New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Sure, friend.

He’s been gone for a few years now, stuff changed while we has away.


it’s because its not really a real monetizable genre. like at all.

I am not. She’s very generic and often I get the impression she’s there to make Alleria look more interesting than she is and let’s be honest, Alleria is not very interesting. Especially next to Sylvanas for example. Generic elf girl who loves human male gone wild. To me, cause let me make it perfectly clear, this is my opinion only, she’s not remarkable at all. And I haven’t met Skitter yet, I just got to the second zone. The first zone was, well, not bad, but again, nothing remarkable about it or the characters in it.

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Don’t blame you.
I don’t know many places myself das good.

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It’s weird how much some people obsess over this stuff. I get the feeling most of the unhappy people in this thread don’t have the same complaints when their trashy f2p gacha game is all females though. :thinking:

I don’t care if my Pokémon are male or female in GO.

Yea but no 1 takes those games seriously. Most dont even have story lol.

Not to mention the incomparable Samantha Carter.

As Jack O’Neal said, “Next time there’s a problem on Atlantis, just send Carter.”

So they did.


I don’t like this. Male characters can be written like a wet fart in the wind and people are okay but female characters have to uphold some kind of standard.


Omg samantha mf Carter! Jesus that woman is fing legendary!

Hard choice between her and ripley if im stuck with aliens

Prolly ripley tho. Hard to beat a machinegun-flamerthrower.


And how much is that? Cause all I’m seeing here is people pointing out that there are just too many, not much else.

This is a better argument to have about WoW’s storytelling, IMO, instead of weird incel whining (not saying everyone has that issue, just a very vocal worgen or two).

Although, personally, I’ve been enjoying the TWW story. I wouldn’t say anything about the Earthen are memorable though, except how annoying their voices are. Really digging the development of the Dwarves we already had, though.

I think Alleria is kinda annoying, but that’s usually elves, right? Always thinking they know best and being condescending little… Well, you know…

Most of the other major lore characters are kinda just “there” though, aren’t they? IDK, I’m really enjoying playing it. Only reason I’m not on right now is because my wife and I are experiencing it together for the first time, and she’s working for the next couple of hours. But that itch, that jones is definitely there.

I love Ethan Winters! :heart_eyes:

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Regular reminder that Samantha Carter destroyed an entire enemy fleet by BLOWING UP A SUN.


Yep! She also programmed the stargate to dial all gates simultaneously. God i love her.

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So just exactly how many is too many? A specific number. What should the limit be?

It’s not mutually exclusive to one gender, male characters are also criticized in many cases for terrible writing

What people are criticizing is how in some cases “women empowerment” has been used as an excuse for bad writing

Now I am not saying anything specific about Warcraft writing of women, it’s just a general thing I have noted in media


1 and 1. Equality, right?

There’s a lot of us who can’t stand Anduin and wish he would just go away. I would trade him for Varian in the blink of an eye.