New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Creators of all sorts say all sorts of stupid things.

Even Lucas. Maybe even especially Lucas, he’s been very bitter many times about Star Wars’ fandom.

I could only imagine trying to work in SW media with all the absolute nutjobs that think its their duty to threaten and harass anyone they don’t think is worthy of their vision of the franchise.

Difference being that he actually built something that lasted.

The vitriol doesn’t speak for itself.

Just because there’s a room full of babies stewing themselves in their own self-indulgent desire to hate everything is not an indication of anything other than the same people who eek out every opportunity to put something down.

There’s some real irony in asserting having to walk on eggshells around people when the very core of this argument derives from people getting angry about the slightest bit of representation in their media.

So has Filoni. So has Disney. Hell, so has Wiseau.

with help, and the best one not being directed by him.

Star Wars isn’t exactly at its height right now.

If anything the franchises value has dipped significantly.

Neither of us have that metric. Maybe it’s available on Google, with enough digging to seek for something objective, but I’m too tired for that right now.

Though I’m not sure why this surprises anyone. The time of the family-friendly holiday blockbuster is more or less dead.

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If The Acolyte is the alternative I’d welcome him back.

Probably afew on the Disney board that are thinking the same thing.

Nah, I’m just reading what you are saying, taking out the DEI and replacing it with “Affirmative Action.”

No gotchas I’m just seeing who you really are.

:boom: :evergreen_tree:

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Im not the one afraid of words nor taking threads down nor lying,
These are the characteristics of cowardly and weak people

That is the tactic these days to deflect criticism about quality. You are this 'ist and that 'phobe. It allows them to remove accountability from themselves because they didn’t make it a bad product, no no no, it is just those 'ists and 'phobes that don’t like it.

Then the show gets cancelled because ratings tanked or the movie sequel doesn’t get the green light because the first one lost money or whatever and they act all shocked and surprised. Oh no! It must be Putin in there making all those movies studios cancel all these great projects, yeah that is surely it!

Its a clown world out there.


Nailed it.

Heres hoping the trend dies so we can get some decent entertainment again.


Wouldn’t they just wanna make products that make the most money regardless of audience?

They should, but ESG is driving a lot of these decisions. You are starting to see things turn around, look at Bud Light, Harley, a few others recently that started dropping all their DEI programs once they started getting push back.

It is pretty entrenched in places like Hollywood, TV, and video games that are going to take a long time to shake out. But yes, eventually the need for revenue will override their desire to virtue signal.

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Where is Greymane? Did he give away the crown just to do even less? My king what did they do to you? Where art thou being kept prisoner? Somebody send for my king, I fear for his safety.

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Alas another awesome character laid to the wayside. So much wasted potential.

Of course he relinquished his throne to Tess, too.

who the f said anything about validation? i miss the days where people played a game for the ENTERTAINMENT and didn’t nit pick/complain about every little miniscule feature as if having an all female leads, or a questline with a gay couple actually affects them whats so ever. everyone needs to just play the game for what it is… Entertainment. jfc.

When haven’t they ever wanted to be centre of attention? I expect this to be the new normal for blizzard.

I never saw any proof for the

So as far as I’m concerned, great men were pushed out the door to be replaced by multi coloured haired feminists.

Of course it is. It reflects in their story. Most from the LEFT that disagrees with alternative views always migrate to buzzwords which these are badges of honour for us normal people.

This is why we will continue to receive single brain cell story telling from this company. They sit around a board room thinking of ways to relate to the far left narrative and apply that to story telling. The issue is, the story comes across as forced, cringe and just puts those that they’re trying to appease to as weak and pathetic.

There is 1 thing that revolves around the development of this game since those great hard working men lost their jobs due to false allegations, box ticking. Also known as: virtue signalling.

This will be flagged and that shows that I’m speaking the truth.