New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Yeah idk, I won’t deny there is a level of possibility there but i feel the probability is pretty low. She was just a rando book writer at the time they don’t tend to get much say on the over all story. That is mostly dictated by Blizzard if its going to be canon, they just get the freedom to create the story in the framework of what Blizzard gives them. Maybe they wanted Golden enough though that they let her have more freedom then others though.

Jaina: absorbs a ton of energy from the Focusing Iris, claims the power of the Thunder King

The forums: They just offered no explanation as to why she’s so powerful.

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Well, not any more since she’s gone. I am not gonna jump for joy, but I’m not too sad either. Someone had to take control and I can’t think of a better option than Metzen. We’ll see next expansion if I eat my words.

You’re the kind of person who says women shouldn’t vote or have rights and are only good for child bearing and taking care of the household. Your fragile masculinity is showing

Cool lads. Almost every male character you listed there save for the cool nerubian general served as a stepping stone to prop up female characters. Baelgrims death is a pretty egregious example of this. A sacrifice so corny and poorly thought out it assassinated a budding character that could have been cool. Anduin who has been a whiny weak teen for the past 20 years continues to be a whiney weak man. Just let them be cool.


Thrall and Anduin are okay. Thrall has always been Thrall…no explanation. Anduin was neutered, bad in Shadowlands. Howevver, towards the end of the story in the final area he started to get some of his old manhood back again. He almost managed to look epic once or twice. The biggest thing is that he is learning to reconnect to the light, which is awesome and VERY MUCH needed.

If looking epic is trying to be exactly like his dad, then maybe yeah. Jumping off the gunship to pounce a enemy. Lets try to get story points by not just rehashing assets but lets rehash some story too why not. Anduin was Arthas already, lets also make him Varian as well, maybe next time he can be Tirion? who needs a bunch of man roles if Anduin can do them all.

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Well plenty of people seemed to like it when Garrosh tried to rehash Warcraft 2.

Yeah It can be cool sometimes but when it becomes a point where it starts to feel a character is only cool because they did things that mimic other characters they don’t feel like their own character, they just feel like a meme.

Is there something in WoW lore that says you gain power as you get older?

Jaina being top of the food chain makes sense simply because of how much combat she has seen.

Every WC3 hero is a paragon of their class or a raid boss (sometimes both.)

To be fair I don’t think we have to worry about anybody mistaking Anduin for a cool person just because he jumped off an airship like his dad.

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True, I don’t think anyone can mistake Anduin for being cool, except maybe a few people that have man crushes on him. Not sure why but some reason most my gay friends have a thing for him.

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Ya dude its 2024. No man can take the reigns of a strong independent waman. They gotta get their attunement in therapy first and be rid their male-toxicity.

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People are doing the opposite, they’re pointing out how frustrating it was to have to deal with the complaints and how unfounded they were. Are you self aware enough to see the dripping sarcasm coming through in these messages?

Firstly, “prop-up” isn’t accurate. Secondly, even if it was why would it be bad? Thirdly, that’s not all those characters are for:

  • Baelgrim was the face of the Isle of Dorn campaign.
  • Merrix has an entire questline delving into the Oathsworn and the Unbound.
  • Nizrek is the single most interesting Nerubian to date and overrules Arak’nai wanting to save Ansurek.
  • Anub’azal agreed with Nizrek in eliminating Ansurek.
  • Anduin and his connection to the Light was focused on more than Faerin, and can be argued she is a “stepping stone” to “prop-up” him.

Neutered. Can’t even do his shaman things anymore.

Weak, spoiled, more dramatic than a teenage girl. More feminine than masculine.

This is a fair point, but not the masculine leader archetype I am looking for. When i think of a WoW Bad***, Anduin is about as far from it as you can get.


Yes, it’s like forcing me to be nice to you. It’s not genuine and the sentiment still remains.


Can’t we just go back to big, hairy, sweaty men beating each other to death and using their souls to fuel the engine that will destroy the universe? It’s not really rocket science.


I am hoping to see some growth from Anduin. He needs to know that it is okay embrace power. That sometimes force is needed in order to protect peace. He is a character made to be emotional but he cannot always be overwhelmed and cry. I try to be forgiving when it comes to crying because I don’t like to cry. Crying has never solved my problems or paid my bills so I would rather do more productive things. So while I am happy to see him cry and find release I am also waiting for him to suck it up and get to work. Not about wanting him being an alpha male because that is not what I am looking for.

It takes confidence for someone to tell someone their observations are unfounded. No, they were founded and there was no sarcasm just people with no stake giving their opinion on it. It is almost always the people that have tons of representation telling the rest of us there is enough for us.

Yeah, experience.