New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

The real crime about there being all female leads is that there is NO new big gorgeous tauren ladies who could crush me in two with their bare hands. COMEON BLIZZ?!

For the Horde!

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With sylvannas MIA, and Alexstraza out of the picture, we need more waifus for our waifu simulator, dont over think this.

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Isn’t the point of shoe horning female leaders into the story, for the sake of equality?

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sylvanas was awful wdym lol

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After Baelgrim dies (in a stupid and forced sacrifice) there’s a female NPC called Lufsela that becomes his substitute and new leader of the Stormriders, because somehow (we know why) she is the only one that can summon the storm griffons. And the pattern repeats itself, a female character that is already perfect take over the position of a VERY flawed male character.

There’s no character development at all, she just appears out of nowhere and is a perfect character and the only one that can do the same thing Baelgrim could.

They’re not even trying anymore…


Look on the bright side, at least they’re running out of strong male characters to kill off, retire or emasculate. The writers have been reduced to introducing new minor male characters to die, betray or become corrupted in order for their self insert Mary Sue’s to save the day. I’d rather these writers stay away from attempting to write strong male characters, they would just kill them off anyways.


Did this quest last night. And they introduce Obieng? (Cant remember his name) who was a former Stormrider. Even had a falling out with Baelgrim, leaving the Stormriders because of a disagreement about the Rooks and if they were forced or not.

They literally put the male who would have the most reason and honestly better story to be come the leader as a side character during that quest.

He even bonds with Baelgrim’s Rook. But because we can’t have a male outshine a women at all he gets religated to the ringer position.


Exactly! Obieng (or something like that) was the perfect character to took over Baelgrim but noooooo it’s the random perfect female character that has nothing to do with the story and appears out of nowhere to become the leader lmao


They may as well not in this story tbh

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Even the female dwarves have beards now!

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If the story is good, it doesnt matter. I will say though, Anduin needs to grow a pair, hes beyond useless, especially compared to his dad.

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This is a better take than arguments centered around any need for some equal ratio.

Any story centered around war is going to come across as less plausible the more you turn “women are in charge and run the military just as much as men” into a rule rather than an exception.

Men naturally have a lot more strength, and naturally get called to combat roles in war at a staggeringly higher degree. Efforts to wave this natural dynamic away on the grounds that this is a fantasy world, and people accept magic and flying horses, kind of ignore that the price paid by a fantasy story for ignoring relatable sex differences is a lot higher than introducing fantastical creatures and magic.

Fantasy and magic is part of the “buy-in” for this genre. But in any genre, you still want human dynamics to feel relatable. “All gender dynamics are inverted or don’t exist” is not a normal buy-in, and part of what makes modern storytelling these days worse. That doesn’t mean there can’t be women leaders, or there can’t be a special fantasy race that inverts the dynamic.

But there’s a big difference between writing them as an exception vs. as a rule. Weirdly, when they start writing them as a rule, it also tends to degrade the value of the exceptions. (Night Elves, for instance, used to be interesting in part because this made them exceptional, now they’re a lot less interesting).


I think Stonelady is actually non- binary as in the quests text they are only referred to as “they”.

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Yes, they may be saying the truth about action being taken against them.
BUT, they are omitting the fact that they are the bully in the scenario.


at this point danath should just be left alone. danath and veressa should consider themselves lucky they get ignored.

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Yeah, I mean. It does happen that way. I’m not here to judge people and their actions. The statement was just more of one of personal experience. Some of the moderation staff could use further training imho. A lot gets missed, and then sometimes they take things down for no reason at all. Sometimes I question if AI replaced all the humans.

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If they all are female nothing will get done. Only dishes


I totally agree.
I’ve been punished over simple disagreement before myself.
I was calm and on point, but because, as you said, i went against the grain, I was suspended for 24 hours.
Got a post deleted as well because I told a colored text I didn’t ask for their opinion. :thinking:

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HA HA, girls rule, boys drool

who runs the world? GORLS

Girls are made of sugar and spice, and everything nice.
boys are made of snips and snails and puppydog tails.
That’s why we’re blizz’s favorite this expac.

step up, you whining betas. maybe then you’ll be worthy of recognition.


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By this logic shouldn’t most of the leaders also only be of one of a handful of races?

I’m pretty sure that a female Tauren is still stronger than a male Gnome or even a male Human, after all.

So what I’m hearing is that Baine should be the main character, here.

Probably, but he did make an appearance and it does feel weird that nobody really gets to have a reaction to Khadgar’s death except Alleria.

and I guess Turalyon, being her husband, gets to have 1 line of “It wasn’t your fault”.

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