New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

It’s because of good old Human Potential™

That, and in Jaina’s case, she powered up with a few artifacts.

Though I still think it’d be funny if they did a story arc where the Human mages start having problems and all the ancient mages are like “well duh, you’ve been so strong because you’ve been using it recklessly. We’ve known this whole time that you would run into these problems”.

Because someone has to be the most powerful mage, why not Jaina? I mean sure I’d buy someone older being more powerful but I’m not exactly sure how magic works in warcraft universe. If its knowledge based then it stands to reason the older and more dedicated you are to the practice the stronger you would be. But if its an innate talent measured by something inside you that you possess then it literally can be anyone. It would require me to fully understand warcraft magic to really say if Jaina should or shouldn’t be the most powerful mage. But sometimes to drive story writers make a choice.

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I can’t argue with that.

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The most powerful mage is called Azshara. Followed probably by Thalysra.

The problem is she is THE most powerful mage. So powerful she has everyone running like she’s the boogeyman. Ok, let her be the most powerful, but not THAT powerful. Have at least some of the NPCs think they might stand a chance against her one on one. Not run for cover like cringers.


No, Thalysra is terrified of Jaina. Do the scenario where you save Talanji. You’ll see.

I do think she is so powerful that too many plot holes are made around her. She could realistically wipe out an entire army but she never does because… story?? Blizzard has a bad habit of overpowering characters just to forget they made them so OP.

At least they fixed Thrall by having him lose his superpowers. Now he’s nothing special. Now. With Metzen back, who knows.

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Fear can come not just from the power but what a person is willing to do with that power. You can hold all the might and power of a bomb the power of the sun, and not be the type of person to ever be willing to use it, or you could be someone driven by anger and vengence and use it the moment someone crosses you. Fear does require some power to be there, but it mostly just requires a person to be willing to use that power beyond the level you are willing to use your own.

" Jaina Proudmoore is the most powerful sorceress in [Azeroth] ",Horde%20human%20and%20execute%20her.

Man think about what we are talking about. The 10k year old magic elf who spent those 10k years doing magic stuff is scared caca-less of the middle aged human girl who is so powerful because… nobody really knows aside that she’s THAT good. Personally I can’t accept that.


That’s also why they always make Malfurion absent whenever they can. He’s probably among the most powerful individuals in the entire setting but they just can’t do anything with him. Only thing he can’t roll over is plot-armored Sylvanas during the BfA prepatch lmao.


Omg don’t even get me started :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Why not? Age doesn’t always translate to power. Anakin was a lot younger then many of the foes he defeated with the force, and Luke even younger then Anakin. Age is not a metric of power in a fantasy world, the rules that determine how power is gained in the world determines that. Do you know what those rules are in warcraft? If not maybe research it as it sounds like the hangup your having is you don’t buy something cause your not certain about it either. The aspects are not powerful because of age either, they are powerful because the titans blessed them.


Yeah, age does not matter, experience does not matter, not even getting a simple explenation, don’t question Jaina you fools. Thanks for quoting Golden.

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“Why does it bother you that my mustang looks cool? You drive an airplane.” yeah bud. two different games. What does FF have to do with WoW lore?

Why is Anduin so powerful? It is already revealed in the son of the wolf his power in the light is so strong he is literally the only one that can defeat the void. Probably the youngest character in the game and there is even less explanation to his power then Jainas. Did His mother cheat on daddy with a paladin or something? Is Tirion Fordring his real father?? Atleast with Jaina there is some lore there. But I guess Jaina is just an issue cause women ya?

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Why? Cause he’s one of Goden’s pets. Her favorite in fact. Why else?

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Except Anduins power in the light was around before Golden came along in Legion. That was just the time we learned just how powerful he was, but we already started to know his power and questioning it back in MoP.

About the time Golden got involved. Remember she wrote the MoP book that made him the super-boned guy. Now I have no proof that it was her decision but sure sounds like her MO, cause like you said, he is super powerful.