New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Care to back that up with a source?

Also was that evo-psych I just read? You do know disgust is also mostly learned rather than instinctual, right?

And in-group preference isn’t genetic. It’s a learned, relative behavior. Too complex to be clumsily rendered in proteins.

Yes I do hate it when people use my field to front their quack positions. If you think I’m bad, just look at statisticians.

Oh yeah, how so?

That’s not true at all, and personality is largely determined by genetic expression. Do you have kids?

Care to go back to reddit :joy:


The small hereditary portion of personality affects several values which by themselves do not constitute a personality. Some people are more impulsive than others, some people are more reserved than others. Everything outside of that, I.E: everything that isn’t animal-brain Id is nurture. Even then, your mind is stronger than your base values and is subject to change thanks to neuroplasticity.

People with an inborn phobia of spiders and snakes for instance can unlearn those phobias. Similarly, someone with initially poor impulse control can learn to control themselves.

The issue is that they were never exclusively “their” franchises in the first place. And then, down the line, if the creators of the franchise take it in a different direction to make it more overtly for everyone, that’s really their call as the creators and owners of the IP.


Bro, the twin studies prove beyond a doubt that your genetics affects the vast majority of your personality and the choices that you make.

Anyone who has kids or works with them can tell you that too btw. People mainly just learn surface level detail and ways to rationalize. The core of the brain is monkey mode autopilot.


They inherited it. Just like the monkeys inherited earth in planet of the apes


You mean the twin studies which show it’s mostly environment impacting upon your genes.

I.E. genes account for less than 50% of the variables. Furthermore, the concept of heritability applies not to individuals, but rather, to differences among many individuals. Stated in statistical terms, heritability applies to the variance of a set of observations, rather than to a single specific observation.

If that’s too many words for you. Personality is a dynamic interplay of genes and environment that is too complex for classical and simple concepts such as heritability.

And this is before we get into things like epigenetics which muddies the waters even further.

Lol, patently false.

Take this unscientific garbage to the dump.

Next you’ll be saying pitbulls learn their aggression and it’s how you raise them.


Homogenization of all our escape fantasies makes them all boring and generic.

This is the same logic that the South Park Mr Hankey episode followed where they turned christmas into something hollow because every theme from lights to trees got removed since it offended everyone.

Difference between that and reality is that it is so much more painfully slow a journey.


Pitbulls aren’t humans. But I didn’t expect much thought from someone who complains about “wokeness”.

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Yea, I forgot that you think humans are a magic animal and the only one without instincts, and everything is learned.


We have 16 billion neurons in our cortices. Dogs have 530 million. That’s a difference to the tune of 30.2 times. Our last common ancestor was also likely around 82mya in the cretaceous. That too plays a significant part.

We’re too different to make anything more than extremely broad statements

While we are, sadly, animals. You should pick a better comparison like other great apes. And even then we diverge heavily from them to the point that only broad generalizations about the mind can be made.

The irony is you can’t see the forest from the trees. “Your side” is identical in manner to the “other side” you oppose. i.e. insufferable.


^ This person openly stated racism is okay and normal.

Just an FYI