New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Games made in Cali in 2024… you kinda know what your getting.


Everything’s made in Cali. It’s the largest Economy in the states, that’s why. Because people live there.

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Tbh I think all pitbulls should be exterminated.

Like I said, all media, not in a vacuum. If you just take Warcraft in isolation, yeah it’s not that bad, a few racial leader have been females for a while.

Changing my words. Classy.

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Woke Agenda out of a Cali company, nothing new here.


Yes you should live in shame for that. And also because you named your hunter after Drizzt.

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Are females woke now? It is so hard to keep up with what you people keep referring to as woke anymore. Is there a list I can see, or this like a feelings thing that when you dislike something you can call it woke?


It’s clear you’re part of the problem with this dumb question.


  1. aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)
  2. politically liberal or progressive (as in matters of racial and social justice) especially in a way that is considered unreasonable or extreme

At what point does the ratio of female leaders become “extreme” or feel forced? 50%? 75%? 95%? That’s subjective. Historically, for various reasons, men are statistically more common in roles of leadership.

Culturally, as of late, a lot of people (~50% of whom are men) that consume entertainment (games, movies, etc) are really tired of “representation” that hyper-prioritizes such small portions of the population.

There are numerous “woke” games that have severely bombed as of late. Diversity stops feeling diverse when everyone is presenting it in the same boring way.


citation needed


A general observation of online conversation as a whole, whether it’s focused on politics, entertainment, DEI, or otherwise.

A focused observation (such as only WoW forums, Reddit, or conservative sites) only yields an echo-chamber perspective on things.

I doubt there exists any “objective” study which provides a factual, unbiased summary of popular opinion. Though some try.


So none.


I mean a general observation is that it’s people who don’t actually know anything or care about the franchise they’re complaining about and flooding forums and such to make themselves look bigger than they are as they use various fandoms to try and push their political ideology onto the vast majority of the world.

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Not to mention this is secondhand with Rob’s biases at play.


Sounds like you don’t know anything about the franchise. The ideological shift is quite recent and coincidences with American politics.


Social sciences are bunk, you’re literally just as well off flipping a coin as you are trusting any sociological “citation”

But your ilk doesn’t care about any of that anyway, it’s all intellectual posturing, none of you are ever convinced by sources, no matter how ‘credible’


“Woke” movies and games have been bombing. The more “woke” it is, the more it has bombed. There simply isn’t enough monetary support to keep the game alive post-launch despite whatever “woke funding” it qualified for during development (see companies like Sweet Baby Inc.). Same for movies.

This isn’t rocket science. The evidence is there. Just… look. Star Wars Acolyte is another example.

Movies, games, and other media can “survive” having some “woke” concepts inserted into them so long as the “woke” aspect doesn’t become the core thing that the media is about.

Is it “the audience’s fault” that “woke” stuff doesn’t do well? Nope. Audiences aren’t required to consume stuff they don’t want. It’s a failure on the part of the business to not produce something that people care to spend money on.


Would you say the same if it was all male leads?