New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

but the problem lies in the fact that Alleria is making the same mistakes as Sylvanas, to the point that she agrees if Blizzard is developing in making a good lore of female characters instead of filling us with a lot as if it were the opposite instead of an equivalence.

Truly? You’re enjoying seeing the majority of male characters be useless, trivial, arrogant, etc.? Anduin needs saved… again. Velhan’s son looks up to him! Nope, he’s a liar and fraud. Look at this strong dwarf! He likes to argue with the smart and calculated other female dwarf, but all good because Moira is there to guide them both with her wisdom. Not that it really matters anyway: he dies.

Women having a moment in the spotlight is not at all offensive. If you earn something, you deserve credit for it, regardless of gender/sex, beliefs, looks, etc. Men being made to look like foolish idiots, now that’s offensive.

Also, what is this idea that women have been “letting” men have the spotlight? Men, in vast majority, contributed to the creation of this game, the computer/phone you’re typing on, the internet you posted this through and the society that allows you to act with near total impunity. Are you suggesting women didn’t contribute to the aforementioned, plus historically stand up to raiders, hunt wild animals, work in mines, or go fight wars by their own choice? Is it, that you were just allowing men to take one for the team? Either way, it doesn’t seem right.

No one is entitled to anything. You have to earn things or someone else has to sacrifice, so you can enjoy luxuries. Men, have not had some great run in the spotlight. War, work, and tremendous sacrifice has been what men have endured for the larger part of human history. Also, being thrown into some group (males), as if I got to enjoy something other’s did just based on my sex, is insane. Furthermore, I don’t hail people’s contributions to humanity based on their sex or any other form of their identity.

It would be best if we all got through this thing called life together. This division between people based on every single identity factor isn’t healthy for anyone.


Every NPC is basically useless until the PC rolls up and saves them. Not sure why their gender matters.

It matters when they are male, as far as the writers are concerned.


All male bad, all female good…


She’s not a self insert therefore she lacks the first, most important part of being a mary sue

Rhonin was the one true mary sue character this game had.

Im just waiting for Anduins trans gender arc cause he has obviously been a female for quite a while.


I’m really glad I’m not the only one saying the Earthen characters suck.

However, the only one that was good and I really liked died being an actual hero (even though it was kinda weird the whole quest)

All media companies are feeling forced to overcompensate for lack of diversity over the years by reversing it now. It’s a trend that companies are chasing in order to court politically driven consumer.

Once they see it not working (and then a little after that, because big companies are big and take forever to move) it will fade away. And I am pretty sure it will not work. There is an audience for these sorts of games, made up of some proportion of male and female players, that probably is not all that concerned with how many of what gender is being placed in what role. But a LOT of people who DON’T play these games ARE concerned, and it is this group they are trying to appease.


You know what you’re right, I would like the straight fellas to get more shirtless, sweaty buff dudes for them to stare at. Give these dudes what they’re asking for Blizzard!

Being a victim doesnt give you the right to then victimize others.

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Well first of all, I’m not a victim, second of all, no one else in this forum is a victim either lmao. I was calling out hypocrisy with rude sarcasm, and if you feel victimized by that statement then…good luck to you lmao.

Sheesh the projection here is hilarious. If men putting down women in wow’s past story isnt acceptable, neither are women who put down men.


It seems like you’re missing the point. Not everyone wants strong male and masculine role models removed from the game.


I agree, but I am going to call out masculine fragility when guys cry about female characters being in power, and try using “well, women aren’t meant for positions of power because in our society they’re the baby makers” as an excuse. Not everyone here has done that, in fact, many have offered excellent arguments (which I’ve agreed with in previous posts), /however/, that comment was meant for those such as I’ve stated above. Unless you are the person who I just used as an example, then you shouldn’t be concerned.

Remember when “mansplaining” was a big buzz word? This whole “movement” just feels like womansplaining which the whole reason of pointing it out was it sucks either way and going too far in either direction doesnt help anyone.


I feel like a lot of these new female characters will eventually grow into their own, especially since most of them are new and don’t have a lot of story behind them yet. Anduin will also grow into a more respected and confident guy that is as strong as his Father, but just more modern in his thinking, and I also have a feeling Dagran and Magni will start to take on more well-rounded rolls in future story.

But that’s literally what I said you should have…?


There’s nothing wrong with wanting greased up beefcakes in your video games


I’ll type it here since other threads got locked cause it was infested by horrible people.

I don’t like Faerin. I do not care about her skin-color.
I do care that she feels like a mega-swamped tokenised character; a handicapped x2 person; who refuses to get a fix for her handicap, and doesn’t like cats.

Apparently; That makes me Racist, eventho it has nothing to do with her race beyond the fact that it’s a PLUS in the tokenism.
Black, Boy-haircut, Strong-female-alone, One eye blind, One arm missing, Orphan, Related to dead-royal bloodline.

If people honestly can’t see that blizzard just used their DEI-score checker here, while ALSO insulting people (like myself) with a handicap when she refuses to get help; is honestly scary.

I don’t like when characters are there for hamfisted reasons.
To be handicapped; but its in a fantasy world - where people literally get healed and returned back from the dead… does not make sense.

At least Magni got a nice story beat…

Oh and I have already forever-ignored the elf female in a pink dress who screams “Racist” about any opinion that doesn’t align with their own.
So if they reply to this message; Have fun screaming to the void, I guess.