New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I really don’t know why Golden wrote him like that, to be so weepy. I don’t get it. She likes crying guys? She dreams of a son who weeps a lot? What’s the appeal here? And the sighing that’s really tiresome. You don’t like crying in real life, well I don’t like sighing more. It makes my right eye spasm when I hear people I’m talking to sigh. Especially when you make them do something. God I hate that. Okay, he’s vulnerable. He’s sensitive. We get it. Then what? Man him up. Make him just a little more like his dad.

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w u t

Considering your takes here:

And there:

I’m not going to take anything you type seriously. Cheers.


I feel like this is where it was supposed to lead in Legion after that cutscene he finds Varian’s sword and gets the vision of him telling him to do “what a king must do”.

but then it just… didn’t.

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His take was pretty real though, Anduin is a catastrophe of a character so far. Desperately want him to be Arthas ‘the good version’, the saviour. But he was neutered. He is incredibly passive and reactionary.

Overtly emotional and quick to break down. He possesses no stoic qualities even after all this build up. Plenty of warcraft characters have had trauma that they just rose from, like Saurfang, Bolvar, etc etc. Yet he remains a boy, afraid and reliant on ‘strong woman’ to piece him together.


I do very much wonder if you would share that same belief if it was the female characters being butchered to prop up the male ones.


Everyone is entitled to their opinions, even incorrect ones.

“Butchered”. Always such loaded language to justify an emotional belief because you cannot rationally make it… Cheers.

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It has occurred to me that, as they actually have brought Danath back into things, this means there’s a chance they’re gonna do my man dirty.

So to the one poor bugger they’ve assigned to watch this thread: Please let the writing staff know I expect Danath to knock some skulls around and get vengeance for Khadgar.

Also if he could bring back “Draw steel, boys” from WC2 that would be great.


Like yours, indeed

Lol. So no denial then, just word salad because you would not share that same belief if it were the other way around.

And yes, most of these male characters either are outright terrible in design or have been butchered.


You understand that time has been passing in the game, right? Time in which the characters are living their lives, doing their thing?

Jaina was born three years before the first war, which makes her 39 years old and has spent pretty much all of her time since she was a teen studying and getting more powerful. She hasn’t stayed perpetually 23 like she was during the scourging of Lordaeron.

On top of that, some people are born naturally good at things. Why was Michael Phelps born good at swimming? Because sometimes people just are, by chance.

I don’t mind well written “strong” female characters but this is so painfully obvious, every single character that does anything this expansion is female and every male character acts as anything but a male character.

Good thing I mostly pvp and I don’t care much about the story bc it’s kinda meh but the forced stuff degrades it to poop. Xal is ok but the whole politics bs is so obvious -.-


Have you ever noticed that the most timely stories are not about representation, but instead about common good that can be see across various types of people? All media created in the last 10 years will age incredibly poorly, because of hamfisted current day problems and topics.


It already has been, people have been waking up to this kind of nonsense for a while.

Particularly when you have examples of incredible characters like Aragorn, who could not possibly exist under this current ‘modern lense’ while being a timeless example of a good, masculine man.

The people defending this tripe are growing smaller in number every day


I think it’s wrong because if it were all male everyone would be screaming bigotry. For some reason it’s not actually equality that people are really looking for.


Do you realy believe that strong, independent, black, disabled, orphaned girl boss leader is there to prompt a white male? Cmon. Just listen to the npcs when she arives to the scene when you questing with her…everybody knows her, everybody is completely puff from her presence, nurturing childrens in orphanage in spare time…that was definetly innocent…
Sad part is that there wouldnt be a single thing thats wrong with any of that if there wasnt a figure like her everywhere you move this expansion.

Shes there as a symbol of tokenism and to fill out diversity quotas.

Out of curiosity…lemme ask yout his. What chance do you think there is that she will do some mistake, become villain, do something moraly wrong…or die? Do you think theres even 0.5% chance of that happening?

No, and thats another thing i dislike about the stories in wow and the cinematics where you lnow what happends before it even rolls out. Everything is so predictable. Like what was the chance that Khadgar or Alleria do something to Xalatath in Dalaran? 0% What was the chance that Alleria will hit Xalatath or The queen during the scouting misson? 0%. What was the chance that Alleria or Xalatath die during the encounter in last cinematic? 0%. All these "enough"moments in cinematics or major encounters are getting a bit silly…and you gotta ask why are they even tehere.
How many major female characters actualy died in wow btw, counting even the raid bosses like Jaina, aszhara, sylvanas etc.

Meanwhile dudes getting disenchanted left, right and center.


Whiskey tango foxtrot!?!?!? You’re all still here?

GET OFF MY LAWN! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

That’s not what I typed in the slightest.

I would hope so, since the Arathi have been trapped for sixteen years in Hallowfall.

w u t

Volunteering time to an orphanage is bad? Got it.

“Everywhere”? Can you point out even one other prominent and named character missing a limb?

Yes, there’s a chance.

Can you tell me what’s going to happen in the entirety of The Worldsoul Saga then?

What was the chance the Alliance and Horde managed to kill the Lich King at the Wrath Gate? 0%. What’s your point?

So this is just about you wanting equal representation in video game deaths… Sounds silly when laid out plainly without all the propaganda.

And I’m “disenchanting” you. Cheers.

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How’d that Ghostbusters sequel with the all female leads do?


I couldn’t care less if they were all men, women, or talking trees. I want good stories and not walking checkboxes. Give these characters personalities, give them flaws, give them interesting story beats. I’m so tired of a varying checkbox with the personality of a burnt pancake. And being a Mary Sue esque character that’s ‘strong, courageous, and always right!’ is the worst type of character that everyone hates.

Also, while I haven’t seen it yet this expansion, there’s a lot of popular media that fails to understand this one specific thing: “If it’s toxic and obnoxious when/if a man does it, it’s not empowering for a woman to do it.”


There has always been female leads in this game. But the fact is that in a game about warcraft, the ratio should be higher towards men. War is a masculine environment and is a key ingredient to that setting/theme. It’s not a sexist thing, its just a fact. Women definitely have and always had a part in wow. But what sold warcraft at its peak is “beating of the chest” and warcrys of men on the battlefield.


Not very uh… Diverse.


as NieR / Drakengard director Yoko Taro said when developing NieR:Automata when asked why he made all the females hot, “I just really like women.”