New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Have you even played Orcs & Humans?

So you stopped paying attention almost 30 years ago?


Didn’t you just make a thread an hour ago with a spiel about how your criticisms with WoW had nothing to with real world politics?

Funny. It’s almost like you were being blatantly dishonest.


You don’t get it, bro, he just means the story is bad.


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I thought you guys were supposed to be outraged at that because there are diverse space marines and a trans woman was one of the writers?

Or did they drop that

You wont sway me agents of the system!

gets the spray bottle

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Complete and utter murder and destruction of innocent civilians and children in Stratholme ring a bell?. Committing war crimes I guess isn’t “war” enough for you? Opening a beach head in northrend and fighting waves of nerubians and undead not “war” like enough for you? Lol


Why wouldn’t I be? everything I said objectively happened

Why are y surprised?

What was the ‘war’ part of this?

Which war crimes? There was no war.

You don’t remember the context of this part of the game, do you? Like, at all.

Or maybe, just maybe, you guys don’t know what war is, either.

What do you mean diverse space marines? And who cares who writes it as long as it’s good?

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Gadriel and Chairon.

Twitter grifters.

Pretty disingenuous and bad-faith comparison to make considering WoW’s departure from what it was in 2004 isn’t even remotely that extreme.

And Taylor Swift has made several genre shifts over the years. She was a country singer who turned into a popstar who has now pivoted towards more folk-like pop. She has completely deviated from the sound that made her famous in the 2000s, and she isn’t any less popular for it.

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100% agree. Horde vs Alliance should be at the core of everything WoW. Leave the friendship is magic bs for the side quests. TWW has no sense of danger or threat. Tricksy McGuffin err Xalatath is just plain bad writing. Need the heroes to lose a battle, have Xal show up. And the paper thin motivation of Alleria is just boring. Like you said before Nerubians are supposed to be the big bad in this expansion but we’re making deals and hanging out in their market. Just stupid. You didn’t see WW2 allies hanging out in Berlin buying blintzes…just moronic writing all the way around and removes any sense of dread or doom.

I’ve said this before but now that we are passed all previous Warcraft lore the writers are just making crap up like Season 8 of GOT or SW sequels. It’s just…bad.


Side quests like the entire plot of RoC, right?

Where everyone comes together to stop Archimonde?

That kind of side quest?

Alliance between Ally and horde should happen, but it has to be special not the standard.

How are they diverse?

And? Does that turn orcs blue or goats red? At the end of the day, everyone goes back to their Horde or Alliance home.

They aren’t white. So these people get angry about it.

It means there wasn’t much ‘brutal war’ to speak of.

Are you going to keep grilling me about questions that have answers had you read the context of anything you responded to?

I didn’t know the forums reached alternate realities.

The issue tends to be a certain vocal minority that decides rather arbitrarily whether something is written well or not based on how much they want to like it.