New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

This is just objectively wrong. He even took your advice and “manned up” to try to sacrifice himself to the spiders to save the others hoping the light would return to him by doing so, but realized he was being stupid and that wasn’t going to help him confront his problems by just going off to die.

You can’t even claim you didn’t read the quest text on that one because it’s a whole cutscene. Did you skip it or something?

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That’s not getting stuff done. That’s him being emotional and making emotional decisions.
Anything he accomplished as a result of that was entirely accidental. He did something Alleria could have just as easily done from the safety of the floatboat.

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Describe to me how you would write Anduin “getting stuff done” without any emotions. I’m not following you at all.

You would prefer a story in which established characters just up and walk away from the narrative like they’re charlie sheen after a bender?

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I think most old characters have had their day in the spotlight, and replacing them with a younger cast is a good thing.

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Stop doubting and act with dignity. If the light doesn’t want to listen, make it listen. Grab the light by the chandeliers and make it his b.

There’s a scene from the film Major League that comes to mind. There’s a character that’s praying some some diety named Jobu that never seems to help him. So at the end of the film he’s like “I pray to you, I defend you, and you don’t help me. So F you, Jobu. I’ll do it myself.”

That’s what Anduin should have been like. And that would have been such a cool moment. Imagine it:
Anduin surrounded by bad guys, he looks down at his hands and speaks to the light: “I gave everything of myself to you and you abandoned me. Left me when I need you most. No! You WILL hear me. You WILL heed my call!” And then light surges around him and a huge holy nova explodes out from him, decimating every enemy around him and causing them to run in fear.

And that’s how Anduin got his groove back.

I wont dispute that FF7 is much better written than WoW is. It is much better written, but my point in bringing it up is that it’s obviously not a case of “we just don’t want an obvious agenda in our face”.

FF7, and a lot of other games that are considered all time greats, put an obvious agenda in your face. For as much as people say they don’t want politics in games, clearly that’s not actually the problem.

As for TWW I’m not even really convinced that the game is calling attention to it as much as a certain portion of the playerbase is. It’s not like Faerin is drawing attention to her arm every second line of dialogue, after all.

Also let’s be clear here: The idea that the story is nothing but female characters(the idea this thread was created on) is demonstrably false. I get that some people want something a little more 90s action hero but we have Anduin, Dagran, and Magni taking up pretty sizable roles in the campaign quests.

Now I do think Anduin isn’t being written very well and they wasted what could have been a cool moment of him mimicing Varian on instead using it to transition to a new zone.

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Simply retiring is a pretty lame way to make that happen. Tyrande could have died fighting Sylvanas, Malfurion could have been traded for good to Ardenweald. It’s just terrible writing.

He’s doubting himself and if he’s even worthy of the light because of the things he did while mind controlled and how part of him might have liked it, if it was even part of him that liked at all.

It would be bad writing for him to just be like “nevermind I just willed away all of my feelings and shoved them down and pretend like they’re not there anymore”. It’s unrealistic and bad storytelling. People enjoy seeing characters grow and change.

His whole story arc is about him coming to terms with the fact he’s not his father, so it makes complete sense that when he would try to do something to mimic his father in a last ditch attempt because he thinks it’s what he’s supposed to do, it backfires on him.


I never said he willed away all his feelings.

That’s the difference between a man and a child. A man can feel the deepest of emotions, but he still has to step up and act when the time comes. It’s what makes a man. The ability to do what you need to do even if it’s the last thing you want to do.


It would of been awful writing even worse then what Blizzard is currently pumping out that ignores the lore of how the holy light works.

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Did you complain when it was all male leads? Just wondering.


I personally think men who are brave enough to ask for help when they need it when the entire world is against them for doing so and will relentlessly ridicule them for it is more impressive.


According to the wow wiki:

“Pure Light cannot exist within the physical universe but shades of it manifest as Holy magic also called Light magic, holy energy, holy arts, and sometimes referred to as divine power or Divine magic. Summoned by emotions, willpower or faith in one’s ability to do so

When has Anduin asked for help?

He just sits there and goes “wah wah, the light doesn’t love me anymore”. Crying by yourself isn’t how one asks for help.

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Okay and where in there does it say summoned by force? Oh right it doesn’t.

Willpower is force. To will something to be is to force something to happen through mental force.

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That is literally the character trait he’s most known for, asking others for help. Which is why it’s so shocking when after being mind controlled he runs away off him by himself instead of asking for help. And now he’s finally allowing those around him to help him instead of just running away.

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No it is not it’s a lot more complicated then that and Anduin currently lacks willpower.

I don’t mind the female leads but i do worry about future conflicts that may happen. The game has always been rather hesitant to have a protagonist female “lose” which is why the ones that do inevitable need to be turned into villans before said losing to occur.