New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Arguably the most cringe part of W3 with the wisps appearing to bedazzle Archie to death. LoL

But do you think that will make WoW’s writing better?

Personally, I don’t think harping on a motif for 20 years is conducive to decent storytelling, especially if it’s a story attempting to move forward in some capacity. You can’t have a story move forward if you continue to circle back around to the faction conflict, because where would you go with it after you’ve covered it for the 6th or 7th time? What could you possibly bring to the table that would make it more interesting than the last?

And also, have we forgotten Battle for Azeroth this quickly? Blizzard reintroduced the faction conflict with BfA, and it was by all accounts terrible.


It is, at its core, the entire plot. That’s what Medivh was trying to accomplish the entire time.

Isn’t that basically what he did? Jaina went back to “rally the troops” while Anduin is hanging around moping.

You make some good points. I disagree but I like your take.

I think faction conflict can endure if written well. Like another poster said, factions coming together occasionally to thwart a world ending event is ok but to be friends and holding hands through the entire expansion is max cringe. I literally did not want to accept quests from horde NPCs but it was part of the main story line. I hated every second of those quests. Same goes for the Nerubians. I wish there was an option to decline the quest and attack them. All spiders should die!

So DEI = Affirmative Action right?

Why is this bad?

Maybe, but a faction conflict is only as interesting as the stakes at play with its narrative.

I think we saw the maximum threshold of those stakes with the torching of Teldrassil and the plague bombing of Undercity, and so again, it begs the question of what they could possibly do next. You can only destroy so many cities before it becomes repetitive. The most they could do is destroy the faction capitols (Stormwind and Orgrimmar), but I think that would be extremely unlikely.

Another one fishing for “Gotcha’s” lol.

DEI is the death of creativity, just look at Rings of Power, most recently episode 4. Female Frodo and Female Sam are in a desert, likely in an Easterling Kingdom, yet still a melting pot of ‘diversity’ and not exclusively Middle Eastern - looking people as per Tolkein.

Something tells me that’s right up your alley.


Thats the ONLY way to make it well written.

Alliance vs horde is THE PREMISE of warcraft. Only twitter users with a cartoon picture disagree with this.

Yeah male leads do seem pretty soft anduin and thrall in particular. They will surely do something super cool and stuff…I think, eventually.

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only if this leads to a sacrifice, theres no such a thing as being sucessfull being a male for the new devs.

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Its not if the writing is good. The problem is when you have writers that think DEI is story telling. “Look at all the boxes we checked isn’t it great?”

It is the difference between House of the Dragon and Rings of Power. No one complains about black Velaryons or lesbian girl bosses because the writing for that show is good. RoP, not so much.


if you hate women just say so. I for one cant wait for Xal’atath to step on my face

Xal will let you escape because she’s going to supposedly wipe them all out at once like the average cartoon villain.

Once more I note a criticism without body to it, there’s a fig leaf of “I think it was here despite not knowing so its wrong” but just an empty statement of lack of creativity with no actual explanation of what was wrong other than the characters being there.

We will all find out in the end she was just “misunderstood”. It was the men that made her do bad things. It is basically the same plot as every Marvel movie since End Game.

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If I need to explain to you why having multiple different races in an Easterling Kingdom, within Middle Earth, goes against Tolkein himself - furthermore, if you genuinely need explanation as to how DEI destroys creativity;

You are far, far denser than I originally thought.


Because Tolkien never wrote anything about people travelling to lands that they aren’t from ever.

You’ve got nothing. Just some talking points from people who act like they know stuff that they don’t. Like how you’re acting like there’s any sort of strong statement from Tolkien on the Easterlings, a group he barely touched on.

Acolyte, Concord, Dustborn, Assassins Creed Shadows, Outlaws, WoW TWW cinematic high ratio of dislikes

Want more body? literally DEAD games


Nailed it.
What we end up with is banks designing video games. ESG scores have destroyed so much creativity.