New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Thing that has never stopped a studio/network from binning a show.

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Actual clown behavior. Dude knows we can’t quote it because the thread was deleted, so now he’s acting like he never said it lmao


Well what matters is that it has and likely will never see the light of day.

Conclusions will be drawn as to why.

I mean, figuring the standard it costs more than reality tv to make and wasn’t a smash hit so even if it did decently in views it probably would have gotten canned. Tale as old as TV.

You’re the one pushing the narrative about it

I don’t think that was the issue, as it appears they let the creators do whatever they liked.

Haha, I’m not going to be the one pushing it. It’ll be the creators trying to weasel their way out of any responsibility.

Sorry, but presuming a show was canned because it wasn’t good is the most asinine argument to make, and one that’s easily disputable when you look at TV shows like Freaks and Geeks and Firefly, which were excellent shows cancelled after 1 season.

Conversely, you also have shows like The Walking Dead, which went on for 8 seasons too long despite being garbage after season 3. The length of a TV show’s run is hardly indicative of anything.


The vitriol speaks for itself.

Just how it is.

What? That a story based series that requires actors, SFX and sets costs more to make than shoving a bunch of 20 somethings in a house with cameras or such? It’s been a problem for sci-fi/fantasy style TV for years, there’s cheaper stuff to make that people will watch, and the networks care more about profit than making art.

Ard already seemingly came out in favor of that one.

They wasted 180 million and still screwed it up.

Somebody has to pull the plug if nobody owns up to it, which is what happened.

What’s done is done and if its used as evidence to prove that their style of storytelling lead to its demise, then people will do so to discredit other media following similar trends.

According to your bare assertion.

It was canceled.

I don’t need any further proof.

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And as I said before, I need no further proof that you just want things to trash and aren’t in it for enjoying things.

What is it being canceled proof of, Ard?

That it was rubbish.

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I provided an example of a show that would have died had it gone to any other network. This show went on for 10 seasons because of their start on Showtime.

You did not respond. I can find other examples, if you’d like. It’s a pretty common story that shows with excellent ratings still get shut down - ratings do not equate to profit.

Which equates to making excuses rather then admitting failure or owning it.

What does? Be clear.

Keep kissing up to those corporate overlords to know best.

If the show was good, it wouldn’t have needed 180 million to make it good.

That it needed 180 million or more and it still failed shows that it wasn’t administrative factors that led to its downfall.

Unless of course they want to go bankrupt making these things, which would be no skin off my back but I guess somebody has to have some basic business sense at the end of the day.

The point was to take as much creative liberties as they possibly could to inject as much terrible fan fiction, tokenism, DEI nonsense, etc as possible while operating under the “It was in Tolkeins Appendices therefore its open to interpretation”.

Its garbage and you know it.

Just like how the main character in the “War of the Rohirrim” anime is based on 1 sentence of an unnamed daughter of Helm Hammerhand in an Appendix.

So they could bastardise the lore and make an “all female tribe of riders” which never existed in that culture.

Lol. Once again you weasel away from reality.

Yeah. Disguise it as ‘fish out if water’ all you want, meanwhile the interviews and reports, articles, etc all exist and reveal a more accurate reason why they chose Yasuke.

Eh. As fun as this has been, there is no arguing with fools. :v: