New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I don’t want it to sound offensive or pejorative, but I have the feeling that the max steel team was replaced by the barbie team.

It doesn’t even look like the same franchise and you can clearly see the artificial removal of men and artificial insertion of women.

Can you make it at least 50/50%? is that hard?


Literally more than half of the major characters in TWW are male lol

Thats objectively not true.
And what i meant by the other 50% composed by men i was talking about men which are not incompent, crybaby, sad and or insecure, which automatically eliminates all the rest of 5% men left in this franchise.


It is, but okay lol

So you want manly masculine men with no depth or inner turmoils? You just want one-dimensional male characters who succeed in doing everything tasked against them?

Haven’t you lot been chronically whining about Faerin being a Mary Sue for days now?

Good thing you’re not in charge of the narrative lol

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It not okay, you just lied.



No, i don’t want masculine men to be poor written like Xal’atath.

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Then by all means, elaborate what it is you want then, because it seems to me that you want men who make no mistakes and aren’t burdened with flaws/challenges lol

Why does inner turmoil all of a sudden make them in depth? In fact because the team stuggles to actually write turmoil it makes it almost impossible for them to write a complex character.

Every character becomes their flaw or their most base form of emotion.

Theres no nuance. Theres no development. Theres no rise and fall its just moping until a big moment happens then bam all better.

Addicts get better then relapse sometimes. Addicts rarely ever get better if they wallow in their self pity. Same with depression if you constantly mope around theres nothing anyone can do until you decide you want to change.


Of course, but that’s also why there’s 2M players now and not 12M despite a larger overall population.

It’s not because it’s an old game. League has been increasing monthly players since 2011.


Characters with flaws are like, the baseline for any decent story lol

Listen, you won’t find me praising Blizzard’s storytelling by any means. I never claimed it to be a masterclass in writing.

But we weren’t talking about the quality of writing lol

I don’t think the story has anything to do with WoW’s decline in player counts

Which we don’t have access to, mind you, so these numbers are highly speculative lmao

You realize that just because someone is strong and sotic doesnt mean they cant have flaws or that their flaws are also their strengths.

I bring up Ned Stark up as example because hes a great one of a character that is stoic, strong and honorable without any outward faults.

Except GRRM made it that his strongest characteristics were also his ultimate flaws. It made the character compelling. It made us root for him even when we thought he was making stupid decisions in the name of Honor or Loyalty.

You can write complex characters that don’t constantly have to take a mental health check monologue every scene

When I say “incompetent” I don’t mean that the character never makes mistakes. I meant that he doesn’t make more mistakes than everything else.

A man can make mistakes, get frustrated not being a crybaby, insecure and submissive

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How can you be talking about characters within the story and then not be talking about quality of said characters and therefore the story?


Media has just gotten to the point that everything feels so homoginized its bland everyone has to have the same type of representation no matter the story.

You see the same story beats in almost all media anymore. Used to you could go to different genres to be able enjoy a different view of the medium but in this day and age of everyone “Celebrating Individuality” yet our stories have never felt more conformist


I think he should let Turalyon take over the throne of Stormwind he has more experience and he was good Regant-King while Andurin was away in his depression

The big problem is not men vs women. The problem is that the characters seem to come from nowhere.

What made the, Lich King, so awesome was that he was, Arthas. The fallen prince. A man of principle that we saw become the personification of evil. The whole, Darth Vader, arc if you will.

Same for the Orcs. These monsters that came from another world had their own development. If you ever played Warcraft 1 and 2, you remember they fought each other in a lot of cases, and they honestly struggled for every inch of dirt. It wasn’t just demon blood, but these were worthy enemies. (Not even getting into the whole, demon masters they served.)

Then… you get enemies like, Xal’Atath. It’s not that she’s a female. It’s that she’s a poorly created foe. I don’t care who she is. She’s this mysterious vewy scawy monstah… Oooooh. The whole void thing is just not a particularly good villain to me. That’s just me though. I don’t see the awesomeness. I don’t see the epic war playing out. It’s just a letdown.

To expound on this a bit more: There needs to be a show of might. Slinging magic around is not, awesome. It’s very umm… “impressive” … I guess. It’s just lacking in that… thing. There needs to be an intimidation factor. You just don’t get it from swirly clouds and ooga booga. You need force. Something overwhelming in presence. Gravitas that I just don’t get from a character like, Xal’Atath. She’s more like an angry ex-girlfriend.

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Ned Stark is a good example.

It’s also not the only way to characterize someone lol

Given that these conversations revolve around the subject of “mental health” or men being “crybabies,” I can only assume that people don’t actually take issue with the way men are portrayed in TWW, but rather how Anduin is portrayed seeing as how he’s the only one that would technically fit these descriptions.

Anduin committed atrocities. He feels burdened with guilt because he somewhat enjoyed doing it. He doesn’t feel the light anymore because of these things, and in doing so, he feels like he’s failed his father and his legacy.

Seems like an appropriate trajectory of characterization, if you ask me. I don’t know that it’s done as well as it could have been, but I can say that it’s all the correct building blocks of decent character building lol

So unless you have a different way to characterize him here, I’m not sure what your deal is other than having a male figure that has internal turmoil he’s dealing with lol

Thrall, Turalyon with the whole void wife thing are two other examples of what used to be the strongest character reduced to being a therapist for other MCs and Turalyon being sidelined constantly by his wife because she doesnt trust him and he just sits there in angst.

Its not just Anduin but he is one of the biggest perpatrators of it. And you say he deals with it but he doesnt he constantly runs away until someone confronts him to face a truth that he already should have confronted at this point. The light doesnt abandon you. He learned that lesson from Velen but now because we cant have too many male characters we had to sideline Velen and postpone Anduins story until we give the Flawless Woman character the exact same advice and structure given by Velen.


Xal’Atath didn’t come out of nowhere if you ever play the Priest hall campaign in Legion or pay attention to the Crucible of the Storms questline in BFA you would know of her backstory and her intentions


To be fair the Draenei have a long history of being sidelined in this game’s story.

That must be a heavy crown.