New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

True, I like that the male and female characters have a lot more emotional depth and aren’t just emotionless hero robots anymore.

I like that the men are all useless drones and the women are doing all the important stuff. It’s great.


Welcome to what’s felt like being a woman consuming content that’s been made by men for men where female characters are often only there to look pretty and be absolutely useless. Feels pretty crappy doesn’t it? Perspective is amazing. We should be avoiding these extremes, I agree, but the fact that people are only complaining about this /now/ when the tables have turned? It’s sort of scary.


Not scary…just stupid. :slight_smile:

Yea, understandable. That’s just honestly the kind of society the human race has lived in for thousands of years. So, people naturally revert to it. I mean I see this story writing everywhere. It’s even in GoT.

I have no problem with a woman leading, but in fictional writing I do find it distasteful when it’s more representing the idea of replacing “incompetent men”, or men trying to hold them back. That paints men in a bad light.

All I know is we’re in a super interesting part of human history right now. Art reflects a lot about ourselves and conditions.

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Indeed, warcraft was always like this, made by men for men where female are absolutely useless. :clown_face:

I wonder why you even consume a content like this though and complain about it

There was no table to be turn and you know it, what you say was a lie in this videogame, its being complained now because this is the first time it happened.


I’m only complaining about it because people are acting like it’s the end of the world that there is this character shift and they aren’t aware of their own hypocrisy when they’re making these arguments. There are plenty of reasons to dislike the story, but saying “because everyone is female now” is not a valid argument and is never a valid argument. Everyone should know that. If people really wanted to complain about how “things aren’t balanced now” they would’ve done so when every single villain we’ve had up until recently has been male, or how every single leading character has been male – but they didn’t, and it’s simply because it’s not the balance they dislike, it’s simply the fact that it’s /female/ characters doing it and the shift is now /female/. So, I’m going to tell you what you would’ve told me if I had complained about it years ago; get over yourselves.

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Exactly, most of these defenders I feel never played WC3.

Jaina, Sylvanas, Tyrande and Maiev were all absolute powerhouses from the very beginning, and even mentioning the name Azshara inspired fear.

Like, Maiev had ILLIDAN running scared lol.

Its easy to ignore in favour of… this, lol


It sure does. I do think some art tends to reflect california city politics and perhaps a compensation for corporate misbehavior that led to women paintings being turned to fruit. Still I enjoy TWW for what it is, and I dont find the cast distracting while playing.

No one is complaining like the end of the world, making a criticism is not the end of the world, some people are more passionate than others but its normal about a game they like.

Some are disingenuous and blow things out of proportion, sure, but they are minority, and they only gain strength because the rebuttal is also disingenuous and nonsensical

There is no hypocrisy because there wasn’t the other way around, the game was never all male with females being useless and killed to give leadership to a male

And she even succeed in capturing him, and he was saved by BOTH Kael and Vash, another powerhouse woman

Like i said, people trying to gaslight others, pretending the game was something else.


I find the alliance-horde love fest way more distracting than the female leads. But thats just me. What even is the point of the alliance or horde at this point.

I agree extremes are bad, however I wouldn’t say early wow only had women who was just there to be pretty and be useless there been a good number female character who been in this game and have made a name for themself for being a badass.

some of the really big names one like Jaina and Alleria was introduce back in the warcraft 2 and 3 days and they were not useless.

also and this is just me but when your talking about a game about was fantasy or not you don’t think about sending the women out to fight so it feel more natural to see mostly guys, though that not to say that there wasn’t some women who could hang with the boys.

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yea we do need another Garrosh and kill some alliance


Guess King Llane Wrynn won in the end after all…

Let’s be real here, nothing has helped us truly defeat anything up to this point. We defeat wave after wave of endless threats and for what? It’s all hopeless!

I say we all go to the bar and drink while the ladies save the day this time. Ladies it’s all yours!!!

More like, Denuser ended the conflict that made warcraft warcraft to up the stakes on the new bad guys, only for us to be left with nothing grounded to fall back on. Now we get to fight aliens and planets and suns and galaxies and gods. Its all contrived.

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I agree, we did actually have some decent female characters. I remember growing up as an insecure little girl and wanting to be like Tyrande or Maiev as a grown up. Do I think that a lot of the female characters that are currently being implemented have a lot of solid story to them right now? No, not really, because they’re new. Do I think they need improvement? Absolutely. But what people have to understand is that a lot of the other big name characters, for example, Varian, Garrosh, Vol’jin, they’re all dead. Their characters arcs have finished. A lot of the male leads have wrapped up storylines, so now they’re starting to pull from others avenues where character stories aren’t fully developed. It makes sense. So now they’re starting to cycle out characters, and it just so happens that a lot of the side characters that don’t have a lot of development are females. The Windrunners, for example, were never really delved into fully until recently, so it makes sense they’d explore that. Tyrande as well with her character arc getting wrapped up recently.

And don’t…even bring up biology or whatever into this. It’s not valid when we’re talking about a fantasy story where giant cow women can turn into cats with big horns lmao.

I agree. Men had their time. Let the women get drafted and storm the beaches of Normandy. Share that privilege! Men and children first!


Admittedly if I was a seven foot tall amazonian woman I would happily storm the beaches lmao.

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Of course it is. Think about it! It’s all just like Clicker Heroes. Have you ever played it? There must always be a boss don’t you see it? It doesn’t matter where it comes from. It doesn’t matter if it sucks and makes little sense at all. In the end all that matters is that there is a boss to fight, to kill, and to get loot.

And this is why the magic has been dead since Wrath. Nobody cares about the boss anymore. Legion kind of, sort of, made it matter again but then it didn’t. And so here we are… It’s all pointless.

We are literally just video game characters in a fake universe that doesn’t exist while typing on computers in another simulation about things we want to see in that simulation.

It’s endless! It’s a frackin’ figure eight man.

It just goes round and round and round.