New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Can you explain why any better than the other people I see trashing it emptily?

Actual explanation, not just a recitation of categories of complaint.

Like saying “Lt Mary Sue is a Mary Sue” is just the start, and empty on its own. “Lt Mary Sue is a Sue because she’s better than Scotty at engineering tasks, finds some medical issue that Bones missed, knows more languages than Uhuru, is beloved by nearly everyone only disliked by the bad characters (who are bad because they don’t like Mary Sue) has Spock and Kirk fighting over her, and when she dies tragically the whole ship mourns her loss for the rest of the mission” is explaining the issue.

I mean, right now I’m doubtful since you’re sounding like all the other people who are trotting out complaints designed from the same checklist.

The buildup is boring and terrible through the questing experience.

Earthen are flat as a race, Xal and Alerria are just dancing around committing to no actions or consequences that really matter, Hallowfall is a joke as far as the conflict is concerned, Azj-kahet undermines the entire basis of the expansion and the Stormriders are just another footnote.

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As long as the characters and plot are well-written, whether they are female or not should be irrelevant unless it’s pertinent to the character/their plot.

In what way do you find them flat?

I’ll admit, I’m a sucker for constructs dealing with new found freedom and finding a new path after breaking away from their designers, so there’s some interesting notes there. Not the best of the concept, but not bad.

To be fair on this part, we have just started the story, there’s still a few big patches to go through for the story to get fleshed out more. And there might even be more smaller lore drops laced throughout this patch like how this week’s one weekly dropped some new titan info.

You know what I said about explaining things and not just listing an issue in a vacuum?

And curious how A-K undermines it already.

They’re a recycled race option visually speaking, that don’t have anything intriguing or interesting about them.

I don’t tend to find any connection with something that has more kinship with a conveyer belt mentally.

Fair enough, not gonna argue personal taste.

But seriously, this is not a setup for a gotcha. Just something I’m not sure what you’re referring to and am curious what I’m not seeing for why you say Azj;kahet undermines the basis of the expansion

We’re sold on the basis that the Nerubian are the threat for this expansion…and they’ve already splintered from within.

Thats like starting off Wrath inside of Icecrown as some other DK seeks to overthrow Arthas, it undermines them as a threat too early into the story/expansion.

Are we? Have you been paying attention?

I don’t care about Xal, ignorable as she plays hide and seek.

Okay. What about the other hooks? There’s two entire factions you’re forgetting in Hallowfall that get their own dungeon.

Only in Hallowfall?

Must’ve been easily missed.

Idk how. You post more than me, have more achievements than me, and somehow have boiled the expansion down to “Nerubians are the bad guys” when we spend an entire questline learning they’re a relatable people.

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No wonder the story stinks.

Because Nerubians have a society?

We’ve known this since Wrath, and we allied with some of them then, too.

I’d argue Xal is much more the threat that we’re sold on and the Nerubians are one of the tools she’s using to her ends. And it’s not out of left field, the early dives blizz gave for the expansion did mention there were factions we’d be working with there.

It feels very fitting to me that with the spider theme and the way the architecture HEAVILY draws on classic Menzoberranzan art that heavy byzantine style plotting and backstabbing should be expected. For all we know we’ll get turned on before the expansion is over if our usefulness is past it’s best by date.

I figure on Tuesday we’ll get a better idea of how closely they are split at least pre raid. I mean, I’ve had the feeling that while there’s some uneasiness over the new queen, the plotters are very much outnumbered at this point.

Still has the whole, expansion is still under two weeks old now, there’s still lots to see, and they have been doing better at keeping story beats under wraps until we get to them.

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Cause we have to make peace with them.

I’d rather butcher them without having to worry about it being “moral”.

So you don’t want a story.

Which is fine, that’s how WoW has traditionally been, but I don’t think it puts you in a good position to make judgments about the story.

By whose authority or merit? Yours?

All I know is there will be no RL to scale statues of Alleria when all is said and done.

Alleria’s been a big deal longer than Sylvanas has. Alleria even has an in-game statue in Stormwind.

By the merit of not having an interest in a story with any depth. If your call is for anything to justify wanton murder, it wouldn’t matter if the Nerubians have a society, only that there was a reason to kill them. We have that, and have had that.

All they’ve done is expanded and given depth to that aspect. It seems like you’re displeased with that depth, but that’s what storytelling adds.

Also I will reiterate; we helped Nerubians in Wrath, as well. (They were also against the Lich King; those that weren’t risen by him, at any rate.)

Oh I appreciate Warhammer 40k as well as the Horus Heresy far more than what modern WoW dredges up these days.

Somebody tried changing that ethos for modern art for a tv series but the company behind it are intelligent enough to realize sacrificing its integrity would destroy it and them as a hobby.