New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

A child’s understanding of it, yes.

If the shoe was on the other foot and all the leads were male, you’d be screaming about a lack of diversity.

Somehow, having all girls is more diverse than a 50/50 split.



all right if we’re gonna trot out the “generic elf” complaint trope. ahem
let’s see.
varian-generic angry male human warrior.
malfurion-generic elf druid who has trouble paying attention.
jaina-generic human female mage who gets in generic tragic relationship with a generically corrupted human male paladin.
arthas-same complaint in reverse.
gazlowe-stereotypical greed driven goblin.
greymane-sterotypical revenge fueled human.
lets see OH
muradin bronzebeard-dwarf with stereotypical love for drink and closeness to his comrades and not much else of note.
i can keep going.

Quite alot to be honest. The same could be said for all male leads however. In all things balance.

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It is? :open_mouth: What about a 48/52 split?

Bingo. This is what the real issue is. The problem that has killed beloved franchizes. You have mediocre characters, often at best, cause there are some characters that are so bad out there it makes my bum itch, but the moment you raise the issue of quality, certain people accuse you of being a woman hater, or a racist or whatever. This is the norm.

For example, some time ago I brought up the Arathi girl. I called out their cheap move to make her disabled and pointed out that they missed a great opportunity to endear this character to the player. Guess what the response was?


You take your eyes off the forum for a bit, come back… and everything’s on fire. :joy:

It’s going to be fun reading the reviews for TWW in the coming weeks.^^

it was on fire since 7 this morning.

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Yeah? What’s the mature version of it then?

Nothing wrong with all female leads, the problem is Blizzard writers are horrible. You usually end up with these girl boss characters that seem completely incompetent and the only thing propping them up is the fact the male characters are written to be even worse lol.


If you want to be totally fair, and give everybody fair representation, you’d be aiming for an equal split.

Now, if you want it to be organic and you want it to be realistic, then it wouldn’t always be an even split, as historically, there were far more male leaders than female leaders, but I could understand the desire for a 50/50 split in a video game that doesn’t have to be 100% realistic.

Or at least something close to that.

But the OP does make a fair point in that it seems like in TWW, the majority of the main characters by far, are female and what male characters exist get killed off or they are barely even present in the story from what I’ve seen thusfar.


Dude look at the acolyte lol. The writing in that was beyond aweful. However if you point out one character in the show hadn’t been born for 50 years according to lore you are a misogynist or hate women or some other bs.

Or the fact supremely powerful space whitches who can birth twins into existence with the force are unable to put out a fire…


There’s also the fact that the game is overwhelmingly Alliance-centric and has been since Legion. Another problem of Blizzard’s writing team.

Are there any ppl who care about that…?

I mean my best was some random pokemon I barely remember but my favorite was a female eevee because they are my favorite.

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On the other hand, isn’t a character that loses a limb in war - making the best of it and still find a way to fight with a missing limb a long standing trope in action/adventure stories?

Thank Mickey that trash heap got cancelled lol.


Don’t forget Kadgar.

This world infact still has justice lol.

Khadgar? You mean the dude that gets axed right at the start? lol