New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

What was wrong with all male leads?

And there you have your answer.

i never said there was any.

Oh good, because there wasn’t.

ok good, glad we cleared that all up.

I genuinely wonder if the Blizzard storywriters see the response of the community and use it to pat themselves on the back.

The Witcher’s showrunner infamously bragged about upsetting people with casting decisions and narrative changes from the source material. Never understood how so many people have convinced themselves that backlash means you’re doing a good job.

No, it means your story is trash.


The reason they pat themselves on the back is because the motive behind this all is spite. Just emotional spite. So if you get upset, that’s a plus in their books.


We know about as much about Lufsela as we do about Baelgrim, in that we’ve taken a handful of quests that involve each one by that point and little else. If you need to crack out a calculator to be like, “THIS character had 4.25 quests of content and THIS one had 3.37 so the first one was WAY more established” then I would suggest perhaps touching grass instead.


Need more big cute tauren ladies!
Let’s make Thrall great again!

For the Horde!

Why is Blizzard hitting us over the head with this issue? I totally agree that there should be more female representation in this game but this expack is so one sided it’s awkward and feels forced.

Merrix and Brann are like the only Male NPCs with any agency or influence. I just started the last zone so maybe it will even out.

So far it’s been

Earthen female dresses down male counterpart in front of his people and is forced to apologize. He then sacrifices himself to save her and tell her she is now the leader.

Male Earthen leader is overthrown and his power usurped so a female earthen can take over because “everyone respects her”

Alleria constantly telling Anduin to shut up while she continues her murder rampage.

Female Arathi general is defacto leader with strong hero type female Arathi. Some dude named Great Kyron seems awesome but immediately side lined.

Anduin sacrifices himself to save a literal boatload of women.

Have strong, interesting female characters but by removing male counterparts or putting them in diminished roles and outright shaming them for simply being male isn’t the way to create equity.


I would imagine, and this is just speculation on my part, but I imagine that the kind of people who get super tweaked about the precise ratio of prominent male characters to prominent female characters aren’t ones that the developers are especially worried about losing the sub fee of.

The vast majority of the people who play the game don’t care at all, either way, what the precise numbers are. They tend to not see gender as a zero-sum game that one “side” has to win and one “side” has to lose. They just play the game and barely read quest text, or take the story as a story and don’t get worked up about it.

A handful of people are super mad about it. But I bet if we looked at a Venn Diagram of people who fall into that category who are also “free speech absolutists” who are pretty high on the penalty volcano for “speaking their mind” in the game, who throw fits and ragequit dungeons, who grief and troll when they can and overall just make the experience bad for other players, you’d almost have a circle. And generally, they are just fine with not making money off of people who make the game experience worse for others.

While we may not get another expansion with multiple pairs of gay centaurs again anytime soon, I also don’t anticipate that they’re interested in returning to 24/7 white dudes squaring off with bare-chested roided out green Orc dudes and nothing else either.

Stay subscribed, or not, accordingly.


You know what, I’m kind of reminded of this quote by Ruth Bader Ginsburg:

So now the perception is, yes, women are here to stay. And when I’m sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the supreme court]? And I say when there are nine, people are shocked. But there’d been nine men, and nobody’s ever raised a question about that.

We’ve had many years of male dominated leadership in WoW and most of the characters you mention are pretty awesome. Let’s just focus on whether or not the story is compelling and IMO, it mostly is (except the Ringing Depths which is just boring).

Besides Anduin, there’s also Brann Bronzebeard who is absolutely not a minor character.

Why is it only male dominated things that have to be equalized?

Would women be happy if they took over E! Or Lifetime and started making 90s action flicks?

Since those areas have been so dominated by females its time to add some masculine energy in there.

Or is it that the two genders have general preferences for entertainment?

The women who liked WoW before it tried to be inclusive liked it because of the story not because they were pandered to.


Why is the primary cast in an MMORPG something that is fundamentally “male dominated”?

Oh please do explain my point of view to me, sir!

So we finally reached the “omg why to girls like my manly hobby?” stage of the discussion?


Im not here to explain inter gender dynamics. Theres plenty of studies from scientists and people not scared to admit biology and evolution have a huge factor in our personality.


Cite them

Why? So you can not read them?


I didn’t ask you to. I asked you to continue to expound on why women like World of Warcraft, since you seem to be intimately familiar.

Yeah, I didn’t think so.

If you are going to make claims about studies, cite them. You are the one dragging scientists into it.

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I mean, if that’s what you got out of this, then I’d suggest carefully rereading OP’s post.

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