I never knew the peace sign or the Vulcan, Live long and prosper, were gang signs and I grew up with gang members.
Oh lordy lordy… great ( your diety here or lack of) a story be compelling enough to invoke emotions in the people participating.
Oh the humanity!!
What ever will we do?!
I never did either which is why I chose to not reply to the gnome
It might be rough out there in Fleet Command.
I do think there is a bit of a heavy-handedness with some.
There are several characters that essentially pass the torch/mantle to a female counterpart. I’m trying to avoid names that might give direct spoilers.
A lot of the major characters you do interact with indeed feel like they have a similar story beat in terms of “Succession.” Once or twice? Fine. But there comes a point where it feels like the teacher would reprimand you if you tried the same thing.
That isn’t to say there aren’t any male characters at all. One of the major ones kind of got demolished at the very beginning. (Again not saying who, but you will know who I am talking about if you played the intro). You do have Merrix. And Turalyon shows up.
Thrall had been absent for most of our time spent in Khaz Algar. Dagran is more of a “scholar” and that’s fine. Anduin is still finding himself.
There has been a trend in modern entertainment of the “Strong woman or Girl Boss.” The thing is Warcraft has always had Strong female characters long before any of this stuff started. And they weren’t only strong but they were compelling too.
Galadriel as written was a “Strong” character. Tolkien himself describes her being of “Strong body, mind and will.” But she wasn’t going around slaying balrogs, etc. as the Amazon show would have you believe. Rings of Power has very little to do with what Tolkien actually wrote. (Yes I acknowledge the LotR films had their own changes too). Anyway, that is a whole other discussion in itself.
I will just end with Blizzard nailed Xel’atath. Like Diablo IV’s Lilith? They made a compelling baddie.
I will continue shouting this from the rooftops until it gets through to everyone:
If you are posturing and feigning intellectual superiority on a video game forum, then you’re not actually as smart as you think you are and are seeking out validation in places where you can find it.
Only a dope would think being “intellectually superior” on the WoW forums is anything to be proud about lol
A sylvanas 2.0 that never fails, but when she fails she screams turns into fireworks and disapear…
Maybe our definition of “nailed” is different
Congrats to Magni Bronzebeard on her transition!
What do you think you’re trying to be right now then? huh bud? Yeah that’s what I thought, sit down
I don’t claim to be intellectually superior than anyone else here. I never even suggested it. I’m secure enough in my intelligence that I don’t need to brag about it to a bunch of faceless nobodies lol
Me telling you that you’re a silly little boy for acting this way is not me presuming I’m your intellectual superior, though given your remarks, I wouldn’t be surprised lmao
Repeating your opinion does not make something true.
Attacking a person and not the argument is called ad hominem.
Disparaging people who use the forum will not validate your argument.
This may shock you but smart people also use forums and also play video games.
But go on,
Keep repeating your opinion and maybe one day you will convince someone
We’ve almost got the entire circus in here.
It’s hilarious to see Twitter users with cartoon pictures insisting that Xal’atath is a success. This bubble is smaller than I expected.
Attacking a person and not the argument is called ad hominem.
Disparaging people who use the forum will not validate your argument.
If the other people actually put forth any coherent argument to debate against, I’d agree with you.
But the person in question has more or less been flippant, dismissive, and/or offered something akin to buzzword drivel that doesn’t actually amount to anything, so there isn’t an argument to refute lol
lol. Good one!
Repeating your opinion does not make something true.
This is rich coming from someone who just regurgitated a list of titles as if they were an argument. You’re really trying to act like you know how to present them when all this is is opinion and conspiracy brain.
I’m glad this thread is still here for whenever I need a laugh. Still going strong! Love it
When she became the central focus of the game’s story for like five expansions in a row, her armor got skimpier,
What the helya are you even talking about??? Her Armor was skimpy in Wrath. In Legion is when they decided to cover up her midriff.
This may shock you but smart people also use forums and also play video games.
I am super duper uber smart!