New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I mean, its clearly that i answered you, yes, i would have an issue with it, because it would be bad anyway, just heavily skewed to the other side.

We ask for good representation of 90% who play the game
And 50% of all people of the world.

There is nothing about racism, misogyny or misandry.

oh i assure you while that isn’t the root of the debate there has been plenty of posts that fall cleanly into those categories

You would have a problem with the lead roles being predominantly male like it has been since <Legion?

So delete the replies, I’m all for it, but the basetopic is valid.

The lead roles have been having the men becoming dumber. That’s honestly the biggest issue.

Having emotions = Dumb

why delete them…they add to the legendary status of the thread…been a very long time since the mods let a thread go like this…but don’t take my word for it grab some popcorn later and read thru the first 3 days of posts

What’s wrong with a balanced cast of males and females? What’s wrong with equaity? Why must modern media companies constantly attempt this oneupmanship, essentially self-flagelating to pay “reparations” to females for not being the center of attention by making every character an insufferable girlboss?


No they have no place in here, also the irl politic with Marxism and what not, I’m here to talk about stories.

Absolutely nothing. As a matter of fact, War Within is greatly balanced with males and females which is apparently a problem.

The whole premise of this thread is wrong.

The earthen are led by a male character, Merrix.

With Sylvanas gone, the Horde are led by Thrall who is also male.

Leading the Alliance – Anduin is also male, and in his stead Turalyon is leading.

Turalyon, Thrall, and Merrix are all masculine, stoic, strong characters. Anduin is essentially coming of age in this story. At this point there is only one “top dog” character who is a woman: Xal’atath and even she is perhaps still under control of N’Zoth who has a deep male voice.

Anduin is only weak from guilt.

It’s pretty balanced towards men. I think what’s going on here is that some people cannot handle balance. They need it to be skewed in their direction.

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I actually have a problem with balanced casts cause it’s about the same problem as overbearing a story with one gender. It disrupts the creative process and makes it into a quota system. Characters should be put into slots that makes sense for them and created to that effect. Storywriting is not simple, and you have to be careful of the traits you give to characters.

The process of deciding someone is a man or a woman should come from real world experience. The exceptions start when you have an world or setting that dictates difference of norms. For instance, if I was making a society of hyena humanoids, I would have the leaders be female to resonate with the real world. Or a mantis or a black widow society.

When doing it for a human society, you have to explain why the males are not in positions of protection and power. A queen matriarch, for instance, is still male dominated due to the chancellor, knights, and such being overwhelming men. The only reason women would take that role, too, is if the men somehow became weakened somehow. You have to explain it all.

In WoW, if I were to analyze the writing currently, I would say there’s some sickness going around making all the males either weak, low willed, or evil. While it’s making women act more like the men. Maybe there’s someone siphoning the energy from the males into the females? (even though we know it’s being done for blizzard culture reasons).

I can go on.


Yeah, male lead, just like when they killed vol’jin to give LEADERSHIP to Sylvanus

buzz off mate


Are you here to talk about stories or are you here to complain about women? Because it seems like you’re here to complain about fictional women.

Oh right, what was Sylvanas’ fate again?

The best part about this comment is if you scroll back far enough you’ll see that the person who originally mentioned this is on your side.

This is a common misconception. Before Constantine, most societies were matriarchal.

And as I posted above, the world of Warcraft’s top dogs are ALL male. Even the Arathi empire is run by a man, we don’t know his name but he is called the Emperor. Sounds male to me.

Sure, the spiders have a queen. The Hallowfall area has a general that is a woman. And in the Ringing Deeps a woman is in charge. But technically the general and the person in charge of the Ringing Deeps reports to a man.

how dare you! frilly victorian era glove slap

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Oh, the sickness goes by many names. ESG, DEI, the woke mind virus… I can go on.