New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Doesn’t change the fact that both Kronos and later Zeus were the chief gods of the pantheons, Gaia was more mentioned in the creation rather than worshiped like the rest of the pantheon


Exactly. Constantine was able to revise a lot of stuff. And we don’t know exactly what he revised. As you say anything prior is largely speculative, but there is a TON of evidence that matriarchal societies were common.

Given what I wrote above, you can’t say with authority that Gaia wasn’t worshiped. She is often referred to as a “Primordial god” and the population at the time was much more spread out. They didn’t have the internet, after all. It stands to reason that as time went by – from say 2500 BCE to the 600’s BCE when Hesiod wrote his Theogony – that different cultures worshiped their different gods.

What Constantine did was add many different cultures together. That is where a lot of holidays came from. For example Christmas is thought to come from a pagan harvest celebration. The way I was told in class was that basically the harvest celebration was fun and people didn’t want to let it go as a part of their religion, so it was renamed

Since the common person or even village didn’t have books and stuff back then “history” was easily changed, and quickly.

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is woke in the room with you right now?

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I can, because there are no mentions of rituals or cults to Gaia, there are for others like Hera and Demeter, Gaia was more of a story of the mythos

Usually people of the past worshiped gods that were more close to what they liked, ones they could relate more, a primordial god isn’t as appealing compared tot he goddess of harvest

This is the same to other mythologies out there, norse with Thor and Odin as the most worshiped, Ra and Osiris with Isis

It is true that history and the civilisations revise their own stuff, but some records stay the same

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We do have evidence of cults and festivities devoted to Gaia. There was a guy named Pausanias who wrote of her and a temple devoted to her in Athens

That the primordial gods are not mentioned as much point to them existing much deeper in history. Again, if you read my original comment that sparked this I’m talking more around the timespan of 3000 BCE. Human history is something like 250,000 years long.

Getting back to WoW, this is where I think the night elves are very thematic. It is a culture that is very old and run by priestesses.

Going back to ancient times, there is a lot of evidence that the local leader – the mayor of sorts – was very often if not likely a woman. They were often the Priestesses.

This comes particularly from ancient burials where the body is a woman and is buried with signals of authority. One of the oldest writings we have is the epic of Gilgamesh which depicts priestesses in leadership positions. My theory is that the concept of fertility was worshiped a lot. I’m not at all saying that we know for sure or that it was universal or anything like that but there is actually a lot of evidence that in ancient times women were often in charge. In terms of Grecian history we do have figurines depicting women in leadership roles.

This is remarkable because there has been much effort over the many years to eradicate that part of history. Or sometimes more innocently ignore it.


Yeah, but its minor stuff, there are no “cult of gaia” when the greece pantheon was strong, it is quite a while that i read greek stuff, but she was honored together with other gods, like zeus.

It was always something minor and older.

ITs not that they existed deeper, but they being part of the creation of the mythos

Even if their cult existed prior, they got replaced because relatable gods are “better” than the primordial stuff, its easier to worship Demeter a being who resemble a woman for a good harvest than the earth itself.

I would be careful to say often because it might lead to people thinking the ratio was close, but they were minority, there was way too many groups, civilisations and what not since the ancient times and humans are a species with easy readable patterns, hell, we can even read similar patterns with mammals and primates

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It’s amusing knowing the type of person to write this out and believe they are witty.

My condolences


Still waiting to hear what the ratio of male to female world leaders is, and of those females how many are actually competent and inspiring figures. You’re delusional though, still talking about “primordial gods” and some purely mythical matriarchal fantasy land, so I think we’ll be waiting quite a long time.

I’m talking about a completely different time period than you are. You’re talking more about the time period between 600 BCE and 200 AD give or take. I’m talking about 3000 BCE and beyond. You can’t definitively say this because we simply don’t have enough evidence of it one way or another. What I’m saying is that of the evidence we DO have, it is pretty even – which is remarkable because of how much information was lost both intentionally and not (see Emperor Constantine)

One of my larger points here is that these cults did get replaced, and their history was overwritten. Again which is remarkable that we still have found a good amount of evidence of it.

You don’t know this. And in regards to animals I am not a biologist but lions come to mind – some of the most powerful animals in the world are led by the female cats in the pride. Though I will give you that primates tend to be male-dominated. But primates don’t have spoken language which changes everything.

Have you heard of World of Warcraft? It is pure fiction. And at no point did I say anything was purely matriarchal. That’s you making stuff up so that you can be right about something even if I never said it

Edit: oh and modern world leaders means nothing, it has no relation to my points, it’s another setup by you to make stuff up just to be right about something. That is why I have ignored it


This time people would worship more the concepts rather than figures, way more often they would worship spirits itself or the ancestors like many african religions

So they could worship the earth, the fire, the sky, and it could be masculine or feminine figures, we rly don’t know how often they change and how widly they differ, but like i said, there are patterns, like Zeus and Thor being gods that represent storms and lightning

Lions ain’t that powerful, and they are still lead by the male but the females do the hunt, you would be best to use elephants and hyenas as example, but those are usually exceptions

What if I told you there is a YouTube podcast episode literally called World of WokeCraft: Mists of Postmodernia? It’s a meme title, meaning they at least knew WoW by name. I HIGHLY recommend it, as I remember it from way back when… It goes rather well and plain into the basics of the whacky and dubious origins of all of these philosophical trends, really just by reading them. Little actual explanation by the readers is even required.

This is because the cult philosopher-deities of this movement, for all their love of dialecticism (doublespeak), were quite straightforward about their designs (because they are such an infantile, one-dimensional, animalism and emotionality-driven view of the world).

They called it “The Long March through the institutions”.

Every DEI department = Neo-Maoist Commissary, an Entryist, subversive cell doing the opposite of what they preach because they are Postmodern Marxian cultists - equality of outcome (Equity - revenge Communism in plain sight) instead of equality of opportunity, which is the working classical liberal value on which modern civilization is based.

The humanities in academia have indoctrinated and graduated these ideologues for almost 60 years now. Again, I know because I am through one of those programs (but I just happen to reject the cult brainwashing). These people are hellbent on subverting what they see as a Demiurge - reality as such. I wish I were joking.


Translation: “You made a salient point which dismantles my argument and I am completely unable to refute it, so I am going to hide from the question like a coward.”

Facts don’t care about your feelings, that’s why you agenda-addled lunatics always lose.


I’m not saying they worshiped the figurines, but rather that the figurines are a part of the evidence we have.

I’m not a biologist, but my understanding is that the females do the hunting. That seems pretty significant to me.

Nothing here is substantive. That you have resorted to personal attacks tells me you have no point. Your reply seems very emotional, it’s hilarious you think it is “salient”. But for the fun of it, I’ll indulge:

You can easily look this up, it’s about 25%

For reference, that is 1 in 4

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To me it just feels like blizzard is selling out to check the boxes and get the DEI checks.
in the very first zone we have the oh so bigoted dwarf male who swoops in and wants to kick the outsiders out while doing his “job”, only to be later shown by a woman that he wasn’t doing his job and in the end he tells her to do his job and throws himself away to detonate the bombs. never mind that Alleria could have probably detonated them with a flaming arrow.
Same in the second zone - bigoted holier than though sellout male who gets shown up by the down to earth informed female speaker.
Third zone we have black semi disabled female leader who has to show Anduin that we all make mistakes and he needs to stop moping…

Why can’t we just get good competent male and female leaders?


Game always had strong women leads.

Jaina Proudmoore
Tyrande Whisperwind
Sylvanas Windrunner

All of these strong women leads were from VANILLA WoW. Get out of here with your no nothing bs.


No. You don’t understand his point.
You’re not de-constructing reality at his supreme level of gnostic (secret knowledge) consciousness /s

A character even of the right checkboxes DOES NOT COUNT if it’s not socially Revolutionary (Marxian)… :confused:

I heard people (postmodernist academics) admit to this to my face. This is why they subverted Star Wars etc. It’s about hijacking the culture to raise the global consciousness to usher in the “New Man” and the utopia. Literally.


There are so many more examples, first zone: explorers in the north new female bloodelf is annoyed by her male mentors and of course she is right later on the topic.

The dwarf male which is retiring to the female dwarf. Still a lovely story but same scheme.

Later on, new female tamer of the storm griffons, where every male in thousands of years failed to tame them properly but somehow she can do it instantly.

Dragan and female Robot with old Titan artifacts, she knows ofc everything.

That’s what came instantly out of my head only in the first area. The theme goes on in every Area…


I have now hit level 80 and they brought back the greatest man who ever lived in this game.

That’s right, my man Danath Trollbane is back to knock some heads around and avenge Khadgar.

I think you’re cherry-picking to make your point.
We have Thrall, Anduin, and Moira’s son (forgot his name), and Magni is still in play. Kahdgar is temporarily out of the picture, but you’re a fool if you think he’s gone. You don’t need to do this. It looks foolish.

i am aware, i was just highlighting the MAIN leaders in each zone. at least so far the leaders in the 4th zone it feels more natural.