New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

XD devils advocate here, but if you cant remember her name she must not have been that major a character.

Im just an argumentative sob, feel free to ignore me :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean… she was well sorta was. I just couldn’t recall if ashvane was the pirate companies name or hers.

There was also that ghost woman but im not sure she counts.


Lady Ashvane. You had it.


Ysera count?


You’re not wrong but the forum police will also be upset you wrote this so they will report it regardless of the accuracy. This should be no surprise as the writers have been moving in this direction for AWHILE now.

As far as Anduin, he should have been killed of in BFA when he couldn’t help Tyrande out to stop Teldrassil from being burned but the moment Saurfang showed up he just handed over all his forces. He has done so many treasonous things over the years and he should be dead already by his own soldiers ending him, he is very poorly written with all his peace at all costs nonsense in the face of never ending evil or backstabbing it’s just so incredibly bad.


Still kind of a far cry from varyian, a certain mage i wont name for spoilers. The troll guy in legion.

Heck even nathanos bit the dust and the one that ordered genocide got to live haha.


Gonna say no?

She isn’t really dead just in a weird inbetween and can return at any time.

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Well considering we really only had 3, we don’t have that many to lose. Now looking at side characters or bosses we kill a few.

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Yea thats also a very valid point.

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Have we really fallen so far that Warchief Vol’jin is just “the troll guy in legion” at this point?


Why are Thrall and Jains gone for so long? They can literally tell the horde and alliance leaders to send help and be back on the island the same day, they have so many ways to teleport just 2 people.

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In all fairness, she’s dead in my headcanon lol.


Replacing Varian with Anduin has to be the biggest downgrade ever.


Are we talking only faction friendly major characters, or characters like Lady Vashj? Are we only discussing humanoids, or can Naaru be considered?

Male characters do outrank female characters in deaths in the lore, but there are also significantly many more male characters than female ones that are important to the lore.

I think the most notable one of late is Ysera. Most important to the lore is Aegwynn, and she comes up a lot in WoW.

On-screen deaths of female characters, in general, are just uncommon. The big threatening muscle-bound baddy is usually male, because as far as society goes, that always made more sense. It’s also far more discomforting to witness a female death throes.

Social standards made things that way. Name any form media where female deaths are more common and it was well received. Male characters dominate every form of media in both villains and heroes. I mean, WoW inched a little away from that and look at all the people losing their minds about it.

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Im sorry :frowning:. I was alliance at the time of legion and couldn’t recall his name.

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I actually like anduin alot. His story is actually incredibly dark. Sadly its just written so poorly. I really hope he gets better.

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Gods I don’t think we killed major lore character that’s female long time…


Vol’jin as Warchief truly was wasted potential. They could have had a cardboard cutout stand in as Warchief and it wouldn’t have made a difference.


Zul’jin was the last real troll leader to be fair. No one remembers the puppet


I think Blizzard’s hang-up is that they won’t kill a character that looks reasonably like an actual woman, because of what people would say to them on twitter about it.

So Vyranoth, who walks around like Cindy Crawford caught in a snowstorm, HAS to switch sides and not be killed off. While Raszagath is fair game for killing, in Blizzard’s eyes, because she’s just a slavering monster - notice that Raz never has a visage.