dishonest and weak.


I don’t know what you’re on about but my main is on Moon Guard.

So degeneracy is in my blood.

Well atleast its on brand

No, actually, this is the reddit misunderstanding of ad hominem.

If my argument is based on you as a person, that’s an ad hominem.
If I insult you as part of my argument, that’s just being rude.

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Thats… thats not the definition of ad hominem

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People can like the game play and not like the story. People mostly criticize the story and ask them to stop forcing American left wing politics into it. The game play and raid designs etc. are still generally good.


Yes it is. If I insult you in an argument I’ve just insulted you, it’s not an ad hominem unless the insult is the actual argument.


I will underline it to make it easier to read.

What you think NOT THE ARGUMENT means? you think it mean “part of my argument”?

Or the person being rude just isn’t interested in actually arguing a point.

This is what im frustrated about. The gameplay loop is actually really fun for me but you know what would he even better is i didnt have to roll my eyes on almost every questline in the Expac. Like im not asking for emotional questlines or getting in touch with oneself to be removed but the entire expac doesnt need to be that way.


Its when somebody attack’s the person instead of the argument.