Exactly! And yet people in this thread try to deny the blatant bias against male characters. Pathetic!
Oooh yea! Ysera!!
How could i forget her! Possibly the most important female death. Good call.
We also stated there are substantially less female leads than males. Like… waaaaaaaaaay less
Edit: oh my, I cant type.
Idk I like faerin
Shes cute
Shes not really dead though
accurate name!
I don’t think this would be nearly as noticeable if the quality of the characters were better. Right now, many of the female characters appear to be created by a checklist, and as such there are a lot more recent bad female characters than male ones. That is not say there are no badly written male characters in WoW, but the ratio is now skewed imo.
Faerin and several of the female earthen characters seem like a copy&paste of the same “social outcast brings innovation” story, just without any downside. They stand apart from their respective faction’s hierarchy, and yet they are infallible and absolutely adored by all. Faerin, a mere recruit, practically walks on water.
And has already come back.
And then left again. It’s a revolving door.
Yea thats true, but she was replaced as aspect.
Ysera was killed in Legion.
Does Razageth count? She may not of been around long but she kinda was responsible for all of DF.
Its been this way in Blizz for along time where u been
Oi I said it first!
Wanna say yes… even if she really had no plot beyond " is free" and " is angry ".
Raza was also introduced and killed on the same patch, hardly a major lore character in WoW terms. We will never hear anything about her eve again.
So… dragons don’t count?
I missed that lol. I didnt expect my question to set off a whole discussion xD.
Depends on what they look like.
Blizzard would NEVER kill Lady Prestor, with their current staff.
Nah they are game but morchie was more of a character. Just raz well i could describe raz in three sentences so its kinda hard to call her major.