New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

omg underrated comment :rofl:

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Hollywood is definitely big on it.

I just don’t remember a time in history where females challenged for leadership. Maybe I’m ignorant about that, I’m sure there’s been females in leadership positions in the past, but it’s been certainly dominated by men overall.

Not sure if this is a fad, or really something like nature shifting.

Imagine a world where us regular orcs, humans, elves, etc simply arent meant to beat gods, titans, void, etc.

We should be getting our naked rear ends slapped and sent along our way from time to time.

But you are right. We are all “champion”. And “champion” is legion. Kind of funny that we fight anything less than a god ever in this game

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I mean what else is there after literal void lords and full strength titans? Once we beat that and save the universe what do we do then? Does the big ol’ Zereth machine supporting the whole universe implode?

And then we have all these female leaders too. Times are changing and I’m scared.

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I figured you are coping in the only language you can barely use and comprehend, at least not as capable as someone who used it as their 3rd language.

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Guess we get to find out in real time if metzen really does want to set up a wow that lasts 20 more years. Cuz this isnt sustainable.

Maybe khadgar is the key to all of this.

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I’d argue WC3/Frozen Throne ended that conflict long before Danuser got his grubby hands on the story. It was really weird for WoW to immediately go back into a hardline two faction split after the way that game ended, especially because it neutered both the Night Elves and Forsaken’s potential for story as major factions. The “big four” races of WC3 got reduced down to just humans and orcs focus again. It’s a big part of why I never got into it until Legion, I thought and still think it was dumb.

There was room for plenty of smaller inter-faction conflicts(the feud between Genn and Sylvanas, just as a random example) without locking everyone into a lame red vs blue conflict that had to be contrived back into the forefront on multiple occasions.

I do not agree that this faction split is contrived if you understand that the horde came to azeroth to take it by force. Their idea of honor intrisically includes war and battle as a way to settle dispute.

Now, we cast aside culture of orcs in favor of a carebear hugfest. Yet it is not convincing that orc culture shifted so much as to not seek out conflict with people not aligned to their clans. Which as you say, there are no more meaningful clans in WoW. Just a cast of main characters that represent themselves more than any kingdom, clan, or faction.

sorry I thought I might have missed a nuance that you used that didn’t translate well into English.
your verbal cues indicate german?

I suggest instead of Ladies’ Night at the bar you get Fellas’ Night and get drink discounts and no cover fees. It’s only fair. :dracthyr_shrug:

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There has been a few known in history, but typically women weren’t allowed anywhere near positions of power unless certain contexts and circumstances were met. For example, in a monarchy setting, a husband dying and she never remarrying and as a result, she’s offered a position of power due to her never having children (though it would’ve been exceptionally difficult to maintain power, especially in court and the vying of different families). But yeah, overall, very male dominated throughout history.

Don’t they plan out WoW’s expansion stories way in advance? It seems pretty likely that in between the time Chris Metzen and returned they were just following the overarching story he had already laid out for them to write.

WC3 was about settling those disputes though. They all came together to fight off the Legion/Scourge at the end of Reign of Chaos, that was the battle at Hyjal. Then Frozen throne’s campaigns were, in order:

  • A Night Elven warden chasing a dangerous Night Elven prisoner who was planning to go scorched earth to stop another threat(Arthas).
  • Blood Elves escaping being used as fodder by the remnants of a human kingdom
  • A pair of undead storylines about Arthas’ ascent to the position of Lich King and the forsaken remnants of the Scourge invasion trying to find a place for themselves after regaining their free will
  • The establishment of a new Orcish homeland in the barrens while being hounded by the forces of a man who refused to accept that the orcs had changed and that the second war was long over.

There were some overlaps between these campaigns, mostly the first three with the Naga under Illidan’s command being a common thread, and the Forsaken side of the undead campaign dealing with the humans previously oppressing the blood elves.

But the closest any of those got to a large scale faction conflict in the way WoW launched was Durotar vs Theramore and it wasn’t the orcs instigating that particular conflict, it was one man in charge of a small isolated group. Even Jaina agreed that her father needed to be stopped, because she was friends with Thrall and the Horde, and knew that the orcs HAD changed. Frozen Throne was practically nothing but those smaller scale conflicts I mentioned in my previous comment, it was far from any rigid red vs blue divide.

And even if you ignore all of that, the night elves signing on to either faction was ludicrous enough on its own.


There’s nothing wrong with it inherently, but we know why there’s all female leads, and the why is the problem.


Thats just on issues like homelessness and things that affect their housing prices. And don’t ever underestimate peoples ability to compartmentalize. Lotta these people will believe this ideology meanwhile they don’t follow it by where they live or where they send their kids to school. There’s a reason why most lausd teachers send their kids to private school.

In any case even if some were slightly conservative it wouldn’t make a lick of difference since their job is on the line. The kind of people pushing this stuff will do everything in their power to destroy whoever they think is an ideological enemy.


That’s a sheltered decadent opinion held by a tiny minority of the world, and likely not for long.

And, is that why women therapists are lauded by their ability to treat ptsd in soldiers? Or is it a massive suicide crisis?

Mens issues especially those having to do with war are massively underserved and really can only be helped by male influence and those who understand them better.


Yeah all the men in this thread telling men with PTSD to just “get over it” and “stop whining” are clearly not the problem with treating men’s mental health. No, it must be the women saying it’s okay if men talk about their feelings more, they’re the real problem. Makes complete sense.


Haha what? You think that only men can psychoanalyze men? Do you also think only men have war induced PTSD?

Ok I’ll bite. Why can PTSD in men only be treated by men? Please explain why that makes any sense at all.

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First they are not ALL female, but there are quite a few. Bran, Magni, and Adolin are all main characters in this
…but that is details.

So please enlighten us on why there are female leads and why it is a problem.

Finally, someone who’s actually played WC3 talking about WC3.