New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Ah yes, the most accurate source. Youtube.

I take it you are against equal representation, and quality of characters?
No? Then why do you feel the need to support a crowd of literal psychopaths, and go after people?
Do you feel moral elevation from that? Or just emotional and temporary?
It’s here for all to see.

WoW introduces one black character and y’all lose your sh-t lmfao


Hey all new copy pasta just dropped!

I’m only level 73 but, aren’t 3/4 of the earthen leaders male? Anduin and Thrall are just as part of the cinematic so far as Jaina and Alleria.

Yes, Alleria and Xala’teth seem to be the two big ones, but that’s no different from Khadgar vs Guldan (male), Arthas vs Tyrion (male), Deathwing (male), and most of the Incarnates and many of the dragons being male. :woman_shrugging:t2:

The main character roster is pretty evenly distributed between male and female (more than its ever been). Anyone who tries to argue this wants their WoD roster back of 2 women and about 20 males.

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Wow, this has been edited 13 times. That’s crazy to me! :exploding_head:


I’m for good story writing and worthwhile game play.

No idea what you’re talking about here…

From what?

Yes, you being triggered is here for all to see.


Wow you are such a social saint!

Then why do you join the trolls who are against that?

Why does nobody here READ ANYTHING?

Exactly from doing that gaslighting.

Like I said, I will keep exposing trolls so long as they think they can target me.


That is not the argument of this thread though, is it.

This, is the argument of the thread.

And it is irrefutably true. Every major plot beat in every region has been helmed, or solved, by a female lead where in nearly every instance the wrong doer is male, because ‘man bad, woman strong’.

And in nearly every instance, where a male character is present IE Baelgrim or Anduin, they are either broken, emotional messes or just straight up dumb beyond comprehension.

The cool, calm, collected leaders you see as soon as you land in Hallowfall are… both women.

It’s so on the nose that you have got to be wilfully ignorant not to notice it.


I am. I’m a joy here. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The majority of successful people in the world are narcissists, thats more of a compliment then an insult tbh.

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Well then according to this friend, I’ll use it as my superpower :muscle:t2:


Narcissism is a super power to a degree if its not too hefty it makes an individual ooze confidence and have the ability to see things through, it’s a common trait among leaders and thats how you become successful, by being a leader. Followers are a dime a dozen.

That’s probably true! And while I don’t believe I am a narcissist by any means (or that anyone who loves themselves are), I’d much rather be that than be as temperamental as some of the posters in here.


I mean, there’s definitely a middle ground that can be reached that satisfies diversity and inclusion “requirements” while still telling a good story.

Seems like Blizz just missed it, though.


indeed, but its to be expected we will have a decade of this or so sense thats what we had with too many men. Blizzard does the pendulum balance thing always over correcting. Pendulum will swing back again but with a little less force, then again losing momentum each time until eventually it balances out.

What do you mean? All female leads? That’s totally balanced. Can’t you see the amount of males in that list?

All joking aside Blizzard isn’t about being equal-equal. It’s “Let’s do this one extreme this expansion then we’ll flip it around in the next expansion. Genius.”

At least we have Khadga- oh wait.

I mean we are a long way away from telling a good story regardless on your stance with the characters.

I can’t really recall a part of the story I liked in TWW. Its just been awful overall. Now that wont matter to me once the season starts and I live in instanced content but im forced to endure it atm.


Too soon man. :pleading_face:

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