New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Are you saying that you are happy that women have more rights and money than men? what about poor disabled men and men of color? white “feminism” at it’s worst!

Ill give you the benefit of the doubt. I have likely taken what you said out of context.

Misandry is NOT what feminism is about. too many misandrist bigots sabotaged the entire movement and that is why feminism has such a bad rep. There are so many varying kinds of feminist beliefs.

Yeah I am stating “NAFALT” because it is only a fact that “not all feminists are like that”. That’s really it. and you don’t have to be a feminist to see that.

I don’t like the “woke dei” stuff either when it’s forced, and companies have done it enough to get people extremely suspicious and now everythings “woke dei”. It’s almost like the boy who cried wolf, call every little thing sexist and people are less likely to listen to you when something serious does come up. too many companies being so preachy has people way more sensitive to what might be “woke dei” as a result. and people being tired of being bombarded with this kind of thing really adds to it. And sadly, people may judge something as “woke dei garbage” even when it really isn’t. This is just a result.

And yeah I don’t like censorship of attractive women either. Once again, being preachy and being puritan and trying to take away things is something that will turn people away. conservative christian puritans of yesterday were just as bad of a threat to artistry before “progressive” puritans came along.


The point is that if being stronger is the reason why men generally make up the bulk of combat troops, then why doesn’t this also happen in the factions where there are even greater gaps in physical prowess between the races than there are between men and women in real life?

I did also mention that the other races would still provide support in other roles, just not as frontline combatants.

You’re telling me that a group of human knights fighting against orcs and taurens 2-3x their size can be dismissed as just fantasy, but make those knights women and now suddenly it’s immersion breaking unless their being women is a major and rare plot point?

I have no real stakes in this. I couldn’t care less about the culture war that takes place in these threads. I come in here mostly to laugh at it all.

but I do find it interesting that apparently the line for many people where they can no longer suspend disbelief is “a lot of women are in leadership roles”.

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Eh its more like: Lufsela:

Appears and instantly overshadows Baelgrim and all who came before - using the power of compassion and being smarter than every single man :laughing: :man_facepalming:

Merrix: “You have done what Baelgrim and others have failed to do for thousands of years

Of course she has.


I love how the male players just want this game to just cater to them and not balance it out with both gender in terms of representation of both heroes and or villain roles.


I did check, there is around 14 female leaders and 13 males from both factions, not counting the rock dwarves.

Humans and orcs are the most populous races in the factions, so they usually take the frontlines as meatshields yeah

It does matter actually, people are eager to follow their own, even in normal combat warfare, i don’t see how its hard to see this in a game about war either., thats why you have a commander of the same race to relly the order of a superior from another race

This was what the warchief was supportd to convey too.

Fantasy is rooted in reality, just because we have magic doesn’t mean we throw away basic logic

Yes, you are still here


Yeah sure when their forums and or Reddit is worse than our counterparts.

Plus, our ingame community is a lot more nicer than say the forums due to the fact that all the toxic people navigated to classic servers instead.

It is. Not a debatable point.

The notion that gender dynamics based on men having greater strength and a greater role in combat would create the same motivational dynamics between races isn’t a serious argument.

“Protect the women and children!” is a motivation everyone gets. “Protect the women and children… and the gnomes!” Just comes across as a joke.

Yes. The fantasy genre gets a discount on suspension of disbelief when it comes to creating fantasy races and monsters, with knights that go and fight them.

No genre gets much of a discount on “gender dynamics now no longer exist.” Taking that step is much more significant, and makes all characterization more shallow and less easy to relate to for any audience.

Suspension of disbelief is sometimes better thought of as whether people react to something by going, “this needs further explanation.”

Watching a fantasy and you see a knight fighting a dragon? They know the explanation already, it’s the fantasy genre.

See a society at war where all the leaders are women, and the back of people’s minds will react by going, “What’s the deal? Where are all the men? Why are all the military leaders women?” It bears more explanation. And if there is no explanation (which is going to be the case if it’s not a specific plot point as to how it came about), it harms the storytelling.


The same problem when you have all male leads.

I’m not suggesting anything and everything is acceptable just because we can shoot fire from our hands.

but I find it a pretty hard sell for somebody to claim “no we need the game to be male dominated, because more than a handful of women in leadership roles just isn’t believable”. I find that to be about as unhinged as the person much earlier in the thread who obviously just hated men.

I’m all for having some “man’s man” men around again and I get why people aren’t happy with Anduin being one of the leading male roles in the story.

but people always gotta make having that opinion weird and turn it into some battle of the sexes or some right vs left thing, as evidenced by the majority of this thread.

Assuming what games I play and what community I am in. And unable to comprehend what did I write.

If you are unable to put up an argument, it doesn’t mean you have to insult others.

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To be honest, I just want us to live in a time where people are honest about their narratives, views, and direction. Equal representation in concept is important I understood the argument for it, still do. I just want if that is the goal, for that to be demonstrated as the goal equally. No. 10 isn’t equal to 5 because of some previous injustice. The people you are effecting by those choices many of them had nothing to do with those choices. You are punishing future generations for the actions of past generations. Wash your hands of the anger and the spite. Acknowledge equality will take letting go of hard feelings. Simply let us move forward together, without trying to reverse roles. Unless a role reversal is the goal, then just be honest about that. I value honesty way more then deception.


Prepare for him to say something “mean” and be corrected by a girlboss.


Nah he knows he’s gotta wait until the right moment to start cracking skulls.

Even in BfA where people say all this girlboss stuff started, he was the one correcting Lady Liadrin about just who the Arathi Highlands belonged to.

Why does every single little topic in a video game have to become a culture war?

Honestly I never even noticed until it was brought up.

Some types of “Gamers” :tm: are just utterly ridiculous and lose their marbles over something so meaningless.

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Lol, HOTD has been pretty awesome so far. I didn’t enjoy S2 as much as S1, but that’s mainly because I think S2 had some major pacing issues. All characters in the show, both male and female, are deeply flawed and make decisions that have consequences.

And before some loser comes in here to scream about how “they emasculated Daemon in service of Rhaenyra!”…well. All I will say is that a man who killed his first wife bc he hated being forced to marry her (something that was completely out of her control btw) was never much of a man to begin with.

because its cringe to have a game about war and violence have a narrative of a half dozen female characters going on about their feelings all the time. imagine how women would feel if the Kardashians TV show cast were all replaced with random dude bro side characters.



It’s as if … it’s as if … women can’t commit war and violence! OH MY GOD! MUH PRESHUS PIXXXEELS! :crazy_face::roll_eyes:

Seriously … grow up.

You do have a point about the dialogue though. But it seriously doesn’t matter if it’s men or women, Blizzard makes a point to stuff the game full of useless side dialogue that you can’t skip that literally only a small fraction of lore buffs in the game even care about.

Its been critically panned and the audience reception has been just as bad.

Im glad that you enjoy it but it doesnt change that it is not a good show and pales in comparison of the early season of GoT like many tried to compare it to.

The storylines are a mess. We barely see the dragons that they apparently spend most of the budget on. Characters make irrational and frankly ridiculous decision that go beyond any logical writting standard. We have repeat scenes after scenes explaining things we either just saw or happened 2 episodes earlier.

Like i said glad you like it. Its not an attack everyone has shows they personally like that may not be “good”. Lord knows i do. hopefully it gets better so i and many others can enjoy it too.

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if it doesnt matter why is there a 3000+ post thread here about it with people discussing how much it doesnt fit the game’s world? its not about not liking female characters or not. its about how bizzare it is that literally every new leader/herop of the story in this expansion is female… and the big bad villain is female again… its just cringe and weird.


To you, maybe. I never even noticed until this thread was brought up. But let’s not forget the context here: Nothing exists in a vacuum. And “Gamer Bros” :tm: have been harping on this topic like male representation with games in general is going out of style and they’re being encouraged and egged on by complete and utter psychopathic losers who just want to keep us fighting each other.

If you look anywhere outside of WoW this is a very tired old topic already, and it’s really nothing more than people flipping out because every game isn’t cis-het-white-male dudebros leading the cast because they think it’s the only people who ever matter, and any deviation from that is an affront to all humanity.

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