New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

If you can’t get attention for doing good, get attention however you can, eh? See how important you can become by being crude and offensive?

Fantasy game. Titans. Old Gods. Dwarves flying on gryphons. Talking dragons.

Historically what? Have you read history?

And does it occur to you that, historically, women have always been impacted by – and participated in – war?

But enjoy whatever kind of attention you get, dragging your knuckles.

These people.


Conversely, what’s wrong with all women leads?


You shouldn’t police people’s language, whiteknight, it’s very unbecoming. I’m sure your wife’s boyfriend doesn’t approve.


I don’t have a wife.

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If the orcish horde of the second war were all female you would still lose your mind, is the point.

I think female representation is awesome. I don’t care much about fiction, but I do think it’ll attract more women to the game which is great.

Also I didn’t really notice how one sided the ratio has been throughout the first 15 years of World of Warcraft until y’all shined some light on it.

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How does that attract more woman to the game? Do they promote it that way? I don’t think so.

They can be happy to keep the community they have, but with the majority of males playing the game and that kind of storytelling I doubt it could be healthy. There are only that many „good byes“ before the game dies.

I would not, because they would be introduced as such, 30 years ago

Stop making up an absurd scenario to make up for the lack of arguments


If they really wanted to attract women, they would make compelling content, characters, and stories. But it’s clear that inhouse, the writers are only making content that people in Irvine, California only enjoy. I’ve visited there, it’s very sterile as far as culture is concerned. Everyone wears fake faces and pretends they are better than others. But you don’t see them living around a single minority. It’s rather funny.


I feel like other criticism threads about the story are being pruned so they can hold up one of the dumber ones to give some legitimacy to the argument that its just a sexism thing.

Most women don’t even like the masculine girl boss stuff. They’re all playing FFXIV with sexy aesthetically pleasing female characters. It’s not an accident that many of the women playing league play ahri and lux.

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You absolutely would just like you are right now.

Here’s another example since you’re having a hard time with this one. If all the sexes were reversed in War Within, would you have had an issue with it?

I wouldn’t but the woman would, if they are represented as the idiotic evil males are represented and they would be rightfully angry about that.

Are you actually asking me how representation effects demographics? :woman_facepalming:

It clearly does, men were increasingly represented less and the subs declined accordingly, given that the majority of wow players are men. Representation and character diversity in wow is the worst its ever been.


You think so, because that is how your brain work, with absolutes and opposites.

You would have stupid male characters acting arrogant and bossy while female acting like losers with depression, it would be bad anyway

Im asking you how should woman who never played the game be attracted to something they didn’t know about! :clown_face:

This situation quite literally just happened with Sylvanas :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  • It’s not happening
  • Ok it’s happening but it’s not a big deal
  • Of course it’s happening and it’s a good thing it is
  • People noticing it’s happening are the real problem

That’s not what I asked.

round and round it goes…gotta imagine at this point the mods are getting a large amount of amusement from this thread…it may even end up going down in forum history.

in a few years we will ask “where were you when the mods let us openly debate mysogyny mysandry racism and even socialism”.

almost reminds me of the old shaman sub forum…bus shock anyone?

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