New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Cause Blizzard would rather be woke then make a good game and real story, i have nothing against female leads but making a lead female just to get high fives from the industry or Twitter or even coworkers is just stupid. If u actually stay true to lore and base gender off what the race would actually do then guess what… u’d have a ton of meaningful and strong characters on both sides and this question would never be brought up again… but nope blizzard is going full Disney and has been for a while ehich benefits no one. End of the day if u need to see urself represented in a video game or within your character to stay happy and sane irl then plz go seek help and talk to ur friends, family, therapist, anyone tbh i guarantee people care about u and wanna spend time with the real u… just gotta give them the chance and remember the sun aleays rises make each day a lil better and whatever is keeping u down will be nothing but a memory in no time.


It’s interesting how all these complaints seem to be based on making stuff up/ignoring stuff that doesn’t fit in with the message being pushed.

Why no love for Merrix and his knuckle dusters? Dude’s a pretty BA robot.

We get the Rush Hour reference pair of Buddy Cops who are a pretty decent example of the trope, and Blizz, you better be coming up with more crimes for them to solve in all the patches coming up.

And as I haven’t gotten too much into their end game stuff gonna leave it short for the General and Vizier, who are both seem to excel at their work.

And there are other male characters around that are fine and in little roles.

But dear god so many BS complaints that just make it clear you don’t want to enjoy things, you just want to find things to hate about stuff.

Baelgrim making a heroic action movie style self sacrifice is sexist or something?

Really touching questline about losing a loved one to dementia, again sexist because the next in line is a woman,

Story beat where older experienced type gets back in the saddle but declines leadership, but sticks around to mentor the new leader who has to learn the job, sexist again.

Since no male characters are allowed to die or something complaints about Eirich, who I will admit I wish had stuck around a bit more, because whoever the VA was, did a great job hamming it up and I feel like he could have been a great recurring nemesis in a somewhat comic sense. (We really needed more instances of him showing up on that throne)

Why does it have to be an either or situation? An old feminist professor I had would comment that in order for women to be equal we need to shackle the men so they can catch up. I don’t agree with that sentiment. Yes, minority populations have been marginalized in the past but equal representation now is the way to move forward not putting those marginalized groups in front. Restricting or hamstringing others to do it just perpetuates the inequality.

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Was there a female character that had an incompetent (sorry, ‘heroic’) kamikaze and died brutally yet? :thinking:

Baelgrim had a character arc that lasted 5 minutes. His death had 0 impact and came off lame asF

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Could literally mean anything lol

People taking issue with more effeminate men would be better positioned to just outright admit that they feel insecure lol

Cadet Sendrax in the Waking shores questing comes to mind.


I was referring to TWW, obviously. But that was a pretty lol moment.

Yet, for that 1 singular example there are more on the male side than I care to list off. Yet you want to cry sexism? Equality?

Taking issue? You believe that style of man is the only one that belongs in WARCRAFT?

Hilarious. Especially when it is the only man we are presented with - ones that hold any form of longevity.

Seems to me, that you are more likely to take issue with masculine men in this game, little armchair psychologist behind a screen, lol


I’m not the one of the two of us calling sexism here.

And if we’re talking pointless deaths off the top of my head Natalia Pearce nailed that a lot harder than Baelgrim did in the same zone.

And sticking with Dorn, Aggartha bites it off screen while you’re doing her quests in a much smaller scale fight than Baelgrims.

Wow, this was some premium bait.

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This campaign was so bad, that my testosterone levels dropped lower and lower after completing each quest.


My outtie is now an innie.


I mean one of my favorite characters got a hole shot in his head early in Gears of War, doesn’t make him any less distinguished a character for just doing their job as a grunt.

you can’t have negative testosterone

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it was some SUPREME bait.

Same people that will say representation doesn’t matter, by the way.

It’ll end one day.

Either as result of some kind of atrocity or the top brass goes broke.

I mean, a lot of people here are making the argument that a male character dying is bad.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

I guess you’d have to see how the man dies and know about his legacy to appreciate em.

All man can do is sit back and watch the chaos unfold at this point.

From the looks of it the pendulum is gana swing soon.

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I wish, been far too long that various fandom conversations have been flooded by weak virtue signalling culture warriors who cannot enjoy the mediums, but must search for examples of things to hate and rage about. It’ll be nice to discuss a work on its merits rather than wading through poseurs who don’t know the first thing about various franchises feigning expertise and decry “woke” that has always been there, and thinly veiling bigotry behind empty criticisms that they cannot elaborate on.

lol none of that really matters as the quality is low.

Like 3/10 or lower.

If WoW had to stand purely on the merits of its story it’d fold the same way The Acolyte did.