New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Who asked?

This didn’t answer the question, are women now woke? What exact percent of women should be allowed to present in video games as leaders or people of import? I mean in a fictional world where is the line on what you believe is allowed before it is “woke.” Again is there a list or just your fee-fees?

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You did sweetie

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I didn’t ask anything about social sciences. Nor would I ever ask anything of you, you’re a cretin.

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Then what kind of citation were you hoping to get? A paper on chemistry? lol

But it isn’t all female leads… so that is pretty meaningless. Dagran, Magni, Brann, Anduin, Thrall are all present in this expansion. Along with Merrix and his huge storyline with Steelvein… I am not sure what people are really complaining about.


Some form of statistic to verify what I quoted. This is obvious, you’re just desperately trying to push the same political discussions you try to force everywhere.

You brought up Kamala Harris in the Ascendance form thread.


Yeah because they look like witches and so does Kamala Harris, why does that trigger you honey


What about what I said seems ‘triggered’ to you? That I called you a cretin?

It means I think you’re stupid.

The person I quoted said “What’s wrong with all female leads…”. I was asking if they would have the same opinion if the shoe was on the other foot. Work on your reading comprehension or use AI to help you if you’re having trouble.

That I brought up Kamala Harris in a totally separate thread. Also, bullying is against TOS, I suggest you cease now before I involve my laywer

Whether something is woke or not is based on success.

BG3 - massive success therefore it cannot be woke.
Concord - massive failure therefore it is woke as heck.

You will not find any consistency with these people.

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Which is true. You even provided a reason. What about this is ‘triggering’ for either of us?

I don’t know, you are the one reacting emotionally, you tell me sweetie :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Me either, and when asked you continuously give disingenuous answers. I’m wondering if that’s not emotionally driven.

Also, you can feel free to flag my posts if you think I’m breaking TOS. That tool is available to everyone.

Ok I look forward to BTFOing you again next time you try to challenge your intellectual superiors

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I have no clue what that abbreviation means, but sure, fella.

I understood what you said, but the premise from both of you is wrong to begin with. There has never been an all female or all male ensemble in World of Warcraft. It just has never happened. Both sexes have played important parts in every expansion. So the question and your reply are both examples of begging the question. There is nothing wrong with either occurring, but that isn’t the case.

Women aren’t woke.

Artificially propping up women as flawless “Mary-Sue” characters in such as vast proportion as to seemingly replace the entirety of “equally competent male counterparts”… that, that might classify as “Woke”. This happened throughout the entirety of Marvel Phase 4, and it didn’t do well.

For the record, I think Blizzard has actually struck a good balance this expansion. Most of the newly introduced female lead characters (even Faerin, though to a lesser extent) are written to have character flaws to varying degrees.

So long as characters are legitimate characters (and not just a “token representation”), it really doesn’t matter how many of what there are… when that’s not the focus.


Take a guess, lol. I didn’t follow your argument but he’s right when he said he’s your intellectual superior.