New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Well that was quite something ngl.
After we deafeated the main corrupted Male! leader of the zone (because ofc) then theres the clownish scene in the main hub where the tl;dr conversation goes something like Brinthe: “oh no we need a new high speaker” - Moira : “You should be a new high speaker Brinthe!” - Brinthe: “Oh no im not worthy” … Random girl npc guard comes in “You should be a new high speaker, i would follow you!” - Brinthe “Ok ImThe new High Speaker!!”
All npcs in the entire zone: :eye: :lips: :eye: “wtf”

The purest form of democracy boys…if thats not a :poop: writing then idk what is.


This guy is really trying to argue that Mufasa isn’t a masculine character. :joy: Bro if you didn’t understand the story maybe you should go watch the original again.

BTW that scene wasn’t about sacrifice, he was murdered and betrayed by evil. Something that often happens in this world, and most famously in the story of Cain and Abel.


People who look at things atomically and subjectively alone simply refuse to see patterns and larger connections (Except those which they have accepted via indoctrination e.g. oppression cycles). Kenobi’s first-time telling Luke about Vader in A New Hope is literally the reflection of that very throughline. And this is what happens to stories as such when they fall into an ideological narrative, instead of first being escapist and entertaining. The subversion of characters, desecration of the lore and betrayal of audience expectations is exactly what both Star Wars, WoW and many other IPs share since they have been taken over with by the post-modern cult crowd. All driven by Envy, yes, just like Cain. One doesn’t have to believe the actual mythological story (I don’t), to see the behavioural pattern represented by the character. It just so happens that accepting the fact it’s vile is necessary to maintain a pro-human (life-oriented) morality. As soon as that is challenged, all Hell breaks lose, metaphorically, and literally… in the sense that nothing holds the story or characters with any meaning.


it is witty cause yall talk about “woke” like its an actual entity.

Because it is. Speaking as a person with a modern epistemology, as most people here still appear to be – What else IS an ‘entity’ but an amalgamation and embodiment of a set of values one holds as axiomatic, circular and totalizing?

Woke-ism, which is Post-modernistic Meta-Marxism (a cult religion) clearly has deities - philosopher-kings: Kant, Hegel, Marx, Foucault, Marcuse, Krenshaw… etc. AND the believer being the centre of the world (Subjectivism).

I’d even argue that ‘Chaos’ is at the top of its inverted Hermetic Triangle. The second arm is ‘Gaia’, and the third is the ‘Usurper’. The Synthesis is “Revolution” to “Emancipate” (hermeticism) the World into the higher consciousness (Revealed gnosis) of class conflict and finally breaking the cycle via… perpetual revenge against “the upper class” (Demiurge). (which, sure, makes a ton of sense… /sarcasm. Again, Dialectical Materialism IS liberation from evolutionary reality on planet Earth e.g. property & trade, also laws of physics, e.g. Pareto distribution)
Sounds a lot like Darth Vader (In Revenge), Danaerys Targaryen, or N’Zoth. Also Mephistopheles, or Lucifer.
Coincidence? I think not. The very idea of a cycle of destruction (Ouroboros) is also from (Christian Gnostic) esoteric mysticism - pre-modern ideas recycled under new narratives about old instincts: race, class, gender classes etc.

The philosophy one chooses to hold is crucial to how they live and what ideas they advance in reality. It just so happens that some work to promote life, freedom, and fulfilment (e.g. classical liberal, modern ideas like equal opportunities); and some others… as history has shown, do not (e.g. post-modern conflict theory revenge -isms). The latter is a regressive COUNTER to the supposed desire to promote equality, which has been utterly ridiculous to see unmasked here from some ideologues/NPCs, and I’m glad many others have caught onto that as well.

By suggesting they are for equality, supposedly ‘progressive’, and then mindlessly dismissing my example quote about race-based groupthink being immoral and irrational, these people have exposed themselves as utter intellectual frauds, lacking any integrity, and the maturity required to look at reality without a programming bias (being the Meta-Marxian instinct-and-emotion-based Tribalistic ideology, rooted in the philosophy of Altruism + Relativism = Post-modernistic Collectivism, the new global [from Marx - “New Man… Social Being”] but atomizing spin on the Altruism + Statism heralded in the last century by people such as Mao Z., Joseph S., Adolf H., etc.)

Quote for direct reference:


Exactly, E.G as soon as you wander into a cave with Anduin and Faerun, Anduin crashes out and breaks down, acts like he wants to self delete, but big, strong, fearless, brave Faerun comes and picks him up. The cringe is strong with Anduin tbh


im not reading all that

sorry that happened
or congratts.

Never said they didn’t. I said the ratio was always predominantly male for 15 years and now that its pretty even y’all are whining.

Its all nonsensical gibberish word vomit.

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I just stopped playing (waiting for Firelands classic patch). The writing is so in your face. That lawsuit scared the bejeebus out of Blizzard. Now they have to always paint men as bad and women as strong and in charge.


This is such a pathological non-response…

And your emotionalism, mystification, infantile ad homimem attacks, gaslighting, and refusal to engage the synaptic capacities of your cerebral cortex only serve to prove reinforce my point, but that’s nothing new.

People who are actually capable of, and willing to read, can make their own rational judgement on the issue being discussed.

I lament that you two and some adamant others, unfortunately, would not.
But, unlike you, I have no desire to control other people or force ideas upon them.
So I will not bother any further. Others have noticed and have already continued for me, and long before I even started commenting on this thread.

Good luck :+1: :troll: :imp: s. Thanks for all the laughs and sighs. Enjoy the story & GL HF with your game goals. Genuinely. I hope you realize you do not live in reality, have failed to present your case, and to convert people to your cult ideology. Try somewhere else. People want their escapism and entertainment and will push back against divisive and regressive nonsense as they should. THAT is what heroic characters teach people, in accordance with human nature, with evolution. To be human beings, and that’s what villains, which you try to emulate but nevertheless failed, represent the antithesis of. Read the Lord of the Rings, actually, it’s very poignant.

The only real, regressive bigots, pushy religionists around here – who argued agaisnt equality, individuality, and human character – are you. Post-modernistic Marxo-Fascists. I hope as many people as possible will understand that “Woke” is an illogical, self-refuting ideology. It’s the most dangerous cult in human history, and people have linked to enough research on that. This thread is a pure, self-evident example for that being true in case anyone was unsure of that, as if literally everything else in the world today is not enough of that going on for anyone with an ounce of maturity to reach the same conclusion.


sorry this is a video game forum not some pilospohical forum.


Not true. You talk out your a$$. Since BFA, WoW has been a girl power game.

Even in WoD, the main characters were Khadgar and Yrel. Enough of the man bashing. Bring back strong and manly men.


You may delude yourself into thinking you can avoid philosophy (postmodernism), while holding, or at least supporting, by relativism / neutrality, one that is totally irrational and anti-human (Woke: Meta-Marxism / Western Maoism)… but don’t try to force yours on others via advocating fundamental and radical changes to the game they’ve played and loved for years. People see right through it.
Your dismissal of people, bullying them down and desire to police their thoughts speak volumes as to what this is exactly. You are in a vocal minority of zealots pushing a cult down on people. You see the pushback, and you throw a tantrum because that’s what cornered beasts do.

Yes, you are, projecting.
I argued against secret occult knowledge, which you implicitly claim to have via your infantile dismissal of people’s arguments and freedom to speak their mind. It’s called being an insufferable know-it-all. People see right through that too. I would advise you lot to cut your losses and move back to discussing burning the world amidst yourselves, or create your own anti-entertainment. See how well that goes amidst the general population. You have many studios already to serve as examples of how exactly that ends up. My mere argument was – “leave WoW alone” and “people are individuals”. But you can’t entertain anything different. The mind parasite must sssspread… Brainsss… Amiright? :troll: :zombie: :robot: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


My biggest gripe with Anduin rn is they made him hot and then made him a wimp, like wth is that


He just needs to go through his arc of a NPC asking him if he’s tried not being sad, and then he stops being sad.


What’s funny, and over-due, is that psychiatrists are actually starting to recognize online psychoses in their research and literature now. NPC is a pretty accurate term. There are already great researchers classifying the entirety of Woke as mental illness, as I linked way way above. I just added the connection back to Marx (which they brought up) and the Postmodern Cult of nihilism, narcissism and infantility. Which is not ‘gnosis’ - anyone not ideologically brainwashed can research about that on their own and come to rational conclusions, about reality vs the distortion of human nature the “Woke” advocate. The fact people are pushing back in entertainment is just the symptom, as I said above, before modernity it used to be a literal tiger in the woods pushing back on the parasitized, mystified mind. Hopefully, one day, they will grow up, pause to think, and understand what nearly every mature adult in the world does.


I called them a NPC because it’s literally a character that isn’t the player.


Yeah, I just added some cool news I heard reinforced lately. I think it deserves a psychiatric classification as it is an undeniable mental phenomenon. Unfortunately, being a social trend but also a cult trait really complicates it, and often shields it from diagnosis, treatment and scrutiny where necessary. Especially since, as I mentioned above, the faculties literally graduate such ideologues (Commissars ala DEI) to work in the mental health field, and have for 50 years. All their imagination vs reality and word games (dialecticism / doublespeak) – from Derrida. Add on top of that the Criticial Theorists and Intersectionality… And this is what we’re facing now throughout the world.
Neoplatonist philosophies offer 0 practical solutions to mental health and self-esteem issues. In fact, Foucault, the (Postmodernism-Deconstructionism, Social Constructivism) most cited academic in the humanities AND social sciences literally objected to the existence of mental health categorization to begin with (and, if you just wiki about his personal life, you will be horrified to discover why)… I find it hard to believe that’s not cause and effect reinforcing these behaviors on all levels of society, and spheres of human life (Sartre - No Escape/ism!)
In other words - a perfect cult that has become a dominant culture. And, because it’s utopian in its origins, but also completely subjectivistic and relativistic… It has no vision other than more conflict, more chaos, more division.
And SOMEHOW, Magically, via a Hermetic Metamorphosis of enough “Beautiful Trouble” that’s supposed to usher in Heaven on Earth :confused: Yeah right, tell that to the 200 MILLION lives it destroyed so far, and those it is, right now.


When they go out of business or declare bankruptcy.