New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

No, you have nothing. Youve been correctly rebuked for your falsehoods. You still havent admitted since BFA the game has gone with too many girl leaders either.


The ratio of a men and women cast is more balanced right now than its ever been, is my point.

Imagine this kind of thinking from BOTH sides in a medieval fantasy setting MMORPG key word “fantasy” xD i “could” care more but ill care less cause i just want to zap stuff with my elemental shaman and give about two fuzzy rats rectums about who gives me the quest or who the lead character is so long as my loot is good…PERIOD! story plays a good second to all that…

Well he is right, the majority of the leaders where male.

But my complain was never about numbers, but how they currently write males and therefor females. Its just hilarious how males are presented compared to females.

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We disagree then. Its quite obvious that since BFA, WoW has gone girl power. Its too much and ruins immersion because its so obvious. It hurts the story telling.


Well thats a big part of it. The part that hurts the immersion because it starts to make the player roll their eyes.

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We are not talking about prominent characters if we were they would be more males added to that list. We are talking about leaders, we can even stick to faction leaders. As for men are a big part of war we all know the reason for that and besides this a fantasy game. In WoW’s fantasy women are a big part of war as well so it is more immersion breaking for them not to be there.

It is kind of funny when the shoe is on the other foot all the people that told us “You should be able to relate to any character no matter what they look like” are now saying the opposite. It just goes to show that representation matters and people want to see characters in game that look like them.

Did you seriously link a bunch of Youtube videos like they are considered actual scientific data? If you are going to do that, get your info from actual scientific papers. I am guessing you consider Wikipedia a source of truth… I wouldn’t be calling people “kindergarten-middle school bully cases” when, in the same post, use terms like “Troll demons”. It’s hilarious how lacking you are in self awareness when you do that.

Yes we are.


No, you are talking about them because without including all prominent female characters you would not have a leg to stand on. WoW started off as a pretty strong male power fantasy. There is nothing wrong with that and it is why people are complaining. WoW has moved pass the type of fantasy some people enjoy in a bid to appeal to a larger range of money…I mean people.

Early WoW was male dominated that is wrong or bad just a fact. Getting defensive when that is pointed out serves no purpose.

Hmm. Sylvanas was the leader of the Scourge.

Jaina, the most powerful mage in the realm, led Theramore.

Onyxia stood beside the prince in the Throne room.

Tyrande led the Night Elves.

These are all prominent women leaders. Early WoW was not male dominated. There was a good mix. A healthy mix.

Modern WoW is female dominated though. Admit it. I want to see you say: Yes, modern WoW is mostly dominated by woman leaders. Four expansions now. Thats 8 years of WoW.


She’s no Arthas but I like Xal’atath more than most recent villains at the moment.

A good chunk of that may be from enjoying having her as my sassy knife in Legion.

I have no stakes in this beyond my own amusement but isn’t one of the major complaints about male characters right now that what ones are in the story are being relegated to sidekicks to the female leads?

Because that’s pretty much what Onyxia was. Bolvar was the actual leader of Stormwind in Vanilla.

Thats true but Ony is more prominent than Bolvar. Has more script. Has more of a role in Vanilla WoW.

Also, Ony is strong and fierce. Men in modern WoW are either weak and passive or evil and dumb.

Still waiting for you to agree modern WoW is girl boss dominated.

Now list the male characters and make sure to include the ones that stand around.

Did you forget Baelgrim and Merrix already?

Executor Nezrek and Anub’azal.

Anduin was side-by-side with Faerin for most, if not every, step of the way.

Already mentioned above.

Yes, that’s one way of putting it in a very loaded and reductive way, just like the rest of your pot…

Open your eyes.

Not one woman in Vanilla WoW was written as weak or soft. Men in retail WoW are evil and dumb, or soft and passive.

Modern WoW for four expansions now has been about girl power. Its become obvious and tiring.


My man Bolvar didn’t solo all those Onyxia attunement quests just to be called less prominent than her.

How many social credits did you get for your buzz words?

The rest of the world: like the Middle East, China, Russia, India, all of Africa, most of South America, etc.? Oh wait, you mean exclusively Western Europe and parts of Canada, Australia, and the US (liberal western cultures). Hardly the rest of the world.


Well seeing as there was just four according to your post, there was not much room for them to be weak or soft. Frankly I just see all of this as Blizzard trying to rehab their image and nothing really to do with girl power or men bad.