New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I think that is also part of the reason why people are finding their entertainment in other media (not from U.S.), where there is no feminist, LGBT, or whatever agenda-driven narratives to be shoved down their throats (South America, Asia, Middle East come to mind). People are tired of this and are tuning it out (I know I have), which is also why it is impacting the reception people have and therefore profit.

I always enjoyed WoW’s lore and stories (been playing since Warcraft 1) and I still enjoy the game for its systems and mechanics. But I am not as attached to the story so far. We will see if this changes as we get deeper into TWW and continue the trilogy of expansions. Fingers crossed.


maybe i’m more anxious than you for a concord 2.0

There is so much hatred in this thread :frowning:

Having a difference of an opinion is not hate.

Dont think everyone is out to get you. Most people just want to live their lives without being preached at unless its at their congregation.


A refreshing take. I can see a grizzled old man in her role. It would have resonated a lot better. I guess this is what happens when you live in a bubble in their little community in Irvine, California.


Would you and people like you finally leave if that happens? Or would you stay and continue to subject us to your whining?

This is really funny to me because Irvine is one of the most conservatives places in California. It was a Republican district less than like ~10 years ago.

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Women have little understanding of the male perspective, especially in the case of a king with a lot of war experience.

Faerin would have been 10x as impactful and believable as an older male veteran.

Honestly how hard was it to copy the story of the lion king. Anduin is essentially simba during his crisis of faith. He needs a Rafiki type guide and a boot up his a$$ to hold him accountable for abandoning his position and duty as king.

And all of this straight up cannot be from a woman. They simply do not resonate.


I must be in the minority, because I absolutely love Faerin.

Alleria and Xala’teth? Eh. I find them Mary Sue characters.

But Faerin is a refreshing breath of fresh air. Everything from her aesthetic to her voice actress is perfect.

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Women famously not good at comforting people through trauma lmao. Bro anyone regardless of gender can comfort someone through trauma. It literally does not matter. If Rafiki had been an old woman monkey instead of an old man monkey nothing would be different about the Lion King.

This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever read. Please go outside, what you just said doesn’t reflect the reality we live in at all, in any way.


It’s funny considering how many Disney references Blizzard makes, guess they’ve never seen Lion King. But yes, in this case, Anduin really would’ve been better paired with an older man war veteran. Someone to nudge him in the right direction. Having a young girl give him wisdom felt super unrealistic and silly.


I don’t hate Faerin. I actually think she is kind and cool. I just think the context in which the story is playing out so far is what I have a problem with (due to the things that were mentioned originally by the OP and followed by many others who are having problems with the writing). But I think her voice and her attitude is fine. Although I’ll say that that way she sounds like (nice and feminine) doesn’t portray anything like the way she looks in that opening cinematic. At least not from what I had imagined.


the game never was all male leads though?

even before world of warcraft came out we had jaina, tyrande, and slyvanas since warcraft 3. the first raid villain was onyxia, a female dragon. the game used to have a nice healthy mix of male and female main characters. now its been lopsided for like a decade with an over abundance of poorly written female characters leading the story.


Totally and completely irrelevant. What the game did in the past should not dictate what it does in the future.

Inequality is not resolved through more inequality. Do better.

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how is alleria at all a mary sue. i think you should go look up what a mary sue ACTUALLY IS.

She has exceptional power and skills that rarely seem used. She has significant plot holes. And her successes and survival often feel improbable and always against overwhelming odds.

thats NOT A MARY SUE. try again. oh its that guild nvm. im just gonna mute you.

Uh… Okay. :face_with_monocle:

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Dagran is a teenager, also, I like the fact that he’s a nerd and not the stereotypical (boring) beer-swilling, axe-swinging dwarf. Heaven forbid we get characters who aren’t cardboard cut outs of their respective races. Also, if you’d paid attention Thrall and Jaina left to go bring back the Horde/Alliance forces (which since they have to sail to Khaz Algar is going to take time, which explains why both of them are gone).

Also “strong men” = war-mongering, perpetually angry men who don’t dare show any emotions other than anger, revenge or lust.

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Women are famously good at avoiding hard truths. The last thing Anduin needs is feminine “wisdom”.

He needs someone to help him cut through the BS in his mind and to beat him on the head with a stick once or twice.

At this point I’m just convinced there’s a purposeful intention to emasculate Anduin because he’s white and a king. Can’t have him be a strong character down in Irvine.


This… is definitely an interesting perspective of an entire gender.