New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I can make it worse…

I didn’t know she was wearing boots till few patches later…

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Which is entirely justified. They’re not going to be the first ones to make this work. But if it starts to work elsewhere, they’ll likely adapt it.

As a society (speaking for the US, which is the bulk of their playerbase), we’re not really ready for that yet. I mean people are still struggling to deal with the fact that women can be more than eye candy in an action setting.

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How many do we have in game? When we are talking about major lore characters.

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Is it bad to say id let tifa suplex me into a blackhole?


Kinda depends how far back you go… since arguably legion/wod its been close to 50/50


I think a good portion of this thread would let Tifa do whatever she wanted to them.


Hey! That’s pretty good!

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Well, she is the main character of FF7 after all

(That’s gunna make so many people mad)


Tifa swam around in a whale’s bladder. :nauseated_face:

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Shes 100% the strongest. Cloud barret etc all fight with weapons. Tifa over here fisticuffing fools.

Tifa is also my all time favorite video game character, so im easily biased.


I’m thinking Magni might not be his Grand’Da because he has a lot of that explorer and search for knowledge in him like Uncle Brann


Why do most of yall have issue with female leading?

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See, you get it.

Cloud - Super Soldier
Barret - Big cannon arm
Aerith - magic
Tifa - … fists lol

Same with Tifa… well shes tied with Wakka (dont ask, idk why I like him so much lol)


Actually its pretty close to 50/50 all the way through… final bosses tend to skew heavily male but most instances have female bosses as well. There are exceptions but there has been a lot of female characters in wow. It makes this new angle jarring.

That and how many npcs are suddenly asking me to plan their funerals for them and or assist them with suicide…


I think that’s quite a stretch. Women in action roles have been around for years.

What people have a problem with is poorly-written women in action roles. (Or poorly written male roles, for that matter.)


I actually prefer my BF decide where we go for lunch. :pleading_face:

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Menethils are persona non grata in Lordaeron. Her bloodline destroyed the kingdom and doomed its people to be living rot. The absolute AUDACITY of her to show up and act as if she has any claim to leadership is hilarious. If blizz stuck to even an ounce of Forsaken lore, Calia’s head would be on a spike at the front gates.


That would make the forsaken no better than the monsters they are trying to avoid being seen as tho.


She doesn’t even use any special gloves for the most part either, just regular leather gloves.

Though my favourite video game character is from Starcraft, which means Blizzard’s modern writing team hasn’t had a chance to ruin him because they pretend Starcraft doesn’t exist.


Absolutely, I want not to explore characters feelings. I want character arcs and heroics to evoke in me a particular set of feelings.