New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Damn… now that you put it that way…

You know who else was a socialist? George Orwell.

If you go back far enough it is.

Back further than the OP? :man_facepalming:

Regardless, the intentional ignoring of the second part of my post is noted, lol

If you read far enough it is. Better?

I didn’t read the second part, I figured after your first sentence it was something stupid

Not really because I highlighted that it has no real bearing on the actual topic, instead its just you doubling down on ‘15 years of men in the game means, suck it’ essentially

Eh after seeing your posts, you really strike as someone with bad reading comprehension and very selective attitude, lol.

More like, you just want to ignore the facts but whatever you say chief :saluting_face:

Didn’t read that either

Definitely a negative IQ operator to actually type that too lol, you have 0 points worth making.


That’s awesome man, grats!

It is awesome watching someone crumble into making no points and writing nonsense when their argument sucks. Thanks!

Not even gonna lie I didn’t even recognize anduin at all. Perhaps I’ve been too spoiled by his HotS model after all these years of not playing wow but damn… he went from looking like a Brad Pitt clone to the average ROTC drop out.


Very grateful for that.
Happy for you! :heart_eyes:

He looks like every hipster guy from Seattle and California. And that’s not on purpose.


Look everywhere else in media. Rehashing of cherished franchises that get ruined. DEI everywhere. The creatives of this generation are terrible.


Where have you been? Blizzard has been woke for two expansions now. They only get more woke each day. I was seriously thinking they were going to make the black paladin lady a Trans person lol. Thank God they didn’t go that far…


There was an almost identical series of threads I remember like this (probably most got deleted) back in BFA, when people noticed a really unusually high number of quest givers and plot developments all came through women. A bit more noticeable on the Alliance side than the Horde, although Talanji was the always-right, everyone-should-follow-her-advice princess, which was really noticeable, along with the most prominent two Zandalari men getting knocked out.

I honestly thought at the start that Zul had the capacity to be one of the most interesting enigmatic characters introduced by BFA, but then they turned him into a traitor in the launch content, which felt like such a dumb waste. To be honest, I didn’t mind the death of Rastakhan, which felt like a cool development and was part of a fantastic raid.

The one difference from today was that BFA had an in-universe explanation for the enhanced prominence of women that was actually mentioned a few times, at least with Kul Tiras - that their male population had been badly reduced by the constant wars. So there was a bit of irony, in that:

  1. It was maybe the first time that Blizzard ever paid heed to the notion that the constant wars on Azeroth actually have an impact on population. I think Blizzard has never bothered with acknowledging notions of the effect of population loss since then.
  2. It’s the only time they ever had backstory acknowledging that in typical civilizations men go to war, women don’t. At least in a combat capacity (conscripting women for support roles that aren’t on the front lines can be a bit more common).

BFA was definitely a period where stuff was shifting within Blizzard.


Hated her and Jaina specifically in BFA cause they were always considered righteous and nothing can go wrong. Jaina’s “flaws” didn’t even last long in the Alliance half of the story. And despite all her angst she had prior to that, suddenly none of it matters. She is as forgiven as Sylvanas was.

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Absolutely nothing if they are a complete bad a$$ like Sylvanas. But not bland and blah like the ones that are starting in world within. Same with men leads. People get behind bad a$$

“Balding old men”
Everything you said was correct except this. Median age of a WoW player is like 28-35

PLEASE be careful. I’m getting only further agitation elsewhere, even from appointees, and action taken against my forum account… because I dared to respond to and challenge the trolls here (while of course they remain unscathed).

This forum is not healthy, and its moderation is not impartial.
I am frankly thankful I will probably lose access to it soon.
I just wanted to warn you and others against such consequences, in case you find them ultimately undesireable.

Good luck!