New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

A nerd feeble man is a safe stereotype for The Women Within. You’re proving their point.


bro jaina could just open a portal. the characters are gone because the writers wanted them gone, not because they ‘need’ to be gone. they want their new/original characters to take center stage over the old stalwarts. thats all.


Your opinions on men and women are straight out of 1950. It is 2024 my guy, we have color TV now.

Also again lol at you claiming Irvine is some progressive area when it’s one of the most conservative places in California and was even a Republican district not that long ago.


Orange county in general was always red, until the GOP decided the culture war was more important than fiscal conservatism.

Reagan would be too woke for these extremists.


Which is good. There needs to be focus on new characters given how much they suck screen time when they do appear and the writers’ fondness for killing off or otherwise removing the old guard.

That’s the goal. They talk about diversity, equity and inclusion. But really, it just works one way. Those are not principles they stand on, as they just apply to their tribe.

The archetype of a strong, fearless and stoic male leader is gone. It’s toxic. It’s ironic they try so hard to portray women in positions that require those traits.


It’s because people who are strong and fearless aren’t stoic in reality, their experiences are what shaped them into who they are and it shows. If you’ll notice there’s also no strong women characters who are “stoic” either. They all have lots of experiences that have shaped them, as well.

That’s just how you write and develop characters. Robot characters who are strong and fearless for no reason at all is just bad writing. That’s just a Mary Sue.

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Says who?

Sorry, that’s an L take

Stoicism can, and often is, molded through life experiences, the same as any other characteristic.


Stoicism is the Greek school of thought that you can’t control what happens to you, only how you react it. It’s long been debunked by psychology as being complete bunk and unrealistic to what humans are like.

Also this:

Stoicism unrealistically recommends feeling neither negatively nor positively about those things we don’t control. I don’t control the weather but it makes sense, given my preferences, to feel good about a sunny day and sad about an ice storm.

And like, you know, I would like to think most adults have enough life experience to realize that people can never fully control how they react to something. There’s fight or flight and freeze. There’s how PTSD manifests it differently for different individuals. The brain is far more complex than that.


She earned the position by figuring out how to tame Stormrooks better than anyone had before, including the guy who used to have the job.

Trying to find some kind of wrongful usurping of male power in a storyline that has existed in live for all of ten seconds with a leader we barely knew and a new leader that we also barely knew supported by a third guy who didn’t want the job and who was all-in on the new character taking over is such a weird hill to die on.


looks back in thread

why are female leads even an issue? is it because OMG WAH ITS THE WINDRUNNERS?
boo hoo. im seriously sick and tired of EVERY SINGLE TIME alleria gets any screen time people start screeching and reeing from the rooftops.


They’re scared of women obviously. They don’t know how to talk to them in real life so the idea of them interacting with female characters in their game freaks them out. It’s…abnormal for them. A strange sight to see the opposite sex.


Noun (Oxford Dictionary):

  1. The endurance of pain or [hardship] without the display of feelings and without complaint.

Definition 2 prescribes its origins.

Definition 1 is the more applicable version to a time that is not Ancient Greece.

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Alleria was fine until she went angry teenager in Azj Kahet, lol, she nearly ruined everything

no im talking about her appearance in legion…omg all the screeing and reeeing you could read from the rooftops on the forums. OMG NOT ANOTHER WINDRUNNER DESPITE THE FACT SHE HASNT BEEN SEEN IN 20 YRS.

The fact that they even felt they needed to make sure to put that explanation in the game so nerds wouldn’t think this, but they didn’t even read it or pay attention and say this crap anyway.

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Yes just project and gaslight instead of recognizing what people are saying; that there’s a massive gender imbalance in the story and the female character presented are unable to exist without tearing down an adjacent male character.

They couldn’t even do it with Moira, who was one of the few decently written female characters of the last 10 years in WoW. Had to tear down Magni to build her up. Just like Anduin with Faerin. Eirich with Brinthe. Khadgar with Xal’atath. Baelgrim with Adelgonn/Lufsela.

You’re being willfully ignorant if you’re going to pretend there’s not a pattern there. You’re also being wildly disingenuous to simply insult people who point out said pattern.


And do you not understand how /hypocritical/ it is to get upset over female characters representing WOW when it has almost always been male characters dominating the character sheet? No one complained back then, but when it’s female characters, it’s suddenly not well written and strange?


Fair, but we just replaced one wrong with another then. We need balance of the two, not domination in either fashion.


That I agree with, it just gets on my nerves when the moment it’s female characters doing what male characters have done for the past twenty years of WOW, everyone starts making a big deal out of it. It’s actually crazy and it says /a lot/.