New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

If you’re referring to Adelgonn, Bael’s death did not “make way” for her. Before defecting, she was ALREADY a councilmember as the Stoneward and simply took up the title again. No one replaced Bael at all.

Did you also whine about the other characters in the game who’ve sacrificed themselves? Like Bolvar in Wrath, Maraad in WoD, Varian & Illidan in Legion, etc.

Just did a questline for the Arathi picking a sky captain.

Female vs Male storyline with the male being jealous of how much better she is at being a student so he sabotaged her project.

In a vacuum there’s nothing wrong with the storyline. It gives personality and depth to the culture of the Arathi.

However as you said when you start to see the same theme across zones ,with Men generally being in the moron or bully position and the Righteous female being vindicated or rewarded in the end, gets old.


im in the last zone and i havent seen him since the beginning.

mopey and sad.

i’ll grant you those two.

Bring back strong, virtuous, honorable, lead men characters.


So you aren’t even up to date on the full campaign yet. You are foolish.

HIS demeanor doesn’t change the fact the he’s a male lead, bozo.

Thrall, who has been searching for himself for over a decade now. Thought we’d get a resolution for him after Saurfang came and got him during the BFA cinematic but here we are. He still cant connect to the elements and he has mostly become a therapist for other main characters.

Anduin, who is literally having to be led by the hand back to the light by the most bland and flawless character we’ve seen in a while.

And then Dagrand, who you can’t even name and I’m not even sure i spelt his name right. His greatest accomplishment is replacing Khadgars knowledge because all hes done for most of his life is study books.


and yet everything i have said has been true. meanwhile you try to detract from teh fact that most men have been in fact either replaced, or humiliated by pointing out a few niche cases where people had mostly minimal impacts. Like i said, the writing is so bad that baelgrun didn’t even need to sacrifice himself if anyone put 2 seconds thought into the situation…but please. keep pretending that it isn;t blindly obvious that blizzard is horrible at writing and even worse at hiding their DEI checkboxes.


Societal stability based on evolution and obvious individual requirements such as merits (where opportunities are equal) is exactly the ‘problem’, so that won’t ever happen again in any DEI-hijacked major entertainment venue.

Just read Ayn Rand, Terry Goodkind etc… Or most entertainment based on modern / classical liberal philosophy.
That, or wait for my books to publish :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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This man right here has enough manliness to account for 100 men in the story, and he’s a king:

a male leader who has been degraded, and constantly having the women hold him up while he holds them back. tell me. if you’re so right and i’m so wrong, why did baelgrun have to die? you can’t. because its the truth. he didn’t have too. you’re the FOOLISH One here defending shoddy writing.


Blood and Thunder!!


I prefer Strength and Honor, but you’re not wrong.

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One thing I thought they could’ve done would be save Baelgrun’s sacrifice till Magni’s big moment. Magni use the Azoroth’s empowerment on Baelgrun letting him sacrifice hiself then to save the Machine. You can have the fakeout of Magni being encased in stone but its really Baelgrun’s death scene as he fades, Magni breaks out of the stone.

That way Magni has the conflict of being returned to normal but battling the feeling of pretty much sending someone to die.

Edit: and would give us more time with Baelgrun. Someone who i actually really enjoyed in the short time we had


I‘ve played every quest now and I’m still mad for Baelgrim.

We had him a few moments lads, let’s honor that at least. There was a sign of light in an otherwise bland and steady scheme of female enforcement.


Wow. we are goin to need a lot of bubble wrap here.

TBH I have always thought Jaina was a well done character on blizzards part. Atleast they don’t pretend she is some kind of armor wielding knight with full armor and a sword.

Overall though the main issue with wow’s storyline is that in all of the leveling quests, world content, etc, which is a majority of what player’s experience in terms of story, is filled with lame-o characters and mostly female voices. Personally I didn’t even make it passed Speaker Brinthe before quitting to play something else. That and I just totally dislike the modern combat text compared to classics. It is just lame as hell. So whatever Metzen does in the overall story doesn’t really matter when the minor plot points still have this other crap in it.

Metzen needs to reign in these weirdos making this stuff if he really wants to have an impact in the vibe of the game.


yea, as soon as he showed up I was like hey ok finally a pretty solid male character. That lasted about 5 minutes before they ruined it.


Yeah it was pretty comical when they put one strong male character and then he immediately kamikazes and kills himself and then later you’re replacing him with a new female leader like all the other quest lines. lol


I think we can all agree even without trying to turn it into some weird men vs women thing that Baelgrim was a cool character that was done dirty.