Im not arguing with someone who thinks every leader needs to be portrayed as a big manly man and show no weakness whatsoever. Go play doom.
Hows the spear fork coming along?
I mean it was awile ago in lore but I’ve impaled Whitemane quite a bit.
Yeah but she got better
Did she though? Does she even have any voice lines?
A select few for dk players
Well but I’m currently working on Harpoons for weird guy who wants to kill a dragon…
Won’t shush about some guy named BAYLE tho.
I guess calia technically counts too.
Well to be fair, in war the males usually do die and the females don’t even fight (for the most part), at least in the real world. In the story though female lore characters largely have plot armor protecting them. Who knows, maybe at some point they kill off a major female lore character…just don’t count on it.
I disagree if you are insta rezed as undead it shouldn’t count
Ya but she was killed off screen by sylvanas.
I dont get the hate for her tbh. Shes the last menethil. I find it poetic justice in a way that she redeemes arthas’s actions on her family and leads the forsaken.
Stop putting words in my mouth. I want there to be a balance.
Just look at how heavily skewed the characters in this expansion are and tell me there isn’t a deliberate female bias. I want characters with depth, not a checklist!
Please don’t turn this into yet another calia thread.
I don’t think I could take it.
Ok yea thats fair.
I just wanna say that I’m so glad while I’m waiting I’ve borrowed a friend’s copy of FF7 Remake and I get to play a game with manly men.
You’re literally talking about your feelings.
What is the ratio of main story men to women?
Dont worry Brewa, we’ll change the topic.
So how bout that Alleria chick?