New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Na then it is „people just aren’t interested in games anymore“ or some bs


holy crap, are you just putting prompts into chatgpt?

im still not reading all that.


I stopped replying to you after one time I unfortunately have. Idk why I tried to reason with you.

If you’d stop being so self-righetous and self-aggrandizing for a mere moment, you could’ve bothered to read a line or two and save us this unnecessary back and forth. Which I am not going to continue any further as I am done here.

Thx for proving me right, again :slight_smile:
Of course you won’t read and contemplate as to why the position you are supporting is irrational.
But I’m not here to control anyone’s thoughts, contra your desire to ignore or suppress speech.
I’m only continuing to offer clarity to interested readers against the bigoted and oppressive minority of troll bullies here pretending everything is upside down of what it really is, which everyone is starting to see through. And I couldn’t be happier about that.

But I’m done now. This time definitively. Maybe I’ve been too righteous, trying to fight against NPCs…
I wish the best of luck to those who wish to continue to defend reason, individuality and equality of opportunity here. I wish the state of the world were different, and these building blocks of our entire civilization wouldn’t have to be stood up for against the so called “progressive” CULT, that violently reinforces the opposite ideas now :dracthyr_lulmao:
Is it insane? Or evil? I’ll leave that for people to decide for themselves. Again, this thread makes that very clear.


im not being self-rightetous, youre writing novels that im not interested in reading.
i see the words “cult” and “woke” and im just not interested.

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What’s the problem here?
The male leads haven’t come in yet, we’ll get more with Thrall, Brann. Magni, Anduin, Dagran, Turalyon and likely Khadgar.

The entire leveling quest narrative feels like it was created by a bunch of fat ugly blue haired creatures who couldn’t write something cool to save their life.

Until those people are gone or until Metzen becomes a dictator wow will continue to be an HRT pill in video game form.


This is the entire premise of the Arathi storyline is the “Somehow, Palpatine Returned” meme. It’s lazy writing. It’s bad writing.

My guess is they are going to have Anduin abdicate the throne so that DEI checklist girl boss can take the reigns and suddenly do everything Anduin couldn’t.

God I hope I am wrong but it feels like that is where it is going.

All I can say about Anduin is: Buckle up buttercup, we all know shes got a prosthetic hiding in her nightstand drawer just for him.


I bet they go with a soy council. Their whole modus operandi in the company is to design by committee. That way they can stifle anyone’s good ideas (and reveal ideological enemies during brainstorming). Never taking responsibility themselves if they were to stand up and be in charge.


Something something, inequality.

Meh what do I know.

To be fair, if either faction were to be a good fit for a council-style leadership it would be the Alliance. It may be a dumb option, but personally I think it’s a less dumb option than thousands-of-years-old Night Elves taking orders from a Human king. That’s been hilariously stupid from day 1.

Unless that king were Turalyon I guess. He’s pretty old now, so it’d be less like an adult being ruled by a toddler.

I mean… they sort of do. The Nightelves are part of the Alliance but if I remember correctly they can tell the King to kick rocks if they wished, I just don’t think they really had a reason to as most of the things that the King would come to them with was “Help us, we are all going to die!”. They pretty much had autonomy outside the moniker of being in the Alliance. I guess a real world equivalent would be NATO?

You say that a lot, but you never seem to follow through.

Something tells me you’re not, though.

I’m not actually through the zone yet, been kind of busy. But from what I gather, the Arathi have only been there about 15’ish years? I thought it was going to be some offshoot living down there for hundreds of years, but they’re talking as if they came from an empire on the surface not long ago, and got teleported underground.

Which means… the Arathi Empire is still out there? On the surface of Azeroth? With airship technology? Are they really going to sell us on there being another NEW continent on some part of the world map that somehow no one noticed or visited? That never reached out to help during the Legion invasion? That’s just been sticking to themselves? That didn’t have mages capable of teleporting to former Arathi lands?

Or are they going to tell us later that actually they came from the normal Arathi Empire, but the teleportation spell that brought them down there was ALSO a time travel spell that sent them forward in time, and they don’t realize the Arathi Empire split apart hundreds of years ago?

Very strong, “Somehow, Palpatine Returned” energy for sure.

WoW’s got one thing really going for it that seems like it’ll forever insulate them against improving the narrative, which is that the story only ever matters for a few weeks during a major content launch, and people quickly fall back into just focusing on the gameplay in the several months afterwards.

I hate to say it, but WoW really scratches a spot in gameplay with group content in dungeons and raids, and even its style of PvP, that’s just uniquely fun to me. As bad as the plot is, as long as the gameplay is fun, Blizzard won’t pay much of a price. At least, not an easily visible price. (I do think there’s opportunity cost, but that always involves speculation).

It also helps Blizzard that the characters we spend the most time with are our own player characters. (Whereas games that make you play as characters created by a committee suffer a great price from bad character design, like the big loss being suffered now for that Concord game).

It makes you wonder, at what point does a company go, “we could be doing better, if we had better writers?” Disney wants to run from what it did with the Acolyte, but that took like $180 million to make. And I suspect they’ll just try to lower budgets for their future bad productions, rather than adapting better stories. It’s a testament to how much punishment the executives at these companies will absorb in order to earn praise from those on their side of the cultural divide.

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Bad words are scary. I do not read scary words. My opinions are nonscary and everyone should conform to them so I can be happy and not scared.

Make Thrall great again, for the Horde!

I bet you used to treat people like this a lot in elementary school.
I wonder how far that actually got you IRL.

I’d ask you to do an exercise using your brain, but I think that’s way too much to ask from some people here.
Look exactly what my (and many others) point was in regard to the topic was
(hint: that a character’s gender, etc. does NOT matter),
and then look what narratives and tactics the people attacking me on a personal basis as a result wielded.

This is NOT a good look for y’all, at all, nor for this forum, this community, or this game.
Not a righteous, moral, mature, nor a civilized look whatsoever.

I’ll keep pointing that out, when necessary, yes… So that people are emboldened to stand for reason, reality and civility. I never go after a commenter unless I am targeted. So, if you want to stop my social-phenomenological and psychoanalytical replies, don’t reply to me on the level of the person, because that’s called an invitation for escalation. If me exposing the cult faith of Wokism has been too much for you, don’t make me do it again xD

Rather, engage with my argument, at the very least. At the level of analysis… Some people here linked to proper researches supporting what I’ve been saying about this groupthink being new and purposeful AKA gaslighting and ideological warfare. Anyone can research that for themselves even at the superficial level.

Again, that’s probably WAY too much to ask around here… and that’s just SAD… because y’all don’t come to debate. You ARE full of yourselves, while in reality you serve at the table of a mindless ideology, or at least are complicit in it spreading and washing over your independent thinking. I used to be there, so I try to combat that where that meets me. I wish you people would use your rational judgement on these issues, but you don’t seem willing or capable. Because it’s NOT about rationality for you :troll::imp: lot, it’s about superficiality, tribalism and agitation as such. The ideology, the philosophy – you (or at least those who openly dismissed my quote about rac1sm being bad because the origin is not of their ‘tribe’) have chosen to hold… Which betrays your pseudo-argument. It’s insanely ironic. And everyone here can see that. People are really sick and tired of it, as this thread has clearly shown and reassured me of. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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I pay zero attention to the story-line.
The writing has been crap for a long time now, so i don’t waste my time.
With how Blizz is bowing to the woke, ( removal of gender in the character creation screen for example ), it should be no surprise that they went mary sue.

Really? Battle for Azeroth released 6 years ago, this game is almost 21 years old. Thank you for validating my point.

Here I’ll some up this wall of word vomit for everyone

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Here I’ll sum up all spam comments by you and your NPC compatriots:
(or are they just your alt accounts?)

Unlike you, though, I want people to use their brains, as the creative INDIVIDUALS that they are, and think for themselves.

Here I am promoting openness of information, rather than trying to abuse and silence people like you, whose character profile is hidden. Because you probably do nothing BUT troll.
While I am here fighting for the story of the game that I love having modern values and human integrity.

The Science of Internet Trolls (
The Psychology of Trolling (
The Anthropology of Real Life NPCs (
Woke Psychopathy | with Josh Slocum, Disaffected Podcast (
Josh Slocum: Cluster B Personality Disorder & The Breakdown of Society (
Sadists Rule on the Internet | Dr. Del Paulhus (

Here I even made it easier for people by linking pre-academic-level, listening materiel. Just as a start, so they understand they’re not alone or deluded – their abusers here themselves are that typology.

You want more of an exposé? No?
Now you see how people feel? I actually doubt you have that capacity… Why am I even trying,
Regardless, that doesn’t absolve you from morality or civility online.
So, grow up, and stop being rude and infantile.
Instead, ENGAGE WITH THE TOPIC. Provide arguments. you couldn’t even bring yourselves to read mine or others before you go after them like you’re harpooning something in the ocean.
Troll demons is what you are, literally. And that’s for everyone to see.
You’re welcome. My pleasure. Keep being a troll if you want more.
If you keep going, Maybe I WILL ask an AI to analyze you properly. At the diagnostic, prescribing psychiatric level. Or just conference call with a real one and have them go one by one, cover all the trolls. I KNOW he’ll laugh at ‘y’all’s’ ideological contradictions too. That could be interesting to see. This forum is probably worse than his ACTUAL kindergarten-middle school bully cases :dracthyr_lulmao:

Someone got triggered…