New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Sure it does. Asked a lot of people about why they didn’t play DF despite the gameplay improvements. I generally hear some variant of “it’s lame”.


WoW became Woke!!!


and I wear it well.

Arthas had turmoils, depth, struggles, failed at ALOT

Still 100x more masculine & bad @** than any current male roster character.

Garrosh, slightly more than 1 dimensional if you paid attention to his story since his beginnings, also failed and had turmoils. Also became a way better male character than anything we’re seeing now.

This world of feelscraft take, highly emotional, very feminine energy-having men, is not “depth”.


If it was all male leads, would you be okay with that?


Yes. Yes I would.


Its not even just that the women are leads its how the men are written: they are either suicided/killed off, or they are betas who are cautious and unsure or they are simps. Its bloody terrible.


If the game was the other way around…yes.
If warcraft universe was sold as an amazing fantasy world full of brave warrior girls and queens and amazons and orcs etc etc… And then in the span of 3-4 expansions the writers slowly but surely replaced every single girl leader or boss with strong, barbaric and masculine dude while simultaneously making sure that the audience know that the girl boss leader is an useless weak incompetent wimp and the guy can do everything better…then yes i would find that riddiculous like i do the current state of lore. Since that isnt what i signed for.
And btw i think girls that play wow would be the first and loudest to screech about it on these forums.


This is like 5th time i see you posting stuff like “amagaaad close this topic” or “amagaaad why is this topic still alive”, while simultaneously engaging in the conversations, bumping the threath up with useless stuff like this or gifs…
Admit it, you love the drama.


Is the next expansion going to be all female leads again? BFA, Shadowlands, Dragonflight, and now War Within are all girl power expansions.

Bring the masculinity back to WoW.


Azeroth is referred to as a lady, and so is Elune :smile:

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Does Mother Earth ring a bell?

I have admitted it. Several times. It’s literally the only reason I come into these threads.

Though it is a bit surprising it hasn’t been deleted considering how many other threads on the same subject have been deleted for far, far less.

hes here now. this thread only got one place to go now.

Actually it’s an obnoxiously loud and small number of people who do.

Anyway this is nothing but typical corporate virtue signaling.


I wish there was just one day that I did not see some kind of post related to genders or race on the forums. Just one day. As a girl who has played WoW since Thanksgiving 2004, enough!

I wish I could go a day without seeing a bunch of fake virtue signaling in media.


Imagine if one of these youtube interviewers actually had balls and asked why there’s so many female leads?


So which one of the trolls above do you think swapped into a female toon to repost the usual bs?

ive been okay with it since bfa.
its nice for a change