New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Sorry, if you’re still having trouble, I’m afraid you’re not cut out for high school level comprehension. Wait until you complete grade school, then we can have this chat again.

Yrel, the most prominent protagonist from the alliance side, and Kaz, from the horde were indeed very fine young men.

The thing is, WoD was 100% nostalgia bait from old warcraft games, so they used the warlords, because chieftains happen to male, because it is a society build on kratokracy, and even then there was female representation

It had an intent and made sense in the universe, its not the case that they didn’t want to do female characters because male is good and female is bad, unlike now that they are, on purpose, pushing more female leads to fix the ratio, those are out of universe decisions


I’m not certain you actually know what my opinion is since I haven’t outwardly stated it lol

Whole lot of words for you to just say “no, I can’t explain the difference” lmao

yes, yes they are. the two are wildly different in their approach to reaching the socialist state, and what that even looks looks like in the end. like i said before if you’d like, i would be more then happy to elaborate on the difference, tho admitedly a simple google/bing search of "is there a difference between democratic socialism, and marxist socialism would give you the same information.

But in good faith i’ll offer a little bit of it both envision a classless society, this is a core tenant of socialism as a whole despite the efforts of some people with an agenda to attribute it only to marxism.

how they go about it marxism: violent overthrow of capitalist systems and democratic process in favor of installing a dictatorship of the proletariat and creating a classless society by force.

Democratic socialism on the other hand seeks to achieve this dream thru existing democratic means and policy reforms while preserving civili liberties and democratic instutions, using policy to achieve a classless society by passively eliminating the wealth and power differences between the classes without force.

Or a story where all the women look and act like me.

For some reason left wing politics is obsessed with men who act like women and women who act like men. Probably because it’s largely coming from post-modernism in which its chic to try to invert everything.


I would say I’m surprised that the same faces in the other thread are also in this thread, but it’s actually not all that surprising seeing as how some people have deeply projected their insecurities onto this subject.

Listen. The devs very clearly have thier finger on the pulse of what women want. I don’t appreciate your implication. The future is female pal. Get with the times.



I don’t think its that simple.

“As far as my purely personal preferences went I would have liked to join the Anarchists. If one became a member of the CNT it was possible to enter the FAI militia, but I was told that the FAI were likelier to send me to Teruel than to Madrid. If I wanted to go to Madrid I must join the International Column, which meant getting a recommendation from a member of the Communist Party.”

But hey, we established the fact that Orwell is indeed a socialist who fought alongside POUM and that’s good enough for me.

I mean, most media is transgressive, so yes. It’s to be expected.

Also, the concept of women who act like men has existed for decades, long before the concept of “left-wing” even existed. Where do you think the term tomboy stems from?

You know damn well that if those two characters were men and all the other characters were female that you would still absolutely lose your sh-t.

If they genderbend all the warlords for the lulz and fix the ratio of male-female leaders? yeah that would be quite bad as well

but, introducing new characters with charisma don’t bother people, just like Kaz, Draka and Yrel.

All tough Draka is insufferable in Maldraxxus, they could have used Zaela, one of the good female characters they throw into the dumpster, but you are not complaining about her, because you actually don’t care


Even if they didn’t genderbend anything, even if the cast were originally created all female, you would lose your sh-t.

You’re right I don’t care. I’m saying its dumb that you do considering ratios in the past.

This is the DEI Within adventure. We, the male adventurers, are going to fill that role where the story falls short.

By the way, you post this on a female character, I’m guessing you have more male alts that you play too?

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Heh,quite hard to create an original cast when the whole idea of the expansion was to revisit the orcish horde of the second war

It would be quite literally, for an agenda and not for the plot.

no no, im saying you actually don’t care about representation and female characters, i know you don’t care about all the rest and its only here to “own the chuds” or something like that

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As a female in RL. It is getting boring.


I’m old enough to remember when Metzen said that Warlords of Draenor was going to be a “boys’ trip.”

What’s sauce for the goose, they say, is sauce for the gander.

World of Woke: The War of DEI


Historially how many females went to war, compared to males? 99.99%? Seems to me this is a case of women invading men’s spaces to be perfectly honest.


Don’t call women “females”

You have a problem with the Night Elves then? Fictional societies don’t need to have the exact same histories of discrimination that the real world does.


What’s wrong with all male leads?