New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

No, what he’s doing is letting others act for him. Which is one of the main issues with stories written for modern audiences. Men are useless and women do all the work. In this case, they’re also solving Anduin’s problems for him. Because he’s too much of a man to be useful.

The funny part is they make him act like a woman to make him be that useless. Women cry and do nothing to solve the problem. They’d rather just talk about how they feel. Men are naturally inclined to solve problems, instead of just talking about them.

This is why he’s so annoying. Anduin is crying and doing nothing to solve the problem.

Anduin is literally fighting on the frontlines with you for half of the campaign quests.

Whiny or not, ya’ll are seriously stretching.


Yup, that sounds a lot like real life. Just because she “lucked” her wait into being in that position does not mean she will not be a good and effective leader. Just because Olbarig showed so change does not mean he would make a good leader overall. In the end Olbarig becoming leader would have been him lucking into it as well. He would have got it because his dead friend was leader. Even though he abandoned his directive as a stormrider.

the typical reaction someone has seeing a man going through trauma


Asking for help is one way a person could solve the problem. Going to therapy is another.

He’s not doing anything to solve the problem. He’s just crying by himself.

Wow this is misogynistic as hell like Women didn’t get equal rights by talking about how they felt Women were killed and sent to prison like the Suffragettes literally put a hand made explosive in a politicians mail box at one point.


All human beings benefit from talking about their problems with other people, it’s like the core tenet of psychology.

Your views on men and women are like 100+ years outdated, we’ve had decades of medical science to show that it’s an unhealthy worldview and only leads to worse outcomes for men. If you care about men at all, I would hope you might consider being open to changing your mind on allowing them to ask for help with their mental health problems and not ridiculing them for doing so.


Women weren’t killed or sent to prison. Men paid the price for the actions of those women. It was their fathers and husbands who were fined and punished for the actions of those women.

And the vast majority of suffragettes weren’t batcrap cray cray and burning down buildings.

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Nonsense propaganda rewrite of history.

Anduin isn’t asking for help. He’s just crying by himself in the corner.

And no, my views aren’t 100 years outdated. The differences between men and women that I’ve mentioned that been a constant problem in relationships since before any of us was born. It’s been a constant source of conflicts.

A woman complains about something, and a man’s immediate reaction is to solve the problem. Which makes her angry because all she wanted was for him to listen to her complain about her problem.

It’s an issue as old as time that will forever be an issue because men and women are, in fact, different.


Just anecdotally I’ve known many men throughout the course of my life who just needed someone to listen. Everyone needs someone to lend an ear at some point in their lives, it’s just a normal thing for human beings, not men or women.

Studies have shown that simply talking about our problems and sharing our negative emotions with someone we trust can be profoundly healing—reducing stress, strengthening our immune system, and reducing physical and emotional distress (Pennebaker, Kiecolt-Glaser, & Glaser, 1988).

Revealing why verbalizing helps heal our emotional pain, neuroscience studies by Lieberman et. al. (2007) and Vago and Silbersweig (2012) have found that labeling our feelings reduces activation in the amygdala, our brain’s alarm system that triggers the fight-or-flight reaction. When we give words to our emotions, we move away from limbic reactivity by activating those parts of the brain that deal with language and meaning in the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (Lieberman et al, 2007). We become less reactive and more mindfully aware.

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Stop ignoring what I’m telling you.

Did those men spend all their time moping and doing nothing? Or did they continue on with their lives despite having issues?

My Father did and that played a big part in why I now have CPTSD cause bottling up a childhood full of neglect and abuse from your Alcoholic Father is not healthy not that he’ll listen to me or anyone else.

I’m not ignoring what you’re saying at all. Sometimes men and women “mope and do nothing” because that’s just the unfortunate nature of depression regardless of gender. I personally don’t consider that to be a bad thing or a failure on that person’s part because I have struggled with depression myself in the past, I just view it as someone else going through the same and empathize with them.

We’ve all been there at one point or another, it is inevitable to the human experience that at some point we’re gonna struggle with something and it’s going to effect us deeply. It doesn’t make us failures, it just makes us human.

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Unfortunately, this is not entertaining on the big screen.

It’s like writing 101 for there to be conflict and characters have dialogue about it. Having your characters talk about their feelings amongst each other is pretty normal story telling in every form of media.

Have you ever heard of the Film Good Will Hunting Robin Williams film?

While people may make fun of the constant Anduin therapy session, I think what really makes the character disliked is the history of inaction.

Wasn’t really an issue that he ended Shadowlands with trauma. I even thought it was kind of neat that Anduin decided to work through it by going to the Maw and spending time with Sylvanas. Kind of an interesting note to end on.

Then there was a five year time-skip. Then all of Dragonflight passed. So that’s what? Seven years? Something around then? Anduin didn’t return in that time to Stormwind. Well, given he was left in the Shadowlands, maybe some other important thing arose, maybe he felt called to some quest that he didn’t think he could do from a throne.

But that wasn’t it. He didn’t abandon the throne for some higher calling or duty. He abandoned his station as king, avoided friends and family, so that he could wallow in depression for the better part of a decade.


He left the Shadowlands after that discussion with Sylvanas went completely off the radar until Thrall somehow found him drawn to the Sword. Tbh I personally struggle to feel sympathy for him cause I’m actually aware of the events in the Sylvanas novel and what he said to Sylvanas in relation to her trauma and her actions.

Edit: For those curious about the last bit basically Anduin is an Abliest Hypocrite criticises Sylvanas for not just “pullin up her bootstraps” and shamed her for jumping off Icecrown Citadel after the events of WotLK.

Hell I’ll take the BFA cinematic Anduin at the very least. At least he went badass god tier priest for a moment.