New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

We’re at the “This noise was old during the gamergate/sad puppy tantrums and you’re still trying to make this a thing?” stage.

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It is a thing. You can agree with the thing or not, but Blizzard is actively saying it’s a thing and I have no reason to believe they’re lying to me.


The only thing here is a dedicated campaign led mainly by grifters to get patreon bucks by riling up the rubes to think there’s some big gaming conspiracy.


That sounds like something that someone part of a conspiracy would say! :eyes:


Okay, so we’re still at the “it’s not happening” thing, even though the company itself is saying it’s a thing they’re actively engaged in. Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. I’ll try to be less conspiracy brained by ignoring what they’re posting on their own website.


Yes yes, it’s so horrible that they put out a statement saying they’ll try to make their product as appealing to as many people as possible, and try not to be offensive.

Or is that the problem with the statement there?

I mean here is the thing, for those who care so much about having female leads and such and about there being too many. Like grow up and grow some maturity. Complaining about all female leads is like a 5 year old complaining they didnt get candy(more male leads). Like its a story and its pixels it shouldnt hurt your ego that much. Like if so many of these posters claim to be so “masculine” then do what i do and actually live by it and not care or let ot bother you who the lead characters are.

Man, you really have to make up your mind. So now it is happening and it’s a good thing? Or am I a conspiracy theorist? The statement is about their design philosophy and ideological stance as a company. Where we’re analyzing why the IP has changed so drastically I think it’s a pretty relevant thing to look at.

Remember, something made for everyone is made for no one. Bland, boring, watered down and safe.


Does it though? Passive “yeah this is fake”?

All we have to do is shrug and wait for it to come out when people have nothing to show for all the money a few people have made off of idiots with disposable income.

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What is happening?

Writers are free to write more types of characters? Corporations have switched from demanding characters who tend more towards blonde white conventionally attractive people to get sales to wanting a broader range of things to draw in more people that way? Sure, that’s happening.

Still not sure what’s you think is going on that has your shorts in a bunch.

As long as rage baiting for clicks is profitable, the grift will churn for eternity.

These men have no idea how much they are emasculating themselves by whining about video game stuff on the internet. It’s pathetic.

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Okay, so now I’m not a conspiracy theorist. It’s happening and it’s a good, or at least neutral, thing.

There’s been a fundamental tone shift in the IP and Blizzard is telling us why. You can like that, not care or hate it, but people are going to notice. People who liked the IP for the brutal war focused masculinity fest that it was probably wont love the new direction, and that okay. They aren’t bad people for that. They are allowed to voice their opinions.


No, you’re a conspiracy theorist.

This is basically I said “Yes, the moon is far away and it takes a considerable amount of work to get there” and you’re all “So you admit they faked the moon landings!”

When was it ever that?

The first two RTS games were not brutal masculinity fests. I mean, the only way the first one was brutal in how slowly things moved compared to other games. There was plenty of silliness and women in the bit of story that was in the games.

And WC3, you mean the game that was probably one of the first big properties to start up with the “what if orcs weren’t just evil” theme. Almost like it’s always been like this and a bunch of nitwits who don’t really care about the story are complaining because of other outside bad reasons.

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This stopped in Warcraft 3.

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Men are allowed to enjoy things. Men are allowed to dislike the creative direction of something they enjoy. There’s nothing emasculating about that. If Taylor Swift started writing exclusively death metal songs instead of pop to get more male fans and her mostly female fanbase was upset I wouldn’t fault them for that. She’s allowed to do it and they’re allowed to dislike it. They’re allowed to talk about how much they dislike it. That’s totally normal.

And you’re disingenuous. If you enjoy the new direction just admit it and move on. That’s fine. All I’m saying is that the company is making creative decisions to achieve their stated ideological goals and some people aren’t going to like it. You calling me a conspiracy theorist when they’re openly posting on their website what their goals are is honestly embarrassing.

Anyway, as fun as this has been I’m going to go back to Space Marine 2. Just know that I’m objectively right about everything all the time and all of my takes are hot. Love you and remember, in WARcraft everything can be solved with the power of family and friendship <3


Blizzard’s current story employees don’t understand what war is, their product are for the 1%


What new direction?

This Tauren literally took the wrong pill. Snap out of it!


Previous Blizzard’s didn’t either. It was “orcs mean and evil, humans good and just” until warcraft 2 where it was “orcs corrupt” “humans pure”

In Warcraft 3 we got a bunch of togetherness stories and character arcs. WoW was built on War3’s framework, not War1 or 2’s.

This is how the story is suposed to be. The good “green humans” is a new thing that only exists in this universe influenced by real life politics.

Blizz just made them good because elf horde players complains about horde direction, when they shouldn’t even be in the horde in the first place.