New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Let us be real for just a moment. None of the ladies have anything on our Queen and true leader Sylvanas Windrunner. My god she was beautiful and powerful. Look what they did to her…THAT, is something to complain about.

I believe when the Horde/Alliance actually need something to get done, they will bring her back. They are nothing without her.

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Just because someone doesn’t agree with YOU, doesn’t mean there is something wrong with them. What are you? the feelings police?

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More like moral Gestapo.

Troll Troll Troll, yawn

Oh, but now we have “Yet-another-edgy-elf-archer-lady”…

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I just had an idea, no one is capable of taking her out so they must bring the Queen back to do it. The showdown. The forsaken will be victorious.

Mein gott im himmel!

or Inquisitor Obi-wan Sherlock Clousseau. Very intelligent and subtle stuff.

I feel people are taking that universe way too seriously and all the satire and fun is being sucked out of it more and more.


It doesn’t.

Sylvanas was never for the girls and women who play this game. She was an absolute badass in WC3 and Vanilla, and we loved her, but she wasn’t for us. She was always supposed to be the beautiful and slightly scary, unobtainable goddess trope.

When she became the central focus of the game’s story for like five expansions in a row, her armor got skimpier, her boobs got bigger, and her angsty damsel energy turned into the crazy girl who burns the world down trope. Literally.

She wasn’t for women. She was for fantasy genre and anime-loving men.

Lilian Voss is the best female character in the game from a “let’s get the ladies to play” perspective. Best story and writing of any woman in all of the WoW universe. Lilian Voss. I don’t know if she was written by a woman, but she definitely appeals to a lot of us because nothing about her story is about her boobs, her power, or her ability to manipulate men (which is a trope that exists to satisfy male fantasies, not ours). Everything about her story is just…her goals, her personality, her history, and her deeds.

What gets women to play video games is, oddly enough, the same set of features that get men to play video games.

Quality writing. Comprehensive and stable lore. Cohesive and beautiful world and level design. Gameplay that hits the sweet spot between challenging and frustrating. Character customization. Immersion.

WoW has a flavor that attracts players of both sexes, but the storytelling has fallen short for all of us for a long time.


fantasy knows not the restrictions of things like less muscle density or muscle mass, potions and years of living with elves will do that to you. im by no means woke…but im ok with this.

I think Fieren was written well. But I agree with Aleria. I dont like anything about her new direction at all. Outfit, dialgue, emotions, none of it.

I didn’t recognize her with out her hood. Wish we could get her hair though.

The forums are bad. Probably a bug or trust level thing. works for me

Competency crisis incoming.


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i dont recgonize her period. shes hot garbage now.

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You should read the Eisenhorn series. Serious, but not overly so. While it’s drifted away from the over the top satire of the original Rouge Trader days, that’s not a bad thing. Just stay away from the grim derp and you can still enjoy it.

I think both are bad, I like Alleria relationship with Turalyon btw

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The WOW is female.

Did they hire Kathleen Kennedy?


they… really blurred this out?

That’s it. I’m starting my own gaming company.