New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

it would be perfect if we didn’t have to listen to Wanduin and his mental breakdowns

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How about stop misrepresenting the side so you can actually understand the issue?

No one is going around pissed that all games arent about whatever label for man you want to put on it. Its that every freaking game has to have some sort of diversity or modern spin without thought to how it fits within the art form.

And if it doesnt the media and fringe groups freak out. Its just gotten so bad to the point youve annoyed enough people you’re getting a countermovement and vocal pushback to your opinions.


Maybe games aren’t your cup of tea, then. :woman_shrugging:

If it bothers you so much, don’t buy it. Don’t sub it. Don’t buy the expansions. Keep your money out of the in-game store. DON’T SUPPORT IT. Don’t play it. It’s really as simple as that.

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Just had to wait it out. Games are starting to realize what a trap the “activist groups” are.

Black Myth: Wukong being a good example


BFA was like this

To add to your last part its so funny that the “inclusive” group is so willing to run people off instead of how can we make it better for everyone.

You know kinda what the entire movement was supposed to represent


blah blah blah. sure we are both entitled to our opinion. everyone is. even dude bros. the fact that this game hasnt had a new cool male character in the vein of it’s most iconic characters like thrall, arthas, illidan, guldan, garrosh, etc in like a decade is a big reason the game is falling off in popularity. none of these new leading story characters come close to those icons. creating shallow characters solely based off real world diversity quotas doesnt appeal to the game’s core audience. this is obvious. no one is going to buy Xal’atath merch. no one is going to buy faerin merch. no one is going to care about these characters 10 years from now. they are just throw away characters that’ll exist for one expansion and then fall off into obscurity.

just go look at the blizzard store’s physical ‘gear’ section. all lich king and illidan merch everywhere on the top of the list, half sold out cause its so popular, then near the bottom you find stuff like random sylvanis statues on sale for 50% off because no one wants them.

you cant change what the public/playerbase wants through social engineering no matter what liberal arts majors think.


As if those very “groups” haven’t been constantly “run off” already for the past 30 years and this isn’t just yet another effort to “run them off” even more. Yeah - real funny, that, especially with context.

Story was written already by the old writing team with some adjustments by Metzen. That’s why it still feels feminine like DF.

and people are doing exactly that and also expressing their displeasure here in this thread. who are you to tell them their opinions are invalid or ‘not acceptable’? the free market will/is deciding that the majority of the playerbase doesnt want this.


Never said your opinion was invalid or unacceptable. I’m just mocking it, and rightfully so. Sorry to offend your delicate sensibilities.

Not going to lie thats a bad perspective. Why? Because it’s people speaking and talking like the other side of the argument is now that created the problem that is being preceived by those talking about it. What is good for the goose is good for the gander and all that. Just try to remember the outrage when people fought against the exact opposite issue. It’s the same problem just the shoe is on the other foot.

It will never cease to amaze me the utter lack of sympathy one can have when they fought so hard against the same issue but against themselves. One would think experiencing an issue for themselves would give them a type of empathetic understanding.

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What does this even mean?

Media or entertainment hasnt been like this for 30 years.

Tropic Thunder came out what? 2008.
Mad Men 2007.

Heck people tried to raise heck about games made just in the last 2 decades.

Resident Evil was one.

To act like this movement has been going on for 3 decades is crazy.


No, it’s not, it’s being driven by people who would be happy to pretend anyone other than their precious “dudebro” group doesn’t exist. They want to go back to a time when women were basically child-making slaves and were forced to stay at home and work in the kitchen and clean the house. Meanwhile the other side is perfectly happy with the former side existing as long as they LEAVE US THE HECK ALONE.

you dismissed the opinions of people who disagreed with you by namecalling, calling people losers and psychopaths just because they find the game’s writing and character designs to be cringe/‘not their cup of tea’.

if a fewmen started watching the kardashians and started complaining that the show needs more male characters and why does it have so many female characters, blah blah blah, and then some producer of the show removed half the female cast and replaced them with a bunch of random dudes who have nothing to do with the kardashian family women would rightfully so go ‘WTF is this?’.


For a person that believes so highly in a spectrum, your point of view is so very binary. Why is it one or the other, what makes you think the only people that see issue with this are women haters? Your point of view seems to come from a emotionally charged state, understandbly so. The reverse had been true for a long time and there is malicious people still always will be. But try not to become the malice inwhich you fight against.

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You are mischaracterizing me and this whole issue. The problem isn’t women, they are just the trendy scapegoat of today. The problem is Blizzard is trying to find ways to stuff the game full of forced “content” that you cannot skip that really adds nothing of value to the game. Why? To keep you playing longer. It’s part of their bottom line. There was no need for the attacks on women as this thread quite blatantly opened with - and women get blamed for it, instead of Blizzard who stuffed the game with pointless content in the first place.

What are you on about the thread opened with showing a lack of representation of manly characters and an over representation of women. It showed the men that did get roled got terrible roles or poorly written. Not going to say nobody is blaming women cause I’ve seen a few hats in this thread. But the truth is still right there to see. There simply isn’t enough men with leading roles. The representation so to put it, is lacking.

This is a strawman. There was never much push back about characters such as:

Laura Croft
Princess Leia
Katniss Everdeen
All of the disney princess movies before 2012.
Dany Dragon Queen
The numerous Warcraft females.
Hermonie Granger (Red Head Power)
April from TMNT
Ahsoka (After they made her less whiney in the later seasons)

I just dont care about your sexual orentation so idk how many gay actors or actresses ive watched and enjoyed unless theyve made it abundantly clear they are that way in interviews. But I don’t mind a story with a different sexual orientation in mind because i understand love and when its well written i care.

Imitation Game is the example on my head that i truly felt horrible for Turing because of what was done to him.

But when its forced or its either like it or get out you can shove it. I have an opinion .


And what do all those characters you listed have in common? They were made back before 24/7 culture wars somehow became a thing - something driven by bad actors and influencers on TV and on the internet, that became mainstream because now it’s all over cable TV.

And it never was “forced” before? - Maybe you just didn’t notice it.

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